川合 伸幸
認知神経科学 (ISSN:13444298)
vol.13, no.1, pp.103-109, 2011 (Released:2017-04-12)

ヒトにとって、「目につきやすいモノ」がある。あるモノは、背景の色や形態との違いによって目立つが、通常の視覚情報処理経路とは異なる、上丘を介した経路(網膜→上丘→視床枕→扁桃体)で伝えられるために見つけやすい対象がある。怒り顔やヘビである。これら脅威の対象をすばやく見つけられることで、危険な状況での反応(闘争や逃走)の準備が効率化し、生存に有利になると考えられる。私たちの研究で、3 歳児の子どもであってもヘビをすばやく見つけることがわかった。そのことは、脅威の対象がバイパスして扁桃体に伝わるのは生得的であることを示唆しているが、学習によってもバイパスされるようになる。そこでヘビが生得的な脅威の対象であるかを調べるために、実験室で生まれヘビを見たことの無いサルで視覚探索実験を行った。その結果、サルもヘビの写真をすばやく見つけた。すなわち、サルやヒトは進化の過程でヘビを生得的に脅威を感じる対象としたと考えられる。ただし、サルを直接ヘビと対面させたところ、ヘビを怖れる個体と、まったく怖れない個体がいた。ヒトでは、怒り顔など恐怖の対象に対する感受性が、セロトニントランスポーターの多型性と関連しているとされる。近年マカクザルでも同じ多型性があることが報告されている。そこで、遺伝子の多型性を分析し、ヘビへの恐怖との関連を検討した。これらの恐怖反応の個人差と遺伝子の多型性の関連についても考察する。
久保 賢太 片平 健太郎 池田 大樹 岡田 正人 岡ノ谷 一夫 川合 伸幸
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.4, pp.483-487, 2013-12-01 (Released:2014-12-24)

この度はこのような栄誉ある賞を戴くことができ,大変感激しております.私の受賞に関しては,研究の成果の大きさというよりも,アプローチのユニークさを評価していただのではないかと考えております.私は,JST ERATO 岡ノ谷情動情報プロジェクトにおいて,コミュニケーションや社会的な場面で生じる情動を,自律神経系活動・脳活動を用いて検討しております.本研究は,二者間の息の合ったコミュニケーションを解明する試みとして実施しました.これからも,実生活に潜む面白い現象を抽出することを目的とし,日々一つ一つ成果を積み上げて参りたいと思います.こうした一風変わった研究を実施できたのも,プロジェクトの総括でいらっしゃる岡ノ谷一夫東京大学教授と,私の所属する名古屋サイトのグループリーダーである川合伸幸名古屋大学准教授の懐の広いご指導の賜物です.お二人には,感謝してもしきれない御恩を感じております.このたびの受賞も,未熟な私を日ごろから丁寧に指導してくださっている川合伸幸先生と,研究室スタッフの皆様のおかげです.この場をお借りして感謝を申し上げます.
柴崎 全弘 川合 伸幸
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.18, no.1, pp.158-172, 2011 (Released:2011-09-07)

We investigated to what extent humans are sensitive to snakes and spiders in a visual search task. In Experiment 1, fear-relevant deviants (snakes or spiders) were detected faster among fear-irrelevant backgrounds (flowers or mushrooms), than vice versa. Moreover, the detection of the fear-irrelevant target from snake backgrounds was significantly slower than that from spider backgrounds. It indicated that snakes held the attention more strongly than spiders did, that interfered with the effective visual search. In Experiment 2, fear-relevant animals (snakes or spiders) were compared with fear-irrelevant animals (birds or koalas). Fear-relevant animals were detected faster among fear-irrelevant animals, than vice versa. In addition, snakes were detected more rapidly than spiders, suggesting that snakes captured attention more strongly than spiders did. Furthermore, detection of the fear-irrelevant target (birds or koalas) from snake backgrounds was significantly slower than that from spider backgrounds. Again, it was indicated that snakes held the attention more strongly than spiders. We discussed our differences of the sensitivity to snakes and spiders in terms of evolutional origins of detecting hazardous animals.
西村 律子 岡ノ谷 一夫 川合 伸幸
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.17, no.4, pp.750-760, 2010 (Released:2011-06-06)

A Noh mask carved of wood is known to express various emotions as a result of slight changes in the vertical inclination of the mask during traditional Japanese Noh performances. In Noh, a face that looks up expresses happiness, whereas a face that looks down expresses sadness. We investigated whether pictures of a downward tilted Noh mask and body postures in various inclinations could be recognized as expressing sadness. Picture-frames were extracted every two seconds from a movie playing the stylized sad act of Noh drama, known as Shiori. Results indicated that the participants recognized pictures of masks with small inclinations (i.e., the initial movements in the action) as being sad, whereas the evaluation of sadness diminished in response to pictures with larger inclinations. These results were similar to those obtained for pictures of the complete body posture with small inclinations, which were recognized as being sad, whereas those with larger inclinations were recognized as being happy. The evaluation was significantly altered between two successive postures in which the actor's hand made a large movement. In Experiment 2, the actor's hand was concealed by an object used on the Noh stage, but the results were similar to Experiment 1. As expected, participants identified the emotions expressed by identical pictures showing just the Noh mask that was used in Experiment 1, as expressing emotions similar to those identified in Experiment 1. Pictures of the complete body posture were recognized as sad when they had a small inclination, whereas those with a larger inclination were recognized as being happy. These results suggest that emotions expressed by complete body postures during Noh dramas produce larger effects than those expressed by the Noh mask alone. Moreover, the initial movements of a stylized action determine the emotional label of the action.
川合 伸幸
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.1, pp.46-58, 2013-03-01 (Released:2014-11-20)

A Noh mask, carved out of wood, is often said to be a byword for impassivity. However, a Noh mask expresses various emotions during traditional Japanese Noh performances. A Noh mask that looks upward expresses happiness, while a mask looks downward expresses sadness. Nevertheless, previous studies reported the opposite results: people recognize pictures of masks with upward inclinations as being sad, whereas masks with the larger downward inclinations were perceived as happy. This absurdity seems to be occurred partly due to something realized in Mona Lisa’s smile. Livingstone (2000) pointed out that we cannot directly see Mona Lisa’s smile. Her smile appears only when we look at her eyes with seeing her mouth peripherally. A recent empirical study confirmed that this peripheral vision for smile makes a face more mysterious than a neutral or continuously smiling face. I will argue that a smiling mouth of Noh masks with downward inclinations makes a Noh mask mysterious during Noh performances,because hardly Eastern Asia people look at a mouth when they judge facial expressions (i.e., people see a mouth only peripherally). In experimental settings, people look at a mouth of a Noh mask directly, that causes the oppsite results from those expected in the framework of Noh world. I will also discuss similarities and differences between a Noh mask and “Hello Kitty”, which is a fictional character that also expresses countless facial expressions without a mouth.
渡邉 翔太 川合 伸幸
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.24, no.2, pp.185-195, 2017-06-01 (Released:2017-12-01)

We feel as if we exist in a virtual reality (VR) world especially when our actions are directly projected on a Computer Graphics (CG) character in the VR world. Such feelings are said to be achieved by a sense of ownership for the CG characters. Previous research suggests that the synchronicity between somatosensory input and visual information are crucial to attain this sense of ownership. Although several studies have investigated the temporal synchronizations between actual and virtual actions, no study has assessed how the discrepancies in the correspondence between these actions affect the emergence of a sense of ownership. In the present study, we employed a “rock-paper-scissors” game task in a VR world in which the players’ actions (i.e., rock, paper, or scissors) were projected onto the actions of a CG character with zero (0%), low (33%), moderate (66%), or total (100%) correspondences. Total correspondence indicated complete synchronization between the actions of the player and the CG character, i.e., when the player produced one of the three actions (rock, paper, or scissors), the CG character produced the same action. In the zero correspondence condition, their actions did not coincide, i.e., when the player produced one of the three actions, the CG character strictly produced different actions. The results showed that a sense of agency in terms of the subjective reports increased as a function of the correspondences between the player’s and CG character’s actions. As a probe test, after each 100 trial, games of a correspondence condition were introduced, in which the CG character’s arm was suddenly almost cut by a Japanese sword. A survey after completion of the task revealed that the sense of agency increased as a function of the correspondences. This suggested that the synchronizations of the actions are crucial for attaining a sense of ownership, as well as increase the sense of agency. In contrast, the systolic blood pressure increased only after the total correspondence condition, and was higher than those observed in the other three correspondence conditions, suggesting that any subtle decrement in correspondence does not produce a sense of ownership, as assessed by the physiological indicator. In other words, there was a discrepancy between the psychological and physiological sense of ownership at the moderate contingency condition. A temporal de-synchronization may produce a sense of ownership; however, any decrement in the correspondence between actual and virtual actions is insufficient to evoke a sense of ownership.
久保 賢太 賀 洪深 川合 伸幸
心理学評論 (ISSN:03861058)
vol.57, no.1, pp.27-44, 2014 (Released:2018-07-13)
川合 伸幸 久保(川合) 南海子
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.15, no.3, pp.378-391, 2008 (Released:2010-02-15)
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It has been demonstrated that there are many similarities between Pavlovian conditioning in nonhuman animals and causal judgment by humans, such as conditioned inhibition, overshadowing, and blocking. However, there was a notable difference in empirical studies between animal Pavlovian conditioning and human causal judgment: lack of retrospective inference (i.e., backward blocking) in animals. Although human participants showed symmetrical results for forward and backward blocking procedure in causal judgment, researchers failed to obtain backward blocking in animal conditioning. In the case of forward blocking, a cue is first paired with an unconditioned stimulus (US) (e.g., A+), and the first cue is then presented together with a target cue and the US (e.g., AX+). In the case of backward blocking, the compound cue is learned first (AX+), and then the competing cue alone is paired with the US (A+). In subsequent tests, human participants inferred in both cases that X is not a cause of the outcome, whereas the response of animals to X alone was “blocked” only in the forward blocking procedure but not in the backward one. In this article, we review the existence studies on retrospective inference in humans and animals including our ongoing primate study and explore a possible role of retrieval deficits in memory for retrospective inference in animals.
川合 伸幸
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.14, no.2, pp.217-222, 2007 (Released:2009-03-06)

認知科学において「熟達化」は重要な研究テーマの1つである.芸術家,スポーツ選手,科学者など,各分野のエキスパートがその研究対象となることが少なくないが,普通の人が何気なく行っている熟達化もある.その1つが,顔の認識である.一般的な成人は,画像処理によってわずかに顔のパーツの距離(両眼間の距離や,眼と口の距離)が変えられただけでも,元の顔と違いを区別できる.しかし,他人種の顔写真を用いたときにはその成績が下がることや,子どもはそもそも成績が悪いことなどから,これは熟達化の1つであると考えられている. 成人の顔を見分ける能力は,他の種の顔にもほとんど般化しない.実際,私はチンパンジーならどの顔も区別がつくが,同じ類人猿のゴリラやオランウータンの顔は区別できない.本稿では,このような顔認識の熟達化が経験によってどのように変化するかを示した3編の実験論文を紹介する. 最初の論文は,音声知覚の発達と同様に,生後6ヶ月ではヒトとサルの両方の顔を個別に区別できるが,生後9ヶ月になると同種の顔しか区別できなくなることを示している.2番目の論文は,同じ人種の顔は区別できるが他人種の顔は区別しにくいという他人種効果は5歳までに出現するが,6歳以降に養子として異なる人種の地域に移住すれば,その人種の顔のほうが区別しやすくなるという可塑性を示したものである.3番目の論文は,サルとヒトの顔に対する識別能力を8歳児と成人で比較し,すでに8歳でヒトの顔のわずかな配置の違いを識別できるようになっており,それ以降にさらに発達する顔認識の熟達化は,かならずしもその後の顔認識の経験とは関連していないことを示唆している.
川合 伸幸
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.14, no.1, pp.155-160, 2007 (Released:2008-12-15)

「ミラーニューロン」の発見から10年が経過した.その間,「模倣」の重要性の再認識とともに,心理学の諸領域(発達,比較認知)や神経科学のみならず,工学(ロボティックス,人工知能),言語学などにも大きな影響を与え,「ミラーニューロン」という言葉が一人歩きしている感さえある.「ミラーニューロン」が模倣に関連していることは広く知られているが,実はかならずしも正確に理解されていないように思われる.たとえば,ミラーニューロンはサルで見つかったが,サルは決して模倣をしない.チンパンジーの模倣でさえ非常に限定的である.サルのミラーニューロンは,模倣にどのように関わり,何をしているのだろうか? そこで,ミラーニューロンを発見した著者の1人がそれ以降の研究をまとめ展望を述べた論文を紹介し,ミラーシステムとはどのようなものであるのかを確認する.結論をいえば,ミラーシステムは模倣に関わっているが,その一義的な働きは,他者の「行為を理解」することである.著者らは,模倣はコミュニケーションや学習メカニズムの一部としてのみ必要とされると考えている.ここでは読みやすくするために,図を補いオリジナルの論文とは多少異なる説の分け方をした.2番目の論文は,サルはこれまでのレパートリーにない新たな行動が要求されるいわゆる運動模倣をしないが,認知的なルールをコピーする認知模倣は可能であることを示している.模倣には,「行為レベルの模倣」と「プログラムレベルの模倣」があり,この論文では,サルはプログラムレベルの模倣が可能であることを示している.3番目の論文は,行為が行われた状況ではそれらのどちらのレベルの模倣が合理的であるか,という推論を14ヶ月齢の赤ちゃんが行うことを示している.つまり,大人のモデルが行った目的指向的な行動が,その目的を達成するための合理性があるかを推論し,そう判断される場合には同じやり方の行為で模倣するが,そうでなければ(すでに行動レパートリーになっている)より簡単なやり方の模倣で目的を達成することを示している.これらの論文を,図などを補足しつつ簡単に紹介したい.
井谷 美友 久保(川合) 南海子 川合 伸幸
動物心理学研究 (ISSN:09168419)
vol.65, no.2, pp.63-69, 2015 (Released:2015-12-18)

Studies on instrumental learning have rarely been conducted with tailed amphibians. This may be due primarily to difficulties in training newts with food rewards. Most previous studies on instrumental learning by newts have employed runways without a distinct discriminative stimulus associated with food. In this study, we trained newts (Cynops pyrrhogaster) with black rings as the discriminative stimuli at close distance (5 cm ahead). Two newts were trained to pass through one ring with a diameter of 8 cm. One newt failed to show evidence of learning (i.e., decreased response time) with 14 sessions of massed trials (4 trials/session). The second newt, however, learned to pass through rings with diameters of 8, 6, 5, and 4 cm. A 20-trial follow-up probe test was conducted with the second newt, in which the 4-cm black ring and a novel red square were presented side by side. The newt did not choose the black ring over the red square in any of the trials, suggesting that neither the black color nor the circle shape drove the newt’s behavior. In a retention test conducted 185 days later, the newt did not pass through the ring of 4 cm at all, suggesting that this behavior was learned but not retained after 6 months. Presentations of distinctive stimuli in close proximity might enhance appetitive instrumental learning by newts, which is otherwise difficult to accomplish using runway apparatuses with no distinctive cues to elicit instrumental behaviors.
川合 伸幸
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.1, pp.46-58, 2013-03-01

A Noh mask, carved out of wood, is often said to be a byword for impassivity.<br> However, a Noh mask expresses various emotions during traditional Japanese Noh per<br>formances. A Noh mask that looks upward expresses happiness, while a mask looks<br> downward expresses sadness. Nevertheless, previous studies reported the opposite re<br>sults: people recognize pictures of masks with upward inclinations as being sad, whereas<br> masks with the larger downward inclinations were perceived as happy. This absurdity<br> seems to be occurred partly due to something realized in Mona Lisa's smile. Livingstone<br> (2000) pointed out that we cannot directly see Mona Lisa's smile. Her smile appears<br> only when we look at her eyes with seeing her mouth peripherally. A recent empirical<br> study confirmed that this peripheral vision for smile makes a face more mysterious than<br> a neutral or continuously smiling face. I will argue that a smiling mouth of Noh masks<br> with downward inclinations makes a Noh mask mysterious during Noh performances,<br>because hardly Eastern Asia people look at a mouth when they judge facial expressions (i.e., people see a mouth only peripherally). In experimental settings, people look at a<br> mouth of a Noh mask directly, that causes the oppsite results from those expected in<br> the framework of Noh world. I will also discuss similarities and differences between a<br> Noh mask and "Hello Kitty", which is a fictional character that also expresses countless<br> facial expressions without a mouth.
川合 伸幸 香田 啓貴

中田 龍三郎 川合 伸幸
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.26, no.1, pp.86-97, 2019-03-01 (Released:2019-09-01)

We cannot ignore the presence of others in our society. Previous studies have suggested that humans are inclined to feel “the presence” of other people, even when other people do not actually exist. In this review paper, we raise some examples in which various performances of participants were altered by the belief in the presence of others or by mirror-reflections of selves, even if no one do not actually exist. We discuss these mental processes in terms of “projections,” referring to the cognitive processes of projecting someone’s mental representation of events or others onto the real (external) world. The first set of studies demonstrates that other people existing only in our brains could be projected onto the real world without real people existing (fictional projection), such as “the third-man” phenomenon and imaginary companions. The second set illustrates that people sometimes “see” objects or others in the real world with different representations (i.e., misprojection). For instance, children often project imaginary characters onto the real people (e.g., pretended play), and people interact with artificial objects by personification. Furthermore, we have newly demonstrated that the misprojection of other people could “socially” influence individuals’ psychological,physiological, and behavioral states. Our studies show that an imaginary competitor could change the amplitude of the event-related potential P300 and encourage high engagement states as with a real competitor when playing video games. Another series of studies shows that visual information of “someone” is sufficient to produce the “social”facilitation of eating.