柏木 恭典
千葉経済大学短期大学部研究紀要 (ISSN:2189034X)
vol.12, pp.1-11, 2016-03-31

The study aims to find out the historical relationship between child maltreatment and neonaticide. At first I tried to analyze the hermeneutical perspective of historical background of child maltreatment. Secondly I tried to describe the new anonymous support for women and children in need as protection prior to child maltreatment and abuse. It is most important issue for this study to elucidate research results relating to the concept of child maltreatment and the issues of Babyklappe (baby-box) and helping the women in need. The results suggest that the issues of child maltreatment historically not only belong to child protection, but also belong to supporting the women and children in need.
柏木 恭典 Yasunori Kashiwagi 千葉経済大学短期大学部 CHIBA KEIZAI COLLEGE
千葉経済大学短期大学部研究紀要 = Bulletin of Chiba Keizai College (ISSN:13498312)
no.5, pp.1-12,

This thesis tries that specialty of learning of the expert-chef (ramen-shokunin) of ramen shops is clarified. Generally speaking, most Japanese like ramen. Ramen should have some elements charming many Japanese. The element is related with learning of the ramen-shokunin. This article shows the following; 1) make a eating trip,2) Search and encounter,3) experiment and balance, 4) trial and error. There are the four specialties of learning of the ramen-shokunin. I intend to clarify this specialties through many examples. And finally essence of learning of ramen-shokunin will be elucidated by a viewpoint of Hermeneutics; namely communicative self-education.
柏木 恭典
千葉経済大学短期大学部研究紀要 = Bulletin of Chiba Keizai College (ISSN:13498312)
no.6, pp.85-94,

This thesis discusses the problem of the family and the divorce in German speaking countries. First lyrics of a German song(G-POP) will be analyzed and interpreted. And, the difference of the understanding of the divorce between in Germany and in Japan is clarified. The latest issue of the family studies in German speaking countries will be continuously clarified. Finally, the problem of the concept of the patchwork-family will be described. A positive meaning of the divorce in German speaking countries will be clarified through this research. In German: Scheidungskind und seine Umgebung in den deutschsprachigen Landern.
柏木 恭典 Yasunori Kashiwagi 千葉経済大学短期大学部 CHIBA KEIZAI COLLEGE
千葉経済大学短期大学部研究紀要 = Bulletin of Chiba Keizai College (ISSN:2189034X)
no.12, pp.1-11,

The study aims to find out the historical relationship between child maltreatment and neonaticide. At first I tried to analyze the hermeneutical perspective of historical background of child maltreatment. Secondly I tried to describe the new anonymous support for women and children in need as protection prior to child maltreatment and abuse. It is most important issue for this study to elucidate research results relating to the concept of child maltreatment and the issues of Babyklappe (baby-box) and helping the women in need. The results suggest that the issues of child maltreatment historically not only belong to child protection, but also belong to supporting the women and children in need.
柏木 恭典 Yasunori Kashiwagi 千葉経済大学短期大学部 Chiba Keizai College
千葉経済大学短期大学部研究紀要 (ISSN:13498312)
no.3, pp.39-54, 2007

This paper attempts to reveal the positive meaning of self-education of cooks in ramen-shops (ramen-ya) in order to reflect on the problem of self-education of teachers. In Japan, people who are going to become cooks in ramen-shops usually do not learn a method or technique for making ramen from an expert on ramen. Normally, they learn the knack of making ramen by self-education (dokugaku). In this case, they walk all over Japan in order to eat ramen and to understand what ramen is. In Japanese, there is a traditional concept as opposed to self-education; Shugyo (ascetic practice in Buddhism). In this paper, commonality between self-education and Shugyo will be shown.
柏木 恭典
千葉経済大学短期大学部研究紀要 (ISSN:13498312)
no.5, pp.1-12, 2009

This thesis tries that specialty of learning of the expert-chef (ramen-shokunin) of ramen shops is clarified. Generally speaking, most Japanese like ramen. Ramen should have some elements charming many Japanese. The element is related with learning of the ramen-shokunin. This article shows the following; 1) make a eating trip,2) Search and encounter,3) experiment and balance, 4) trial and error. There are the four specialties of learning of the ramen-shokunin. I intend to clarify this specialties through many examples. And finally essence of learning of ramen-shokunin will be elucidated by a viewpoint of Hermeneutics; namely communicative self-education.
柏木 恭典
千葉経済大学短期大学部研究紀要 = Bulletin of Chiba Keizai College (ISSN:13498312)
no.3, pp.39-54,

This paper attempts to reveal the positive meaning of self-education of cooks in ramen-shops (ramen-ya) in order to reflect on the problem of self-education of teachers. In Japan, people who are going to become cooks in ramen-shops usually do not learn a method or technique for making ramen from an expert on ramen. Normally, they learn the knack of making ramen by self-education (dokugaku). In this case, they walk all over Japan in order to eat ramen and to understand what ramen is. In Japanese, there is a traditional concept as opposed to self-education; Shugyo (ascetic practice in Buddhism). In this paper, commonality between self-education and Shugyo will be shown.
柏木 恭典
公益財団法人 医療科学研究所
医療と社会 (ISSN:09169202)
vol.27, no.1, pp.135-148, 2017

<p>2007年,熊本慈恵病院に赤ちゃんポスト「こうのとりのゆりかご」が設置されて以来,2015年末までに計125名の赤ちゃんが預け入れられている。これを契機に,匿名のSOS相談や赤ちゃんあっせんなど,緊急下の女性(Frauen in Not)とその子(胎児ないしは新生児・乳児等)を支援する動きが強まっている<sup>注1)</sup>。この一連の取り組みは,20世紀末にドイツで打ち出された「匿名出産(Anonyme Geburt)」,「匿名の子の預け入れ(Anonyme Kindesabgabe)」とそれに続く「赤ちゃんポスト(Babyklappe)に端を発している。</p><p>本稿では,まずドイツにおけるこの新たな匿名での母子支援の歴史を振り返りながら,そこでどのような議論があったのかを可能な限り詳細に描いていく。とりわけ90年代から00年代のドイツの実践者と研究者双方の見解を提示していきたい。そして,その議論を踏まえて,最後に「緊急下の女性」という視点から,我が国における匿名での母子支援のあり方について言及すると共に,望まない妊娠,人工妊娠中絶,妊娠葛藤相談,匿名・内密出産,赤ちゃんポストの問題を含む妊婦期~出産期の包括的な母子支援を実現するための具体的な提言を行う。</p>
柏木 恭典
