進 夏未 當山 美唯 東 美空 田中 和子 吉村 耕一
科学・技術研究 (ISSN:21864942)
vol.6, no.1, pp.85-88, 2017 (Released:2017-06-30)

高橋 和郎 田中 和子 西川 清方 米本 哲人
The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
日本内科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215384)
vol.64, no.10, pp.1140-1152, 1975

8例の特異な急性多発性神経炎について臨床的ならびに末梢神経の電顕的検討を行なつた.これらの症例は下肢の著しい浮腫,疼痛をもつて始まり,上行性の運動麻痺,駆幹あるいは四肢末端の知覚障害,深部反射の低下をみる.麻痺は顔面神経に及ぶことがあり,一般に四肢末端に強い。知覚障害は比較的軽い.発症は急性あるいは亜急性で時に寛解,増悪を示し,しばしば,発熱,白血球減少,血沈促進, CRP陽性, A/G比低下など感染,アレルギーを思わせる所見を有する.同時に著しい心拡大,心雑音,時に心電図異常を認める.心臓症状は多発性神経炎の回復に先立つて軽快する.神経症状はGuil1ain-Barré症候群に類似するが,脳脊髄液は細胞数増加を示すことが多いが蛋白量は正常である。末梢神経は軸索,髄鞘共に著しい障害を示し,軸索再生,髄鞘再生の像がみられ,障害は有髄線維に著しい.再生した細い無髄線維の著しい増加がみられる.筋は軽度の血管周囲性リンパ球浸潤を示すものがあるが,筋炎という程の所見ではなく,一般に神経原性萎縮を示す.いずれも男性で1973年から1974年にかけて発症し,近年多発する傾向がある.脚気にも類似するが,要因と思われるものが見出し難く,かつしばしば感染,アレルギーを思わせる所見を有する.
田中 和子 木津 祐子
京都大學文學部研究紀要 (ISSN:04529774)
vol.54, pp.1-28, 2015-03-10

"Map of Inner City of Beijing" has been stored in Kyoto University. The Maphas remained unknown even as bibliographic information until now. What doesthe map mean? Are there any other maps similar to the map? When was the mapdrawn? We tried to answer these questions from the viewpoints of geography andChinese philology.The following points are made clear: (1) "Map of Inner City of Beijing"shows the spatial arrangement of eight-banners in garrison of Manchu, Mongolian, and Han, with three marks of circle (Manchu), square (Mongolian), and triangle (Han). Each mark is color-painted in eight ways indicating thepatterns of eight-banners in Qing (清) Dynasty. (2) Total number of the eightbannersis about 550. Manchu is the majority, and Mongolian and Han are aboutone third of Manchu, respectively. (3) Distribution of the eight-banners ingarrison of Manchu, Mongolian, and Han is spatially uneven and it shows clearsegregation in small scale. Manchu are located at the central part of Inner City, and the other two are mostly located at peripheral areas along the City Wall.(4) In the course of our investigation, we found that "Complete Map of Innerand Outer Cities of Beijing in Daoguang (道光) Dynasty" is the only map whichalso shows the spatial arrangement of eight-banners in garrison by Manchuria, Mongolian, and Han. This map is stored in the National Library of China. (5) Thetwo maps stored in Kyoto University and the National Library of China are verysimilar in terms of map size, three map marks (circle, square, and triangle), theircoloring patterns, and numbers of eight-banners of three armies. (6) One of theclear differences between these maps is the assignment of marks: in "Map ofInner City of Beijing, " square indicates Mongolian and triangle indicates Han, onthe other hand, in "Complete Map of Inner and Outer Cities of Beijing, " squareindicates Han and triangle indicates Mongolian. The latter map is very delicatelydrawn on silk sheets, but the former is rather roughly drawn on paper sheets.(7) "Map of Inner City of Beijing" indicates the people's names who lived inthe official residences. Based on their lifetime- or enrollment-periods, the mapcould be inferred to have been produced in the late nineteenth century. (8)Although many Great Powers such as England and France built their embassiesin the area of Dong Jiao Min Xiang (東交民巷) since the Boxer Rebellion in 1860, there are no embassies. (9) It is ver y interesting that many of fices andresidences are indicated as their non-official names, and that informal styles andphonetic equivalent of Chinese characters are frequently used among all wordswritten in the map.These observation indicates that "Map of Inner City of Beijing" stored inKyoto University might be a very rare and valuable map for the 'eight-banners'study in Qing Dynasty, and that a detailed comparative study should be carriedwith respect to "Map of Inner City of Beijing, " "Complete Map of Inner and OuterCities of Beijing in Doanguang Dynasty" and the other maps which may be existsomewhere. One of our future tasks is to clarify the situation and backgroundswhen the map was produced.
田中 和子
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.67, no.1, pp.57-70, 2015 (Released:2018-01-30)

Sixty works of reproduced drawings and paintings were recently found in the Department of Geography, Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University. They were drawn and painted with pencil, pen, or watercolor. On some of the works, short alphabetical notes include Tibetan place names and comments in Swedish. A preliminary observation of these works made clear that: (1) Four young art students made the reproductions. (2) They made copies from Sven Hedin’s original works drawn and painted in Tibet during his explorations in Central Asia (1905-1908). (3) The reproductions vividly depict mountains, lakes, Tibetan temples and monks, ethnic costumes and people of Tibet, etc. They are artistically very excellent. (4) After his explorations, accepting the invitation of the Tokyo Geographical Society, Hedin visited Japan for one month at the end of 1908. Hedin stayed in Kyoto from November 28 to December 12. (5) At the time when Hedin delivered a lecture at Kyoto Imperial University on November 29, 108 sheets of his original paintings, drawings, and maps were exhibited in an adjacent room. It is conjectured that the four art students may have reproduced some of the exhibited paintings and drawings in less than two weeks before Hedin left Japan.This observation indicates that the reproduced works found at Kyoto University are evidence of international academic exchanges in modern Japan. Hedin was welcomed by people in many disciplines, and they had intellectual and cultural discussions. The reproduced works are also very important visual materials showing the Tibetan landscape and culture of about one hundred years ago, because field surveys by foreigners had been severely restricted or forbidden in Tibet for centuries. These sixty reproductions are extremely valuable as research objects for the study of the modern histories of geography, ethnography, Sinology, Tibetan studies, the arts, and their disciplinary interactions.
野並 葉子 米田 昭子 田中 和子 山川 真理子 Yoko NONAMI Akiko YONEDA Kazuko TANAKA Mariko YAMAKAWA 兵庫県立大学看護学部成人看護学 平塚共済病院 / Department of Adult Health Nursing College of Nursing Art and Science University of Hyogo Hiratsuka Kyousai Hospital /
兵庫県立大学看護学部紀要 = University of Hyogo College of Nursing art and Science bulletin (ISSN:13498991)
vol.12, pp.53-64, 2005-03-15

我々は、生活習慣病としての糖尿病患者の病気の体験を明らかにするためには、その人の生活に焦点をあてること、つまりその人の糖尿病に関連した過去から現在までのフィールドを、その人の意味づけの中で、その人自身の語り(ナラティブ)から見ていくことが重要であると考えた。そこで、本研究は、個人に焦点をあて、生活、つまり身の回りの具体的な関係を対象とし、個人が自らの言葉で語ること(ナラティブ)を大事にするライフヒストリー法を用いて、2型糖尿病成人男性患者がどのように病気を体験しているのかを明らかにすることを目的とした。研究方法は、ライフヒストリー法を用いた。データ分析は、インタビューによって得られた対象者の語り(ナラティブ)を聞き手である研究者がライフヒストリーヘと構成し、語り手によって自覚化された病気の体験を明らかにしていった。対象者は、研究参加への同意が得られた4人の糖尿病成人男性患者であった。 2型糖尿病成人男性患者は、ライフヒストリー法を用いたナラティブアプローチによって、病気の体験を自覚化していった。ナラティブアプローチによって自覚化された病気の体験は、「解放された身体」「免罪された身体」「大事にしたい身体」「治る(症状が消えた)身体」であった。「解放された身体」を自覚化していったAさんは、自分の能力を糖尿病(親の持っている病気)を含めた身体の能力として解釈していた。そのAさんはライフヒストリーの語りの中で、<鉛がはがれたように軽くなったからだ>の体験を語り、自分の身体へ関心を向け、身体へ気遣いを向けられるようになっていった。「免罪された身体」を自覚化していったBさんは、病気になったら会社も人生も終わりになり、何もすることがなくなると解釈していた。そのBさんはライフヒストリーの語りの中で、生活を自覚してこなかった<悪かった私>の体験を語り、自分を許し、地元の名士の言葉で自分が許されたことで自分の身体を気遣う気持ちを表していった。一方、「大事にしたい身作土を自覚化していったCさんは、<自分がつくってきたからだ>が、糖尿病によって<骨が減って魅力がなくなったからだ>となり自分が恥ずかしいと解釈していた。ライフヒストリーの語りの中で、<魅力がなくなったからだ(骨)>の体験を語り、今からは大事にしたいという自分を芽生えさせていった。さらに、「活る(症状が消える)身体」を自覚化していったDさんは、<待つことが普通の生活パターン>という生活への対処を身につけており、糖尿病の療養法を簡単に活してくれるものと解釈していた。Dさんはライフヒストリーの語りの中で、<病院に来たら活る(症状が消える)>体験を語り、自分の病気、身体へ関心を向け始めていった。これらのことから、人が生活習慣病としての糖尿病の療養に取り組んでいくためには、「習慣としての身体」を意識にあげていく必要があることが示唆された。
田中 和子
一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会
燃料協会誌 (ISSN:03693775)
vol.69, no.1, pp.25-31, 1990-01-20 (Released:2010-06-28)

Photosystems of plants or photosynthetic microorganisms have a function to split water molecules to produce electrons. This paper describes a trial to draw photosynthetically generated electrons out from the microorganisms to produce electricity by using a electron transfer mediator. Such devices, which we call microbial fuel-cells, enable us to convert light energy to electricity directly. A microbial fuel-cell containing a marine alga and 2-hydroxy-1, 4-naphthoquinone as a mediator has been discussed and the conversion efficiency from light energy to electricity has been estimated from the comparison between output current and the amount of oxygen evolved.
渡辺 一彦 飯倉 洋治 田中 和子
昭和医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00374342)
vol.61, no.3, pp.368-376, 2001-06-28 (Released:2010-09-09)

1982年から97年の間に魚アレルギーを70例経験した.魚アレルギーは近年増加しているが, その内訳は非即時型アレルギーの増加であった.魚アレルギーの患児には広範な食物ないし吸入抗原のアレルギーが合併していた.発症の好発時期は生後半年から1歳台である.起因魚種は4種類以内が多いが, 非即時型の例には殆どの魚に反応すると考えられる症例もあった.起因主要魚種は即時型, 非即時型でもタラ, サケ, ホッケ, サンマ, カレイ, イワシだった.誘発症状は即時型ではじんましんや口腔アレルギーが主であるが, 一部に喉頭浮腫, 喘鳴を呈する例もあった.非即時型の誘発症状は紅斑や丘疹の出現であり, その症状はアトピー性皮膚炎の患児に出現し, その中には母乳を介した例もあった.そこで魚アレルギーはアトピー性皮膚炎の病因にもつながると推察された.
渡邊 裕子 赤星 千絵 関戸 晴子 田中 幸生 田中 和子 下条 直樹
食品衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00156426)
vol.53, no.2, pp.98-104, 2012

全卵・卵白・卵黄を用いた菓子・肉団子・パスタ・プリンモデル食品を作製し,調理による卵タンパク質の検出値の変化を,抽出液にトリス塩酸緩衝液を用いたELISAキットにより測定した.菓子,肉団子では揚調理が最も低下し,肉団子はレトルト処理によりオボアルブミン(OVA)は検出限界以下(<1 μg/g)となり,オボムコイド(OVM)も最も低下した.ゆえに,調理温度とともに均一な加熱処理が加わる調理方法が卵タンパク質の検出に影響した.また,卵黄使用の肉団子レトルト処理とパスタでは,いずれの卵タンパク質も6 μg/g以下となり,さらに患者血清中のIgE抗体によるウエスタンブロット法では,OVA,OVMは検出されなかった.一方,抽出液に可溶化剤を用いたELISAキットでは,前述のキットに比べ定量値が上がり,加熱処理したタンパク質が検出された.
田中 和子
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.48, no.4, pp.321-340, 1996

Friedrich Ratzel wrote several papers (1878, 1879, 1895b, and 1895c) and book reviews (1881, 1887, 1894, 1895a, and 1897) relating to Japan, and during 1889-1902 at Reipzig University, he gave four lectures on the world outside Europe, including Japan (Fig. 1.). His notes (manuscripts and materials) for those lectures, which are listed in Tab. 1. A and B, have been preserved in the Archives of Geography, Institute of Regional Studies (Geographische Zentralbibliothek/Archiv f&uuml;r Geographie, Instit&uuml;t f&uuml;r L&auml;nderkunde), Leipzig.<br>The examination of his writings revealed Ratzel's discourse on Japan, which has never been investigated by geographers, in connection with his extensive geographical work. This paper makes it clear that:<br>A) Ratzel was interested in Japan and maintained study and a material collection throughout his academic career (Tab. 2).<br>B) At the watershed of 1895 when Japan won the Sino-Japanese War, his negative evaluation of Japan turned to a positive one. Parallel with this change, his research-focus in Japan itself was transferred, that is, his ethnographical and anthropological study shifted to the political geography of Japan as an island empire.<br>C) In his writings before 1895, he pointed out that 1) the physical and mental features of the residents of the Japanese Islands were inferior to those of Europeans, 2)the strange social class system, which, essentially, the Meiji Restoration did not alter at all, and 3) the mysterious pluralistic jurisdiction among East Asian countries, which could easily cause a political dispute. Ratzel's sense of values with reference to European culture and his contempt for an uncivilized race in East Asia were obvious.<br>D) With Japan's defeat of China, Ratzel realized the characteristics of a land of islands and a marine nation, which were common to England. After revisions and rearrangement (Tab. 3.), his discussion of the political geography of islands (1895c) was publishedas the chapter of &lsquo;Islands (Inseln)&rsquo; in &ldquo;<i>Politische Geographie</i>&rdquo; (1897). Ratzel expected that Japan would follow the achievements of England in the near future. The most important reason why he changed his evaluation was that Japanese could master Western culture, technology, and social and political systems within a short term.<br>E) According to Ratzel, because the Japanese were a marine nation with high learning-ability and followed Europe, they succeeded in the reexpansion of marine transport over the ocean, and exceeded thier neighbors China and Korea-China used to be accompanied by Japan and Korea respectively, in culture as well as politics.<br>F) Ratzel's continuing study of Japan could be a synthetic chorography, which describes and explains a peculiar combination between a land of islands in the Pacific Ocean and a marine nation with high learning-ability. The possiblity that he preparedthe publication of &ldquo;<i>Japan</i>&rdquo; can not be denied.
田中 和子
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.48, no.4, pp.321-340, 1996-08-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
1 2

Friedrich Ratzel wrote several papers (1878, 1879, 1895b, and 1895c) and book reviews (1881, 1887, 1894, 1895a, and 1897) relating to Japan, and during 1889-1902 at Reipzig University, he gave four lectures on the world outside Europe, including Japan (Fig. 1.). His notes (manuscripts and materials) for those lectures, which are listed in Tab. 1. A and B, have been preserved in the Archives of Geography, Institute of Regional Studies (Geographische Zentralbibliothek/Archiv für Geographie, Institüt für Länderkunde), Leipzig.The examination of his writings revealed Ratzel's discourse on Japan, which has never been investigated by geographers, in connection with his extensive geographical work. This paper makes it clear that:A) Ratzel was interested in Japan and maintained study and a material collection throughout his academic career (Tab. 2).B) At the watershed of 1895 when Japan won the Sino-Japanese War, his negative evaluation of Japan turned to a positive one. Parallel with this change, his research-focus in Japan itself was transferred, that is, his ethnographical and anthropological study shifted to the political geography of Japan as an island empire.C) In his writings before 1895, he pointed out that 1) the physical and mental features of the residents of the Japanese Islands were inferior to those of Europeans, 2)the strange social class system, which, essentially, the Meiji Restoration did not alter at all, and 3) the mysterious pluralistic jurisdiction among East Asian countries, which could easily cause a political dispute. Ratzel's sense of values with reference to European culture and his contempt for an uncivilized race in East Asia were obvious.D) With Japan's defeat of China, Ratzel realized the characteristics of a land of islands and a marine nation, which were common to England. After revisions and rearrangement (Tab. 3.), his discussion of the political geography of islands (1895c) was publishedas the chapter of ‘Islands (Inseln)’ in “Politische Geographie” (1897). Ratzel expected that Japan would follow the achievements of England in the near future. The most important reason why he changed his evaluation was that Japanese could master Western culture, technology, and social and political systems within a short term.E) According to Ratzel, because the Japanese were a marine nation with high learning-ability and followed Europe, they succeeded in the reexpansion of marine transport over the ocean, and exceeded thier neighbors China and Korea-China used to be accompanied by Japan and Korea respectively, in culture as well as politics.F) Ratzel's continuing study of Japan could be a synthetic chorography, which describes and explains a peculiar combination between a land of islands in the Pacific Ocean and a marine nation with high learning-ability. The possiblity that he preparedthe publication of “Japan” can not be denied.
田中 和子 亀田 温子

すでに計画調書に明記したように, 本研究は「性差別意識」の構造的解明への第一歩を踏み出す試みであった. 昭和61年度には, 女性社会学, 帰属理論, 情緒社会学, 世代論等, 性差別意識や性別役割分業にかかわる理論的・実証的文献研究の成果をふまえて, アンケート調査およびインタヴュー調査を実施した. これを受けて昭和62年度には, 補足アンケート調査およびインタヴュー調査を遂行するとともに, 収集した調査資料の分析を行なった. ここで得られた知見の主要なものは, 以下のとおりである.1.国際的規模での性役割の流動化を背景に, 日本の大学生のあいだでは, 古典的な意味での性差別意識を持つ層は, もはや少数派となっており, 女性の社会進出も, 少くとも一般論の事柄にとどまる限りにおいては肯定的に受けとめられている.2.しかし, 性別役割分業意識は依然として根強く, しかも性役割の不均等配分が性差別としては意識されにくいという状況が現出している.3.上述の不均等な性役割の配分は, 旧来の男尊女卑思想やストレートな生物学的決定論に依拠することによってではなく, 能力や効率性, 好き・きらいといった選好など, 性別以外の要因に帰属させることによって合理化・正当化され, 結果的に性差別が容認されていく.4.社会一般の事象という水準では着々と進みつつあるかにみえる性役割の流動化も, 問題設定が被調査者にとってより身近なレベルに及ぶにしたがってその度合が減じる. 今回の調査結果から, 両性の日常的関係性にまでおよぶ性別役割分業の変容には, さらにかなりの時間がかかることが予測される.
大沢 真理 小笠原 祐子 ロバーツ グレンダ 田中 和子 合場 敬子

田中 和子
福井大学地域環境研究教育センター研究紀要 「日本海地域の自然と環境」 (ISSN:1343084X)
no.3, pp.71-89, 1996-11-01

The 1948 Great Fukui Earthquake Disaster and the 1995 Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Disaster are the most destructive two earthquake disasters in the post-World War II in Japan. These disasters, half-century separated in age, gave us similar experiences and lessons on the post-earthquake recovery. This indicates that we could not keep our important and valuable lessons obtained through the rescue and recovering processes in the Great Fukui Earthquake Disaster, when the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake occurred. The Fukui Earthquake took place close to a medium-sized prefectural city (Fukui City , its population in 1948 was about 82 thousand) and its environs. Official and informal reports and documents commonly remark that the rescue of the toll and the revival from the miserable situation were successfully done in a relatively short period. As known in this example, the Great Fukui Earthquake Disaster gives us many of important lessons which seem to be still useful to minimize damages due to inland earthquakes whose epicenters locate close to urban areas. This paper focuses on how serious the social and economical damages caused by the Great Fukui Earthquake were and how successful its relief and restoration activities were. Examina- tion of the reports and documents reveals following characteristics pertaining to the Great Fukui Earthquake Disaster. 1) Localized damaged area and restricted information network: A. Localization: The damaged area was not so wide because the earthquake was a typical inland earthquake with a shallow seismic focus. The earthquake took place three years later of the end of World War II , when information networks were not so developed as we have today. The detailed and precise information of how damaged the areas were and what kinds of relief goods were required was transmitted neither so quickly nor frequently to all over Japan and the world. B. Toughness of Fukui residents: They underwent and bore two terrible hardships in several years: one was by the war devastation and the other by the earthquake disaster. Neverthe- less they successfully finished the reconstruction by themselves without sufficient financial support from the Government. 2) Lessons for rescue activities: Many lessons were pointed out through the rescue and reconstruction processes in the Great Fukui Earthquake Disaster. Some requested governmental preparation in advance of earth- quake disasters. For example, A. Necessity of unified command systems controlling disaster relief teams. B. Improvement of emergency communication and information networks. C. Establishment of the mutual rescue operation system among neighboring municipalities. D. To avoid fatal damages, repeat of disaster-education by schools, communities and local governments. These lessons appeared again after the Great Hansin-Awaji Earthquake Disaster. 3)Volunteer activities: The Red Cross Society, religious groups, student organizations, youth associations, and so on devotedly offered medical, welfare and labor services. Bath-giving service and milk distribu- tion for babies and infants were also greatly appreciated. It was stressed that volunteers had to come to damaged areas with their foods and beds. 4) Disaster prevention programs: A. Realization of urban planning to minimize disaster damages. B. Repeated evacuating practices. C. Education of seismological characteristics of earthquakes and geography of the neighbor- hood.
田中 和子/服部 勇
福井大学地域環境研究教育センター研究紀要 「日本海地域の自然と環境」 (ISSN:1343084X)
no.4, pp.77-90, 1997-11-01

After the 1948 Great Fukui Earthquake Disaster, Fukui Prefectural Government and municipalities in the damaged area established and managed many long-term projects for regional reconstruction. The projects involved were urban planning, construction of straight and wide roads, reclamation of agricultural land by drainage improvement, and prevention of disasters. The fundamental structure of the today's Fukui Region has been originated from the programs. This paper examines these long-term programs and their function to today's society. Re-evaluated and discussed here are the important lessons which we can get in the reconstruction programs from the Great Fukui Earthquake Disaster. Some of the lessons are as follows: 1) assuming cases of the worst situation, legal preparation and supplement in advance of disasters are necessary. 2) disaster relief teams should be active under the control of a unified command system. 3) the supreme commander should legally do precise and timely decision making. 4) a positive catchphrase may be effective to encourage residents' rebuilding activities. 5) long-term reconstruction programs should be based on attractive master policies for the damaged region 6) integrated relief organizations should be established among municipalities and prefectures in the vicinity before terrible disasters. 7) multiple systems of transportation and communication should be constructed. 8) prevention programs of disasters would be renewed to meet the current needs. 9) the prior distribution of budget to key projects is indispensable for the quick and attractive reconstruction. 10 ) urgent measures should be limited in a short term, and long-term reconstruction activities would be tackled as soon as possible . 11 ) a disaster-prevention system should be established by taking regional characteristics such as geological, geographical, social, cultural conditions into consideration.
渡邊 裕子 赤星 千絵 関戸 晴子 田中 幸生 田中 和子 下条 直樹
公益社団法人 日本食品衛生学会
食品衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00156426)
vol.53, no.2, pp.98-104, 2012-04-25 (Released:2012-05-19)
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全卵・卵白・卵黄を用いた菓子・肉団子・パスタ・プリンモデル食品を作製し,調理による卵タンパク質の検出値の変化を,抽出液にトリス塩酸緩衝液を用いたELISAキットにより測定した.菓子,肉団子では揚調理が最も低下し,肉団子はレトルト処理によりオボアルブミン(OVA)は検出限界以下(<1 μg/g)となり,オボムコイド(OVM)も最も低下した.ゆえに,調理温度とともに均一な加熱処理が加わる調理方法が卵タンパク質の検出に影響した.また,卵黄使用の肉団子レトルト処理とパスタでは,いずれの卵タンパク質も6 μg/g以下となり,さらに患者血清中のIgE抗体によるウエスタンブロット法では,OVA,OVMは検出されなかった.一方,抽出液に可溶化剤を用いたELISAキットでは,前述のキットに比べ定量値が上がり,加熱処理したタンパク質が検出された.
田中 和子
一般社団法人 日本助産学会
日本助産学会誌 (ISSN:09176357)
vol.27, no.2, pp.279-289, 2013 (Released:2014-03-05)

目 的 インドネシアバリ島の現地男性と結婚した日本人女性が,バリ=ヒンドゥー教の思想と子育てとの関係をどのように捉え,子育てをめぐりどのような生活体験をしているのかを明らかにする。対象と方法 研究者はインドネシア,バリ島に約3ヶ月間滞在し,ヒンドゥー教の思想をもつ男性と結婚した日本人女性11名を対象に,バリ=ヒンドゥー教の思想に関連した生活体験がどのように子育てに影響を与えているか,半構造的面接を行い,帰納的に分析し検討した。結 果 分析の結果,12個のカテゴリーと39個のサブカテゴリーが抽出された。 【バリの生活に馴染む努力】を積極的にする女性たちは,【ヒンドゥー教を受容】することが容易であり,【子どもに民間療法を取り入れる】ことも受容的であった。一方,ヒンドゥー教の受容が難しい場合,【子どもに民間療法を取り入れない】傾向があった。女性たちは,【ヒンドゥー教受容の難しさ】を感じながらも,【みんなで子どもを育てる】バリは日本よりも【子育てに適した環境】と捉えていた。また,女性たちは肯定的に【ヒンドゥー教と子どもの健康は関係する】と考えており,【大家族の生活に戸惑い】ながらも,【みんなで子どもを育てる】ことに感謝していた。女性たちは,【男児尊重の思想を否定】し,かつ思想に関して【子どもに選択肢を与えたい】という思いが,【ヒンドゥー教受容の難しさ】の要因として考えられた。ヒンドゥー教の受容の程度はさまざまであったが,女性たちは【バリで子どもを育てる覚悟】があった。結 論 バリ島で現地男性と結婚し,そこで暮らす日本人女性にとって,バリ=ヒンドゥー教の思想が子育てに大きく影響していた。