平山 大作 藤井 範久 小池 関也 阿江 通良
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.59, no.2, pp.225-232, 2010 (Released:2010-05-27)
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes on mechanical work of the lower limb joints during baseball pitching in a simulated game. One male college baseball pitcher threw 15 pitches in an inning for 9 innings (135 pitches) in an indoor pitcher's mound with two force platforms. Rest time between innings was 6 minutes. Three-dimensional positions of 47 reflective markers attached to subject were tracked by an optical motion capture system (Vicon Motion System 612, Vicon Motion Systems) with eight cameras (250Hz). For subject 75 fastball pitches (1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th innings) were chosen for analysis.As the main results, the hip joint extension absolute and negative work of the stride leg decreased with increasing the number of pitches. The ankle joint extension absolute and negative work of the stride leg increased with increasing the number of pitches. These results suggest that the hip joint extension torque of the stride leg was needed to maintain for higher performance in baseball pitching.
平山 大作 藤井 範久 阿江 通良 小池 関也
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.19, pp.91-102, 2008 (Released:2017-02-15)
6 4

本研究は, 大学野球投手を対象とし, 投球数の増加にともなうキネティクスの変化について検討することを目的とした. 実験試技は, 2台のフォースプラットフォームを埋設した簡易マウンドからストレートを投球するものであった. 被験者には, 10秒間隔で15球投げることを1イニングとし, イニング間に6分の休息をはさみながら9イニング, 計135球の投球を行わせた. 投球数とそれぞれのパラメータから単回帰分析を行い, 回帰係数の有意性について検定を行った (p<0.05). その結果, 投球数の増加にともない, ①踏込脚の股関節伸展の正仕事, 負仕事, 絶対仕事が減少する傾向がみられた. ②投球腕の肩関節内旋の正仕事が減少する傾向がみられた. ③投球腕への関節力による力学的エネルギーの流れの減少がみられた. ④投球腕の肩関節水平内転の正仕事および絶対仕事が増加する傾向がみられた. 以上のことから, 踏込脚の股関節伸展の仕事の減少は, 下肢のトレーニングの重要性を示唆するものであり, 投球腕の肩関節水平内転の仕事の増加は, “上肢動作に頼った投球動作” を示すものであると考えられる.
阿江 数通 小池 関也 藤井 範久 阿江 通良 川村 卓 金堀 哲也
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.62, no.2, pp.559-574, 2017 (Released:2017-12-19)

The purpose of this study was to compare the kinematic characteristics of the upper body between baseball tee batting and pitched ball batting in order to gain basic knowledge for improvement of batting skill. Ten male collegiate baseball players (age: 20.7±1.1 yr; height: 1.75±0.05 m; body mass: 76.3±7.1 kg; athletic career: 12.7±2.7 yr) participated. They performed 2 kinds of batting: tee batting (TB) and machine-pitch batting (MB) using a pitching machine (approximate ball speed 33.3 m/s), which were set at middle ball height for the strike zone. Three-dimensional coordinate data were acquired with a motion capture system. Kinematic variables such as maximum bat-head speed, swing time, bat angle, joint angles of the upper limbs, and segment angle of the upper trunk were calculated. Differences between TB and MB were analyzed statistically using paired t-test (p<0.05). The maximum bat-head speed was significantly greater in TB than in MB, but swing times divided into 2 phases showed no significant differences between MB and TB. In the first half of the swing, the bat inclination angle was significantly larger in MB than in TB. The joint angles of the barrel-side shoulder abduction, knob-side shoulder adduction and internal rotation were significantly larger in MB than in TB, and those of the barrel-side shoulder internal rotation and individual elbow pronations were significantly larger in TB than in MB. The clockwise rotational angle of the upper trunk was significantly larger in TB than in MB. In the last half of the swing, the joint angles of the barrel-side shoulder abduction, knob-side shoulder flexion and adduction were significantly larger in MB than in TB, and that of the knob-side elbow pronation was significantly larger in TB than in MB. The changes in upper body movement in MB affected the radius of rotation of the bat about the vertical axis to control the bat easily. The movements in the last half of the swing largely resulted from those in the first half of the swing, and did not contribute to timing adjustment. These results indicate that the initial configuration of the bat and upper limbs, and movements at the beginning of the bat swing contribute to the timing adjustment of the bat for a pitched ball. The results of the present study suggest that it could be useful to pay attention to the movement of the bat and upper body in the first half of the swing as TB practice in order to improve timing adjustment.
広野 泰子 藤井 範久
バイオメカニクス研究 (ISSN:13431706)
vol.27, pp.9-23, 2023 (Released:2023-12-25)

The purposes of this study were to define the start and end of the transition from curved to straight running, and to investigate the kinematic factors that influence the transition distance. We captured sprinting motion from 40-m before to 15-m after the connection between the curved and straight paths meet in 200-m race. This study detected the transition phase based on the trajectory of the participant that an orthogonal distance between the midpoint of hip joints and a course line. The start of the transition phase was determined as the position of the midpoint of hip joints with the maximum log-likelihood of the standard deviation. Then, the sum of the residual squares of the body trajectory evaluation quantities to the approximate straight line was calculated, and the end was determined as the frame with the maximum log-likelihood of the sum of the residual squares. Our findings revealed a difference of 25.60-m in the transition distance between participants. The transition distance had significant correlations with sprinting motion during the pre-transition phase: a positive correlation with the inward inclination angle of the trunk at right touchdown, a negative correlation with the inward inclination angle of the support leg at right touchdown, and a negative correlation with the inward inclination angle of the trunk in relation to the support leg at left touchdown. In addition, the transition distance exhibited a positive correlation with the step width at left touchdown during the transition phase. These findings suggest that the transition distance would be greater if the moment is induced by altering the direction of the force vector, and conversely, it would be shorter if the moment is generated by changing the point of action (the position of the footprint relative to the body).
沼津 直樹 藤井 範久 小井土 正亮
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.67, pp.519-536, 2022 (Released:2022-07-08)

This study aimed to clarify the biomechanical characteristics of preparatory motions required for defensive diving by soccer goalkeepers (GKs). Seventeen collegiate male GKs and 14 collegiate male outfield players (strikers) participated. The experimental setup was based on a previous study (Numazu et al., 2019), and the experiment was conducted using simulated shooting situations in the penalty area. Three-dimensional coordinate data for the GKs and strikers were captured using 2 motion capture systems with 24 cameras (250 Hz, 16 cameras for the GKs and 8 cameras for the strikers). The 2 systems were synchronized by an analog signal (1000 Hz). We analyzed 430 trials where the GKs dived toward the shot (NU: 75 trials, NM: 94 trials, NL: 37 trials, FU: 58 trials, FM: 83 trials, and FL: 83 trials). The participating GKs performed a small jumping motion vertically upward, similar to a split-step, as a preparatory motion. The primary variables computed were as follows: elapsed time of preparatory motion, velocity of the center of gravity at takeoff in the frontal plane, stance width divided by leg length, height of preparatory motion, segment angle of the trunk in the sagittal plane, and angles of the lower limb joints. The major findings were as follows: 1) To respond quickly to the shot, the GKs leaned the trunk forward and flexed the lower leg joints, externally rotated the hip joints of both legs, abducted the hip joints, and opened the feet to 70% of the leg length. 2) GKs performed the take-off of the preparatory motion simultaneously when the striker made contact between the support leg and the ground. 3) It was considered that GKs changed their movement to match the flight trajectory of the ball later than CSon.
藤井 範久 森脇 俊道
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.11, pp.167-178, 1992-05-20 (Released:2016-12-05)

In order to improve human performance in competitive sports, human motions have been analyzed from various viewpoints. One of the well-known methods is to compare the patterns of joint torques with those of top athletes during the motions. However, such comparisons are not necessarily sufficient to evaluate human motion, since individual differences in muscular forces and anatomical characteristics are not taken into consideration. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between the optimal vertical jump (squat jump) motion and the mechanical characteristics of muscular forces. The vertical jump motions of four male subjects were analyzed; their anatomical characteristics are similar, but the muscular force characteristics are different. Each subject performed a squat jump, in response tothe command "jump ashigh as possible," from an initial squat position with 90°hip and knee angles. The reaction force from the platform, the motions of the limb and the body, and the electromyographic (EMG) data were recorded. In order to estimate the optimal control for vertical jump motion under various conditions, a simulation system is applied which is based on the musculoskeletal model with the mean characteristics of muscular forces and the anatomical parameters of the four subjects chosen. In order to investigate the relationship between the optimal vertical jump motion and the mechanical characteristics of muscular force, a series of simulations was carried out by varying the parameters of the musculoskeletal model, such as the force-velocity relationship and the maximum contraction force. The following conclusions are derived from the results of the experiments and the simulations. (1) Change in the force-velocity relationship of human muscles results in a change in the optimal vertical motion and the sequence of the firing pattern of muscles, so that the contraction velocity of muscles does not become extremely large. (2) Changes in maximum contraction forces of some muscles result in changes in the optimal vertical motion and the sequence of the firing pattern of muscles, so that each muscle contracts under the optimal condition for the vertical jump. (3) The firing pattern of muscles is governed by the relationship between the anatomical characteristics and the muscular forces, and the timing of firing is determined by the relationship between the firing patterns and the maximum muscular forces. (4) The maximum contraction forces and the force-velocity relationship have to be improved in order to improve vertical jump performance.
阿江 数通 小池 関也 藤井 範久 阿江 通良 川村 卓 金堀 哲也
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.16080, (Released:2017-09-01)

The purpose of this study was to compare the kinematic characteristics of the upper body between baseball tee batting and pitched ball batting in order to gain basic knowledge for improvement of batting skill. Ten male collegiate baseball players (age: 20.7±1.1 yr; height: 1.75±0.05 m; body mass: 76.3±7.1 kg; athletic career: 12.7±2.7 yr) participated. They performed two kinds of batting: tee batting (TB) and machine-pitch batting (MB) using a pitching machine (approximate ball speed 33.3 m/s), which were set at middle ball height for the strike zone. Three-dimensional coordinate data were acquired with a motion capture system. Kinematic variables such as maximum bat-head speed, swing time, bat angle, joint angles of the upper limbs, and segment angle of the upper trunk were calculated. Differences between TB and MB were analyzed statistically using paired t-test (p<0.05.) The maximum bat-head speed was significantly greater in TB than in MB, but swing times divided into two phases showed no significant differences between MB and TB. In the first half of the swing, the bat inclination angle was significantly larger in MB than in TB. The joint angles of the barrel-side shoulder abduction, knob-side shoulder adduction and internal rotation were significantly larger in MB than in TB, and those of the barrel-side shoulder internal rotation and individual elbow pronations were significantly larger in TB than in MB. The clockwise rotational angle of the upper trunk was significantly larger in TB than in MB. In the last half of the swing, the joint angles of the barrel-side shoulder abduction, knob-side shoulder flexion and adduction were significantly larger in MB than in TB, and that of the knob-side elbow pronation was significantly larger in TB than in MB. The changes in upper body movement in MB affected the radius of rotation of the bat about the vertical axis to control the bat easily. The movements in the last half of the swing largely resulted from those in the first half of the swing, and did not contribute to timing adjustment. These results indicate that the initial configuration of the bat and upper limbs, and movements at the beginning of the bat swing contribute to the timing adjustment of the bat for a pitched ball. The results of the present study suggest that it could be useful to pay attention to the movement of the bat and upper body in the first half of the swing as TB practice in order to improve timing adjustment.
宮西 智久 藤井 範久 阿江 通良 功力 靖雄 岡田 守彦
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.40, no.2, pp.89-103, 1995
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences of the motions between the speed throw and the distance throw, using a three-dimensional(3D) motion analysis. Twenty-four male university baseball players were the subjects of this study. They were asked to throw a ball (mass 0.144kg) horizontally as fast as possible (speed throw: ST), and as far as possible (distance throw: DT). These motions were filmed by two high-speed video cameras. 3D landmark coordinates of the subiects and the ball were calculated by the DLT method. The following kinematic parameters were computed: angle of release, the component velocities of the ball, the 3D angles for the backward/forward lean, right/left lean of the upper torso, and the twist of the torso and those for the abduction/adduction, horizontal flexion/extension, internal/external rotation at the shoulder joint, and the flexion/extension at the elbow joint of the throwing arm. The sequential data were normalized with the time from the stride foot contact to the ball release, and then averaged. Angle of release was significantly larger in the DT than in the ST. Significant difference was not found between the resultant velocity of the ST and the DT. Vertical velocity of the ball was significantly larger in the DT than in the ST during the latter half of the acceleration phase. On the other hand, horizontal velocity of the ball was significantly larger in the ST than in the DT. The backward lean and the left lean angles of the upper torso were also significantly larger in the DT than in the ST throughout the all sequences analyzed. Ranges of these angular displacements between the stride foot contact and the release, however, had no significant difference between the ST and the DT. The shoulder adduction angle was also significantly larger in the DT than in the ST during the latter half of the acceleration phase. These results indicate that the differences in the release parameters between the ST and the DT were caused not only by the throwing arm motions but also by the motions of the upper torso. It has been suggested that the motions to upward and left ward of the upper torso helps to achieve longer throwing distance in the DT, and that forward lean of the upper torso possibly contributes to achieve larger horizontal ball velocity at the release in the ST.
木下 まどか 藤井 範久
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.22, pp.143-154, 2014 (Released:2017-02-15)

本研究の目的は, テコンドーの前回し蹴りを三次元動作分析することで, テコンドー特有の 「速い」 かつ 「早い」 蹴り動作について知見を得ることであった. そこで, 蹴り脚のキックスピードに対する下胴および蹴り脚各関節の運動におけるキネマティクス的貢献を算出した. その結果, インパクト時の膝関節伸展動作による貢献はキックスピードの約60%を占めていた. 上位群は下胴左回旋, 股関節屈曲角速度を適切なタイミングで大きくすることにより, 膝関節伸展に作用する膝関節力を生成していた. したがって, 膝関節伸展動作による貢献を増加させ, 「速い」 かつ 「早い」 蹴り動作を行うために, 下胴および股関節の動きが重要であると推察された.
村田 宗紀 藤井 範久
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.59, no.2, pp.413-430, 2014 (Released:2014-12-20)
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between motion and ball spin in tennis serves. Ten male university tennis players participated. The three-dimensional coordinates of the players performing flat, kick and slice serves were collected using a motion capture system with 8 cameras (250 Hz). Similarly, the three-dimensional coordinates of reflective markers on the ball were also collected (500 Hz). The primary variables computed were: racquet face velocity and direction at impact, velocity and angular velocity of the ball after impact, hitting point, angles of the upper limb joints, and segment angles of the upper trunk. The differences in racquet face velocity among flat, kick, and slice serves were divided into the following terms: 1) ΔVposture: A difference in velocity resulting from a change in upper trunk posture, 2) ΔVswing: A difference in velocity resulting from a change in arm swing (kinematics of the upper limb), 3) ΔVutrk: A difference in velocity resulting from a change in upper trunk translational and rotational motion. Repeated measures ANOVA (p<0.05) with Bonferroni multiple comparison was used to evaluate the effects of changes in form (with differences in ball spin) on each parameter. The findings are summarized as follows.1)  The impact point and swing direction were mainly controlled not by a change in arm swing motion, but by a change in upper body posture.2)  To generate ball spin, it is necessary to avoid a head-on collision between the ball and the racquet (a normal vector of the racquet face is parallel to the racquet face velocity vector). Therefore, players decreased the amount of upper trunk leftward rotation in kick and slice serves at the point of impact so as to swing the racquet more laterally.3)  It is necessary to swing the racquet more vertically in order to lean the rotation axis of the ball. Therefore, players controlled the upper trunk leftward-rightward and forward-backward leaning in a kick serve at the point of impact.4)  Changes in upper body posture cause changes in the direction the racquet faces. Therefore, players mainly controlled their elbow pronation-supination angle in order to maintain a racquet face direction that satisfies a legal serve.
大島 雄治 藤井 範久
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.61, no.1, pp.115-131, 2016 (Released:2016-06-17)

The purpose of this study was to clarify the function of torques exerted by the joints of the lower trunk during maximal velocity sprinting. Eight male track and field athletes volunteered, and sprinted 60 m from a standing start position. The ground reaction force of the support leg was determined using a force platform (1000 Hz), which was placed at the 50-m mark from the start position. Simultaneously, 3D coordinates were recorded with a motion analysis system (250 Hz) using 20 cameras (MX-T20). The joint torques were calculated using inverse dynamics. The contribution of joint torques to the right and left hip joint forces, and the torso joint force, was calculated by a method that simultaneously solves equations of motion for each segment and equations of constraint conditions for adjacent segments connected by a joint. The main results were as follows: (1) During the terminal support phase (80-100% normalized time), the angular velocity of anterior rotation of the pelvis decreased and participants in whom this angular velocity decrease was diminished ran faster (p<0.10). (2) During terminal support, the hip joint adduction torque of the support leg and the anterior rotation torque of the torso joint rotated the pelvis forward. The moment of the right and left hip joint forces rotated the pelvis backward. (3) During terminal support, the hip joint force of the support leg was generated by its hip joint flexion and adduction torque, the hip joint extension torque of the recovery leg, and the anterior rotation torque of the torso joint. In contrast, the hip joint force of the recovery leg was generated by the hip joint flexion and adduction torque of the support leg, and the anterior rotation torque of the torso joint. (4) During terminal support, the hip joint flexion torque exerted by the support leg rotated the pelvis backward. The hip joint adduction torque of the support leg and the anterior rotation torque of the torso joint rotated the pelvis forward. Previous studies showed that the hip flexion torque drives the leg forward from the hip joint extension position. This present study has clarified that the hip joint adduction torque of the support leg and the anterior rotation torque of the torso joint nullify backward rotation of the pelvis due to the hip joint flexion torque exerted by the support leg.
大島 雄治 藤井 範久
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.16011, (Released:2017-01-24)

The purpose of this study was (1) to quantify the contribution of the adductors and iliopsoas to the hip joint torque, and (2) to clarify the function of the adductors and iliopsoas for terminal support until early recovery in maximal velocity sprinting. Eight male track and field athletes volunteered for the present study, and sprinted 60 m from a standing start position. Ground reaction force to the right leg was measured using a force platform (1000 Hz) placed at the 50-m mark from the start position. Simultaneously, 3-dimensional coordinates of body landmarks were recorded by a motion capture system (250 Hz) with 20 cameras. The right hip joint torque was calculated using inverse dynamics. To estimate the muscle forces of the right lower limb, we created a musculoskeletal model. The contribution of the muscle forces to the right hip joint force was calculated based on both equations of motion for each segment and equations of constraint conditions for adjacent segments connected by a joint. The main results for terminal support until early recovery were: (1) The adductor muscles generated less torque during hip joint flexion. (2) These muscles were involved in forward acceleration of the leg on the same side. (3) The iliopsoas was involved in the forward swing of the thigh on the same side.  Based on these results, it can be concluded that the hip adductors do not function as hip flexors, but as forward accelerators of the leg on the same side, based on the hip joint adductor torque. In contrast, the iliopsoas does not function as a forward accelerators of the leg on the same side, but delivers forward swing to the thigh on the same side for hip joint flexion torque.
伊藤 章 小林 寛道 阿江 通良 飯干 明 藤井 範久 榎本 靖士 深代 千之 杉田 正明

島田 一志 阿江 通良 藤井 範久 川村 卓 高橋 佳三
バイオメカニクス研究 (ISSN:13431706)
vol.8, no.1, pp.12-26, 2004-03-31 (Released:2023-03-11)

The purpose of this study was to analyze the mechanical energy during baseball pitching for 22 varsity baseball players by using three-dimensional motion analysis technique with two force platforms. Joint torque powers, joint force powers, and segment torque powers of the joints were computed using an inverse dynamics approach.In the energy increasing phase of upper torso, a great deal of mechanical energy flowed into the torso. The mechanical energy transferred to the upper torso due to the segment torque power significantly related to the ball velocity at the release (r=0.480, p<0.05). In the late cocking and accelerating phase, great mechanical energy flowed into the distal segment and the ball due to the joint force power were observed at the throwing arm joints. There were significant relationships between the ball velocity at the release and mechanical energy flows due to the elbow and the wrist joint force powers (r=0.775, p<0.001 and r=0.827, p<0.001). These results suggested that the mechanical energy flows to the upper torso in the energy increasing phase of upper torso and to the throwing arm and ball in the late cocking phase are important to increase the ball release velocity.
岡田 英孝 阿江 通良 藤井 範久 森丘 保典
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.13, pp.125-139, 1996-07-25 (Released:2016-12-05)
63 90

In the analysis of human movement, it is significant that appropriate parameters of the inertia property of body segments should be used because they will affect various computed kinetic variables. When analyzing the movement of elderly people, it is also desirable to use the inertia parameters of the body segments suitable for the elderly. Although there are appropriate sets of inertia parameters of the body segments for children (Yokoi et al., 1986) and young adults (Ae et al., 1992) of Japanese, no report exists on those for Japanese elderly. The purposes of this study were to determine the mass, the location of the center of mass (CM) and the principal moments of inertia about three axes of the body segments for Japanese elderly males and females by using an elliptical zone model (Jensen, 1978; Ae et al., 1992), and to develop a set of regression equations to estimate inertia parameters of the body segments using simple anthropometric measurements as predictors. Subjects were 90 Japanese elderly males aged 62 to 86 yr. (mean 75.1 yr.) and 89 Japanese elderly females aged 61 to 83 yr. (mean 73.0 yr.). Each subject, wearing swimming suit and cap, was photographed in a standing position in the measurement frame with a thin mirror mounted at an angle of 45° to the subject. Body segments were the head, whole torso, upper arms, forearms, hands, thighs, shanks, feet, upper torso and lower torso. They were modeled as a stacked system of elliptical zones 2cm in thickness. Segment density was assumed to be uniform and selected from 26 sets of segment densities after Dempster (1955) and Chandler et al. (1975). The mean errors in the estimation of total body mass were -0.07±0.54% (maximal error: -2.03%) for the males and -0.01±0.45% (maximal error: -1.27%) for the females. Equations for the estimation of the body segment inertia parameters were determined using a stepwise multiple regression with age, standing height, body weight and segment length as predictors. The results obtained could be summarized as follows: 1) There were significant differences in many body segment inertia parameters between the elderly males and females. The percent mass ratios of the forearm, hand, foot and upper torso for the elderly males were significantly larger than those for the elderly females, but the thigh, shank and lower torso ratios for the elderly females were significantly larger than those for the males. 2) There were significant differences in many body segment inertia parameters between the elderly and the young adults (Ae et al., 1992) and between the Japanese elderly and the Canadian elderly (Jensen et al., 1993; 1994). 3) The correlation coefficients between the body segment inertia parameters determined and estimated from the regression equations were all significant (0.328-0.979; p<0.01). The equations determined in this study should be valid for estimation of the body segment inertia properties for Japanese elderly.
宮西 智久 藤井 範久 阿江 通良 功力 靖雄 岡田 守彦
Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.40, no.2, pp.89-103, 1995-07-10 (Released:2017-09-27)
4 6

The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences of the motions between the speed throw and the distance throw, using a three-dimensional(3D) motion analysis. Twenty-four male university baseball players were the subjects of this study. They were asked to throw a ball (mass 0.144kg) horizontally as fast as possible (speed throw: ST), and as far as possible (distance throw: DT). These motions were filmed by two high-speed video cameras. 3D landmark coordinates of the subiects and the ball were calculated by the DLT method. The following kinematic parameters were computed: angle of release, the component velocities of the ball, the 3D angles for the backward/forward lean, right/left lean of the upper torso, and the twist of the torso and those for the abduction/adduction, horizontal flexion/extension, internal/external rotation at the shoulder joint, and the flexion/extension at the elbow joint of the throwing arm. The sequential data were normalized with the time from the stride foot contact to the ball release, and then averaged. Angle of release was significantly larger in the DT than in the ST. Significant difference was not found between the resultant velocity of the ST and the DT. Vertical velocity of the ball was significantly larger in the DT than in the ST during the latter half of the acceleration phase. On the other hand, horizontal velocity of the ball was significantly larger in the ST than in the DT. The backward lean and the left lean angles of the upper torso were also significantly larger in the DT than in the ST throughout the all sequences analyzed. Ranges of these angular displacements between the stride foot contact and the release, however, had no significant difference between the ST and the DT. The shoulder adduction angle was also significantly larger in the DT than in the ST during the latter half of the acceleration phase. These results indicate that the differences in the release parameters between the ST and the DT were caused not only by the throwing arm motions but also by the motions of the upper torso. It has been suggested that the motions to upward and left ward of the upper torso helps to achieve longer throwing distance in the DT, and that forward lean of the upper torso possibly contributes to achieve larger horizontal ball velocity at the release in the ST.
沼津 直樹 藤井 範久 森本 泰介 小池 関也
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.25, pp.21-32, 2020 (Released:2021-07-16)

本研究ではキッカーにゴールのさまざまな地点へシュートさせ, ゴールキーパー (GK) が実際にダイビング動作によって対応した試技のシュート動作を対象に, GKがシュートの飛来する地点を予測する際に有用なキッカーやボールの動きについてバイオメカニクス的に検討することを目的とした. その結果, 右利きのキッカーが自身の左方向へシュートを行う際, 軸脚の足部や体幹の回旋角度が, 右方向へシュートする場合よりもより左方向へ向くことが明らかとなった. また, シュートがGKの近くまたは遠くに飛来するのかといったシュートの距離や飛来するシュートの高さについては, インパクト後のボールの軌道から素早く判断し, 対応しなければならないことが明らかとなった.