Flávio C. Magalhães Renata L. F. Passos Michele A. Fonseca Kenya P. M. Oliveira João B. Ferreira-Júnior Angelo R. P. Martini Milene R. M. Lima Juliana B. Guimarães Valério G. Baraúna Emerson Silami-Garcia Luiz O. C. Rodrigues
vol.29, no.1, pp.1-12, 2010-01-31 (Released:2010-04-30)
15 30

To evaluate the effects of heat acclimation on sweat rate redistribution and thermodynamic parameters, 9 tropical native volunteers were submitted to 11 days of exercise-heat exposures (40±0°C and 45.1±0.2% relative humidity). Sudomotor function was evaluated by measuring total and local (forehead, chest, arm, forearm, and thigh) sweat rates, local sweat sodium concentration, and mean skin and rectal temperatures. We also calculated heat production (H), heat storage (S), heat exchange by radiation (R) and by convection (C), evaporated sweat (Esw), sweating efficiency (ηsw), skin wettedness (wsk), and the ratio between the heat storage and the sum of heat production and heat gains by radiation and convection (S/(H+R+C)). The heat acclimation increased the whole-body sweat rate and reduced the mean skin temperature. There were changes in the local sweat rate patterns: on the arm, forearm, and thigh it increased significantly from day 1 to day 11 (all p<0.05) and the sweat rates from the forehead and the chest showed a small nonsignificant increase (p=0.34 and 0.17, respectively). The relative increase of local sweat rates on day 11 was not different among the sites; however, when comparing the limbs (arm, forearm, and thigh) with the trunk (forehead and chest), there was a significant higher increase in the limbs (32±5%) in comparison to the trunk (11±2%, p=0.001). After the heat acclimation period we observed higher wsk and Esw and reduced S/(H+R+C), meaning greater thermoregulatory efficiency. The increase in the limb sweat rate, but not the increase in the trunk sweat rate, correlated with the increased wsk, Esw, and reduced S/(H+R+C) (p<0.05 to all). Altogether, it can be concluded that heat acclimation increased the limbs' sweat rates in tropical natives and that this increase led to increased loss of heat through evaporation of sweat and this higher sweat evaporation was related to higher thermoregulatory efficiency.
Masashi Yamaguchi Cedric O’Driscoll Worman
Japan Society of Protistology
原生動物学雑誌 (ISSN:03883752)
vol.47, no.1-2, pp.29-48, 2014 (Released:2016-08-01)

Living cells are deeply divided into two enormously divergent levels of complexity: prokaryotic and eukaryotic. Eukaryotes are thought to have developed from prokaryotic predecessors; however the large differences in their cellular structures results in equally large questions of how the process might have occurred. In 2012, in the deep-sea off the coast of Japan, we discovered a unique microorganism appearing to have cellular features intermediate between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The organism, the Myojin parakaryote (tentatively named by Yamaguchi et al., 2012), was two orders of magnitude larger than a typical bacterium and had a large “nucleoid”, consisting of naked DNA fibers, surrounded by a single layered “nucleoid membrane”, and bacteria-like “endosymbionts”, but it lacked mitochondria. This organism exemplifies a potential evolutionary path between prokaryotes and eukaryotes, and strongly supports the endosymbiotic theory for the origin of mitochondria and the karyogenetic hypothesis for the origin of the nucleus. In this review, we describe how the Myojin parakaryote was discovered, the features of this organism, the significance of the discovery, and perspectives on future research.
Miles O. Fortner Paul A. Oakley Deed E. Harrison
The Society of Physical Therapy Science
Journal of Physical Therapy Science (ISSN:09155287)
vol.30, no.2, pp.266-270, 2018 (Released:2018-02-22)

[Purpose] To present the case of the non-surgical restoration of cervical lordosis in a patient suffering from chronic whiplash syndrome including chronic neck pain and daily headaches resulting from previous whiplash. [Subject and Methods] A 31 year old female presented with a chief complaint of chronic neck pain and headaches for 12 years, correlating temporally with a sustained whiplash. These symptoms were not significantly relieved by previous chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy. The patient had cervical hypolordosis and was treated with Chiropractic BioPhysics® protocol including extension exercises, manual adjustments and cervical extension traction designed to increase the cervical lordosis. [Results] The patient received 30 treatments over approximately 5-months. Upon re-assessment, there was a significant increase in global C2–C7 lordosis, corresponding with the reduction in neck pain and headaches. [Conclusion] This case adds to the accumulating evidence that restoring lordosis may be key in treating chronic whiplash syndrome. We suggest that patients presenting with neck pain and/or headaches with cervical hypolordosis be treated with a program of care that involves cervical extension traction methods to restore the normal cervical lordosis.
The Anthropological Society of Nippon
Anthropological Science (ISSN:09187960)
vol.125, no.3, pp.129-140, 2017 (Released:2018-01-10)

Recent fossil finds have complicated the picture of East Asian Late Pleistocene hominin taxonomy and morphology, necessitating analysis of more fossils with secure dates and stratigraphic contexts to better contextualize human evolution during this epoch. Field excavations at the Laoya Cave in Guizhou Province, China in 2013 recovered two isolated human teeth (M3 and dm2). The teeth date from ~21–24 kya, according to AMS radiocarbon dating. The present study provides detailed metric and non-metric descriptions of the Laoya teeth, and compares them with the dentition of other Late Pleistocene hominins (Neanderthals and fossil Homo sapiens from around the world) as well as chronologically earlier fossil hominins from the same geographical area (East Asian Early/Middle Pleistocene hominins). To achieve this, descriptive morphological observations, geometric morphometric analysis, and micro-computed tomography were employed. The lower third molar (LYC1) is characterized by several derived features, including the absence of a hypoconulid, the lack of C6 and C7, and an ‘X’-type cuspal arrangement. The combination of traits expressed by LYC1 is unique, but very similar to other recent H. sapiens. However, the LYC1 also displays a suite of dental features that are not common in other East Asian Late Pleistocene fossil H. sapiens: the absence of a hypoconulid, the presence of a middle trigonid crest, and a narrowed talonid relative to trigonid. This study of the Laoya teeth expands the known morphological diversity of East Asian Late Pleistocene hominin dentitions, and will contribute to a better understanding of the history of modern humans in this area.
Jason O. Jaeger Paul A. Oakley Robert R. Moore Edward P. Ruggeroli Deed E. Harrison
The Society of Physical Therapy Science
Journal of Physical Therapy Science (ISSN:09155287)
vol.30, no.1, pp.103-107, 2018 (Released:2018-01-27)

[Purpose] To present the case of the resolution of right temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJD) following the correction of a right lateral head translation posture. [Subject and Methods] A 24 year old female reported facial pain and jaw clicking in the right TMJ. Radiography revealed a 19 mm right head (shift) translation posture. TMJ vibration analysis showed characteristic abnormalities for the right TMJ. The patient was treated with CBP® technique mirror image® left sided exercises, and traction methods as well as spinal manipulative therapy (SMT). [Results] After 36 treatments over a 12-week time period, a complete correction of the lateral head posture was achieved corresponding with a complete resolution of jaw pain and clicking. TMJ vibration analysis demonstrated normal right side TMJ characteristics following treatment. [Conclusion] Abnormal head/neck postures, such as lateral head translation, may be an unrealized source of TMJD and may be explained through the ‘regional interdependence’ model or by how seemingly unrelated anatomy may be associated with a primary complaint.
NUGROHO Bayu D.A. PRIMA Ardiansyah O.D. KANNO Hiromitsu SAMESHIMA Ryoji FUJII Hiroshi LOPEZ Larry CM.
vol.2013, pp.1-10, 2013-12

Although there has been a high interest to investigate the relationship between climate and crop yields in Indonesia, little evidence is available for crops in highland of the country. This study evaluates the relationships between global climate indices (Southern Oscillation Index, SOI; sea surface temperature, SST) and rain-fed crop yields in Gunungkidul district, highland of South-Central Java. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) approach was used to summarize the averaged SSTs during planting season for the El Nino monitoring regions: IOBW (Indian Ocean Basin-Wide), Nino.West and Niiio.3. Crops yield of each sub-district of the area was detrended using a 5-year moving average to enhance reliability of the data. For some sub-districts, the first principal component of SSTs was negatively correlated to crop yield residuals of corn and soybean while SOI was positively correlated to that of corn and dryland paddy.インドネシアにおいては気候と農作物収量との関係に高い関心が寄せられているが,高地農業に関しては進展が少ない状況である。本研究では,南方振動指数(SOI)および海水面温度(SST)のグローバル指数とジャワ島南央部に位置するグヌンキドウール地区における天水農作物収量との関係を分析した。3つの地域(IOBW, Niňo.WestおよびNiňo.3)のSSTに対して主成分分折(PCA)を適用し,その代表となる主成分を抽出した。各地域の作物収量データの信頼性を向上させるために,元の収量データとその5年移動平均値から残差を計算し,正規化した。いくつかの地域では,SSTの第1主成分とトウモロコシ・ダイズの残差との間に負の相関を示し,またSOIはトウモロコシ・陸稲の残差との間に正の相関を示すことが明らかとなった。
遠藤 瑞輝 白須 未香 Williamson R. E. Nevo O. Melin A. D. 東原 和成 河村 正二
霊長類研究 Supplement
vol.32, pp.43-43, 2016

<p>霊長類は、視覚や聴覚、嗅覚といった感覚を通じて外界の情報を認知している。中でも視覚に関する知見は多く、3色型色覚を持つ霊長類は、遠方の果実などの食べ物を見分ける際に有利であると考えられてきた。しかし、近年の研究から従来の視覚重視の考えに疑問が持たれるようになってきた。オマキザルやクモザルの野外観察の結果、自然界で背景となる葉と視覚上のコントラストが低い果実ほど頻繁に匂い嗅ぎを行い、果実の成熟を判断しているという結果が得られている。しかし、霊長類が食する果実の匂い成分が、成熟に応じてどのように変化しているのか、またこれらの匂いが霊長類の果実の選好性にどのように関与しているのかは、未知である。匂いの他にも、果実は、成熟に応じて色や大きさ、固さなどの様々な性質を変化させることが知られており、霊長類が、果実採食においてどのような特徴を重視し、選択するのかを解明することは、霊長類がどのような感覚を使って採食するのかを理解するうえで非常に重要である。そこで私たちはコスタリカのグアナカステ保全区内サンタロサ地区において、色覚多様性が既知であるノドジロオマキザル(<i>Cebus capucinus</i>)が実際に食する果実の採集を行った。果実は、シリカ母材のカーボングラファイト含有である吸着剤とともに密閉したオーブンバッグに入れ、匂いを捕集した。果実1種につき成熟段階ごとに3段階に分け、それぞれ5回ずつ匂い捕集を行った。現在、4種の果実の成分分析、及び分析結果を基にした主成分分析までが完了している。その結果、いくつかの果実において、成熟段階に応じて果実の揮発性有機物(VOC)の総量や組成が変化していることわかった。また、種によっては熟度による色の変化よりも匂いの変化の方が大きいという結果も得られている。今後より詳細な解析と検討が必要だが、今回の分析の結果、果実の匂いが霊長類の採食行動に大きな手掛かりとなっていることが予想される。</p>
Acharya BS Actis M Aghajani T Agnetta G Aguilar J Aharonian F Ajello M Akhperjanian A Alcubierre M Aleksic J Alfaro R Aliu E Allafort AJ Allan D Allekotte I Amato E Anderson J Anguner EO Antonelli LA Antoranz P Aravantinos A Arlen T Armstrong T Arnaldi H Arrabito L Asano K Ashton T Asorey HG Awane Y Baba H Babic A Baby N Bahr J Bais A Baixeras C Bajtlik S Balbo M Balis D Balkowski C Bamba A Bandiera R Barber A Barbier C Barcelo M Barnacka A Barnstedt J de Almeida UB Barrio JA Basili A Basso S Bastieri D Bauer C Baushev A Becerra J Becherini Y Bechtol KC Tjus JB Beckmann V Bednarek W Behera B Belluso M Benbow W Berdugo J Berger K Bernard F Bernardino T Bernlohr K Bhat N Bhattacharyya S Bigongiari C Biland A Billotta S Bird T Birsin E Bissaldi E Biteau J Bitossi M Blake S Bigas OB Blasi P Bobkov A Boccone V Boettcher M Bogacz L Bogart J Bogdan M Boisson C Gargallo JB Bolmont J Bonanno G Bonardi A Bonev T Bonifacio P Bonnoli G Bordas P Borgland A Borkowski J Bose R Botner O Bottani A Bouchet L Bourgeat M Boutonnet C Bouvier A Brau-Nogue S Braun I Bretz T Briggs M Bringmann T Brook P Brun P Brunetti L Buanes T Buckley J Buehler R Bugaev V Bulgarelli A Bulik T Busetto G Buson S Byrum K Cailles M Cameron R Camprecios J Canestrari R Cantu S Capalbi M Caraveo P Carmona E Carosi A Carr J Carton PH Casanova S Casiraghi M Catalano O Cavazzani S Cazaux S Cerruti M Chabanne E Chadwick P Champion C Chen A Chiang J Chiappetti L Chikawa M Chitnis VR Chollet F Chudoba J Cieslar M Cillis A Cohen-Tanugi J Colafrancesco S Colin P Calome J Colonges S Compin M Conconi P Conforti V Connaughton V Conrad J Contreras JL Coppi P Corona P Corti D Cortina J Cossio L Costantini H Cotter G Courty B Couturier S Covino S Crimi G Criswell SJ Croston J Cusumano G Dafonseca M Dale O Daniel M Darling J Davids I Dazzi F De Angelis A De Caprio V De Frondat F Dal Pino EMD de la Calle I De La Vega GA Lopez RD De Lotto B De Luca A Neto JRTD de Naurois M de Oliveira Y Wilhelmi ED de Souza V Decerprit G Decock G Deil C Delagnes E Deleglise G Delgado C Della Volpe D Demange P Depaola G Dettlaff A Di Paola A Di Pierro F Diaz C Dick J Dickherber R Dickinson H Diez-Blanco V Digel S Dimitrov D Disset G Djannati-Atai A Doert M Dohmke M Domainko W Prester DD Donat A Dorner D Doro M Dournaux JL Drake G Dravins D Drury L Dubois F Dubois R Dubus G Dufour C Dumas D Dumm J Durand D Dyks J Dyrda M Ebr J Edy E Egberts K Eger P Einecke S Eleftheriadis C Elles S Emmanoulopoulos D Engelhaupt D Enomoto R Ernenwein JP Errando M Etchegoyen A Evans P Falcone A Fantinel D Farakos K Farnier C Fasola G Favill B Fede E Federici S Fegan S Feinstein F Ferenc D Ferrando P Fesquet M Fiasson A Fillin-Martino E Fink D Finley C Finley JP Fiorini M Curcoll RF Flores H Florin D Focke W Fohr C Fokitis E Font L Fontaine G Fornasa M Forster A Fortson L Fouque N Franckowiak A Fransson C Fraser G Frei R Albuquerque IFM Fresnillo L Fruck C Fujita Y Fukazawa Y Fukui Y Funk S Gabele W Gabici S Gabriele R Gadola A Galante N Gall D Gallant Y Gamez-Garcia J Garcia B Lopez RG Gardiol D Garrido D Garrido L Gascon D Gaug M Gaweda J Gebremedhin L Geffroy N Gerard L Ghedina A Ghigo M Giannakaki E Gianotti F Giarrusso S Giavitto G Giebels B Gika V Giommi P Girard N Giro E Giuliani A Glanzman T Glicenstein JF Godinovic N Golev V Berisso MG Gomez-Ortega J Gonzalez MM Gonzalez A Gonzalez F Munoz AG Gothe KS Gougerot M Graciani R Grandi P Granena F Granot J Grasseau G Gredig R Green A Greenshaw T Gregoire T Grimm O Grube J Grudzinska M Gruev V Grunewald S Grygorczuk J Guarino V Gunji S Gyuk G Hadasch D Hagiwara R Hahn J Hakansson N Hallgren A Heras NH Hara S Hardcastle MJ Harris J Hassan T Hatanaka K Haubold T Haupt A Hayakawa T Hayashida M Heller R Henault F Henri G Hermann G Hermel R Herrero A Hidaka N Hinton J Hoffmann D Hofmann W Hofverberg P Holder J Horns D Horville D Houles J Hrabovsky M Hrupec D Huan H Huber B Huet JM Hughes G Humensky TB Huovelin J Ibarra A Illa JM Impiombato D Incorvaia S Inoue S Inoue Y Ioka K Ismailova E Jablonski C Jacholkowska A Jamrozy M Janiak M Jean P Jeanney C Jimenez JJ Jogler T Johnson T Journet L Juffroy C Jung I Kaaret P Kabuki S Kagaya M Kakuwa J Kalkuhl C Kankanyan R Karastergiou A Karcher K Karczewski M Karkar S Kasperek A Kastana D Katagiri H Kataoka J Katarzynski K Katz U Kawanaka N Kellner-Leidel B Kelly H Kendziorra E Khelifi B Kieda DB Kifune T Kihm T Kishimoto T Kitamoto K Kluzniak W Knapic C Knapp J Knodlseder J Kock F Kocot J Kodani K Kohne JH Kohri K Kokkotas K Kolitzus D Komin N Kominis I Konno Y Koppel H Korohoda P Kosack K Koss G Kossakowski R Kostka P Koul R Kowal G Koyama S Koziol J Krahenbuhl T Krause J Krawzcynski H Krennrich F Krepps A Kretzschmann A Krobot R Krueger P Kubo H Kudryavtsev VA Kushida J Kuznetsov A La Barbera A La Palombara N La Parola V La Rosa G Lacombe K Lamanna G Lande J Languignon D Lapington J Laporte P Lavalley C Le Flour T Le Padellec A Lee SH Lee WH de Oliveira MAL Lelas D Lenain JP Leopold DJ Lerch T Lessio L Lieunard B Lindfors E Liolios A Lipniacka A Lockart H Lohse T Lombardi S Lopatin A Lopez M Lopez-Coto R Lopez-Oramas A Lorca A Lorenz E Lubinski P Lucarelli F Ludecke H Ludwin J Luque-Escamilla PL Lustermann W Luz O Lyard E Maccarone MC Maccarone TJ Madejski GM Madhavan A Mahabir M Maier G Majumdar P Malaguti G Maltezos S Manalaysay A Mancilla A Mandat D Maneva G Mangano A Manigot P Mannheim K Manthos I Maragos N Marcowith A Mariotti M Marisaldi M Markoff S Marszalek A Martens C Marti J Martin JM Martin P Martinez G Martinez F Martinez M Masserot A Mastichiadis A Mathieu A Matsumoto H Mattana F Mattiazzo S Maurin G Maxfield S Maya J Mazin D Mc Comb L McCubbin N McHardy I McKay R Medina C Melioli C Melkumyan D Mereghetti S Mertsch P Meucci M Michalowski J Micolon P Mihailidis A Mineo T Minuti M Mirabal N Mirabel F Miranda JM Mirzoyan R Mizuno T Moal B Moderski R Mognet I Molinari E Molinaro M Montaruli T Monteiro I Moore P Olaizola AM Mordalska M Morello C Mori K Mottez F Moudden Y Moulin E Mrusek I Mukherjee R Munar-Adrover P Muraishi H Murase K Murphy A Nagataki S Naito T Nakajima D Nakamori T Nakayama K Naumann C Naumann D Naumann-Godo M Nayman P Nedbal D Neise D Nellen L Neustroev V Neyroud N Nicastro L Nicolau-Kuklinski J Niedzwiecki A Niemiec J Nieto D Nikolaidis A Nishijima K Nolan S Northrop R Nosek D Nowak N Nozato A O'Brien P Ohira Y Ohishi M Ohm S Ohoka H Okuda T Okumura A Olive JF Ong RA Orito R Orr M Osborne J Ostrowski M Otero LA Otte N Ovcharov E Oya I Ozieblo A Padilla L Paiano S Paillot D Paizis A Palanque S Palatka M Pallota J Panagiotidis K Panazol JL Paneque D Panter M Paoletti R Papayannis A Papyan G Paredes JM Pareschi G Parks G Parraud JM Parsons D Arribas MP Pech M Pedaletti G Pelassa V Pelat D Perez MDC Persic M Petrucci PO Peyaud B Pichel A Pita S Pizzolato F Platos L Platzer R Pogosyan L Pohl M Pojmanski G Ponz JD Potter W Poutanen J Prandini E Prast J Preece R Profeti F Prokoph H Prouza M Proyetti M Puerto-Gimenez I Puhlhofer G Puljak I Punch M Pyziol R Quel EJ Quinn J Quirrenbach A Racero E Rajda PJ Ramon P Rando R Rannot RC Rataj M Raue M Reardon P Reimann O Reimer A Reimer O Reitberger K Renaud M Renner S Reville B Rhode W Ribo M Ribordy M Richer MG Rico J Ridky J Rieger F Ringegni P Ripken J Ristori PR Riviere A Rivoire S Rob L Roeser U Rohlfs R Rojas G Romano P Romaszkan W Romero GE Rosen S Lees SR Ross D Rouaix G Rousselle J Rousselle S Rovero AC Roy F Royer S Rudak B Rulten C Rupinski M Russo F Ryde F Sacco B Saemann EO Saggion A Safiakian V Saito K Saito T Saito Y Sakaki N Sakonaka R Salini A Sanchez F Sanchez-Conde M Sandoval A Sandaker H Sant'Ambrogio E Santangelo A Santos EM Sanuy A Sapozhnikov L Sarkar S Sartore N Sasaki H Satalecka K Sawada M Scalzotto V Scapin V Scarcioffolo M Schafer J Schanz T Schlenstedt S Schlickeiser R Schmidt T Schmoll J Schovanek P Schroedter M Schultz C Schultze J Schulz A Schure K Schwab T Schwanke U Schwarz J Schwarzburg S Schweizer T Schwemmer S Segreto A Seiradakis JH Sembroski GH Seweryn K Sharma M Shayduk M Shellard RC Shi J Shibata T Shibuya A Shum E Sidoli L Sidz M Sieiro J Sikora M Silk J Sillanpaa A Singh BB Sitarek J Skole C Smareglia R Smith A Smith D Smith J Smith N Sobczynska D Sol H Sottile G Sowinski M Spanier F Spiga D Spyrou S Stamatescu V Stamerra A Starling R Stawarz L Steenkamp R Stegmann C Steiner S Stergioulas N Sternberger R Sterzel M Stinzing F Stodulski M Straumann U Strazzeri E Stringhetti L Suarez A Suchenek M Sugawara R Sulanke KH Sun S Supanitsky AD Suric T Sutcliffe P Sykes J Szanecki M Szepieniec T Szostek A Tagliaferri G Tajima H Takahashi H Takahashi K Takalo L Takami H Talbot C Tammi J Tanaka M Tanaka S Tasan J Tavani M Tavernet JP Tejedor LA Telezhinsky I Temnikov P Tenzer C Terada Y Terrier R Teshima M Testa V Tezier D Thuermann D Tibaldo L Tibolla O Tiengo A Tluczykont M Peixoto CJT Tokanai F Tokarz M Toma K Torii K Tornikoski M Torres DF Torres M Tosti G Totani T Toussenel C Tovmassian G Travnicek P Trifoglio M Troyano I Tsinganos K Ueno H Umehara K Upadhya SS Usher T Uslenghi M Valdes-Galicia JF Vallania P Vallejo G van Driel W van Eldik C Vandenbrouke J Vanderwalt J Vankov H Vasileiadis G Vassiliev V Veberic D Vegas I Vercellone S Vergani S Veyssiere C Vialle JP Viana A Videla M Vincent P Vincent S Vink J Vlahakis N Vlahos L Vogler P Vollhardt A von Gunten HP Vorobiov S Vuerli C Waegebaert V Wagner R Wagner RG Wagner S Wakely SP Walter R Walther T Warda K Warwick R Wawer P Wawrzaszek R Webb N Wegner P Weinstein A Weitzel Q Welsing R Werner M Wetteskind H White R Wierzcholska A Wiesand S Wilkinson M Williams DA Willingale R Winiarski K Wischnewski R Wisniewski L Wood M Wornlein A Xiong Q Yadav KK Yamamoto H Yamamoto T Yamazaki R Yanagita S Yebras JM Yelos D Yoshida A Yoshida T Yoshikoshi T Zabalza V Zacharias M Zajczyk A Zanin R Zdziarski A Zech A Zhao A Zhou X Zietara K Ziolkowski J Ziolkowski P Zitelli V Zurbach C Zychowski P
vol.43, pp.3-18, 2013
Davis Harold A. Keinigs Rhon K. Anderson Wallace E. Atchison Walter L. Bartsch R. Richard Benage John F. Ballard Evan O. Bowman David W. Cochrane James C. Ekdahl Carl A. Elizondo Juan M. Faehl Rickey J. Fulton Robert D. Gribble Robert F. Guzik Joyce A. Kyrala George A. Miller R. Bruce Nielsen Kurt E. Parker Jerald V. Parsons W. Mark Munson Carter P. Oro David M. Rodriguez George E. Rogers Harold H. Scudder David W. Shlachter Jack S. Stokes John L. Taylor Antoinette J. Trainor R. James Turchi Peter J. Wood Blake P.
公益社団法人 応用物理学会
Japanese journal of applied physics. Pt. 1, Regular papers & short notes (ISSN:00214922)
vol.40, no.2, pp.930-934, 2001-02-28

Atlas is a pulsed-power facility under development at Los Alamos National Laboratory to drive high-energy density experiments. Atlas will be operational in the summer of 2000 and is optimized for the study of dynamic material properties, hydrodynamics, and dense plasmas under extreme conditions. Atlas is designed to implode heavy-liner loads in a z-pinch configuration. The peak current of 30 MA is delivered in 4 $\mu$s. A typical Atlas liner is a 47-gram-aluminum cylinder with ${\sim}4$-cm radius and 4-cm length. Three to five MJ of kinetic energy will be delivered to the load. Using composite layers and a variety of interior target designs, a wide variety of experiments in ${\sim}\text{cm}^{3}$ volumes will be performed. Atlas applications, machine design, and the status of the project are reviewed.
Amy Sarma Michelle L. O’Donoghue
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
vol.79, no.11, pp.2326-2328, 2015-10-23 (Released:2015-10-23)
1 2