吉岡 一志
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:21894825)
vol.11, pp.103-110, 2018-02-28

By analyzing the different ways in which children encounter "yōkai spirits", the purpose of this study is to clarify the relationship between "yōkai spirits" and children, and also to consider the significance to children of "school ghost stories". Previous research into folklore has explained contemporary "school ghost stories" as residual "folk sensations" handed down from pre-modern times. This study attempts to reveal the contemporary significance of "school ghost stories", and the results of the survey show clearly that modern children categorize "school ghost stories" as an aspect of play.
横山 順一
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:21894825)
vol.10, pp.103-112, 2017-02-28

本稿では、ある社会福祉法人が指定特定相談支援事業所を設立し、事業を展開していく過程を事例的に取り上げながら、障害者相談支援事業における計画相談支援の実施上の課題の一端について考察することを試みた。その結果、相談支援事業の本格実施前の準備期間における相談支援事業体制の準備不足が再確認された。また、相談支援専門員の業務範囲のあり方についての課題が明らかになるとともに、計画相談において重要とされる「継続性」「専門性」「中立性」のそれぞれにおいて、安定継続した事業所の運営の困難性や、相談支援専門員の専門性や中立性の担保についての課題等が明らかとなった。In this research, practical problems in planning consultation support in the Program of Consultation Support for Persons with Disabilities were discussed, referring to case examples on the process of developing a project of a designated specific consultation support office established by a social welfare corporation. As a result, it was reaffirmed that not enough preparation was conducted for the formulation of Consultation Support services in the preparation period before the full-scale implementation of the consultation support program. Furthermore, the task regarding the scope of work of consultation support specialists was clarified, and at the same time, the difficulties in the stable and sustained operation of the facilities from the perspective of "consistency," "expertness" and "neutrality" were regarded as important in planning consultation. In addition, the task of assurance of expertness and neutrality of consultation support experts were revealed.
髙木 健志
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:21894825)
vol.10, pp.147-153, 2017-02-28

本研究は、精神科病院に勤務する精神科ソーシャルワーカーによるクライエントの「退院の意思決定」を支える退院援助実践プロセスを明らかにすることを目的とし、17名の退院援助の実践経験がある精神科ソーシャルワーカーから得られたデータを修正版グラウンデッド・セオリー・アプローチ(M-GTA)を用いて分析した。分析の結果、精神科ソーシャルワーカーがクライエントの退院への意欲を引き出しクライエント自身による退院の意思決定を支えるプロセスは<クライエントが本来持つ力を退院援助の起点に据える>と<クライエントの人生全体を見通す視点をもって援助にかかわる>こととを援助観の基盤とするが、クライエントの退院援助はスムーズにはこぶわけではなく<足踏みする退院援助>という状況に立たされる。しかし基盤となる援助観に立ち返り<一人ひとりとひらかれた関係をつくる>。その往復が<成功体験を積み重ね自信と安心につなげる>ことにつながり、クライエントを<自信を持って退院の決心がつくように後押しする>プロセスであることが示唆された。The objective of this study is to clarify processes in practical support given by psychiatric social workers to long-term socially-hospitalized clients, who have been judged to be suitable for discharge, and who are now in the process of taking a decision to discharge themselves from hospital. Interview data was analyzed using the modified grounded theory approacha(M-GTA). The support process provided by psychiatric social workers to long-term socially-hospitalized clients to help them take a decision for voluntary discharge is based on "the client's own potential" and "an understanding of every aspect of the client's life". Even so, a situation o"f temporary standstill"can develop if discharge support cannot be provided smoothly. However, in such a situation, the social worker will make an effort to "develop an open relationship with each client" by renewing careful involvement with the client. This kind of careful involvement leads to"confidence and security through the accumulated experience of success" and can result in the creation of a situation where the clien"t can be encouraged to be confident in taking a decision for voluntary discharge".
長谷川 真司 高石 豪 岡村 英雄 中野 いく子 草平 武志
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:18826393)
vol.9, pp.125-133, 2016-03-31

矯正施設に福祉の支援を必要とする高齢受刑者・障害受刑者が多くいることが認識されるようになり、彼らが出所し地域で生活を送るうえで退所後適切な福祉サービスにつながらない事や、住居の確保や就労の場がないまま出所する等ソーシャルワークの支援が乏しいため再犯に至るリスクが高い事が問題になっている。そのため、司法と福祉をつなぐ地域定着支援センターが設立され、実践を積み重ねている。本研究では、地域定着支援センターが支援を行った事例について当事者及び関係機関の専門職にヒアリングを行い、福祉の支援が必要な矯正施設出所者が地域生活を円滑に送ることが出来るようにするための要因について明らかにする。It is recognized that there are many elderly and handicapped convicts at correctional institution, and there are high risks at returning to correctional institution without appropriate social work support. Thus, the Japan Council of Regional Sustained Community Life Support Centers for the Elderly and Handicapped Ex-offenders is established to connect social work and justice, and many practices have been carried out to support community life for ex-offenders. In this case study, interview was conducted for clients and professionals at related organizations. Then, it is clarified the factors to transfer the life smoothly from corrective institution to community for ex-offenders whoneed supports from social us
吉岡 一志
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:18826393)
vol.6, pp.33-38, 2013-03-31

The purpose of this thesis is to consider why children tell "Gakkou no Kwaidan" through a statistical verification of hypothesis that the cause of "Gakkou no Kwaidan" boom is resistance by children who are oppressed at school and home. In 2007, this survey was carried out at five public elementary schools and two public junior high schools in Tohoku, Kinki and Chugoku regions. For this analysis it was examined what variables determined children's attitude toward ghost story by means of four independent variables: sex, educational phase, student subculture, and parent-child relationship. As a result of analysis, it didn't support the conventional hypothesis that "Gakkou no Kwaidan" boom caused by children resistingpressure. It was proposed a new hypothesis that the source of occurring" Gakkou no Kwaidan" was will of children trying to acquire an identity of its own because there was correlation between attitude toward ghost story and variables associated with recognition and communication.
渡辺 滋
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:21894825)
no.14, pp.21-39, 2021-03-31

渡辺 滋
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:21894825)
no.13, pp.1-15, 2020-03-31

横山 順一 髙木 健志
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:21894825)
vol.11, pp.87-92, 2018

児童虐待や貧困,孤立死等の深刻な社会問題をはじめ、子育て支援や高齢者・障がい者の介護等、日常生活の中には多様な福祉的課題が発生している。社会全体の複雑化、多様化、グローバル化が進む今日、支援を必要とする対象やサービスは、量的な拡大と質的な複雑さを増している。わが国にはこうした課題の解決のために、様々な福祉的支援のメニューが整備されてきたが、単にサービスや制度が増大するだけでは、真にニーズを有する当事者達に、その支援の手が差し伸べられるわけではない。そこで、注目したのが、自助・自己責任が声高に言われる今日、多様な福祉的課題を抱えながらも他者に支援を求めない、あるいは支援を求められない当事者たちの存在である。また、与えられた支援を受け入れるだけの必要な力を当事者が有しているのかといった視点も含めて、当事者の特性を考慮に入れた上で支援のあり方を検討する視点を見直し、研究を積み上げることが求められている。そこで、本稿では、福祉的課題を抱えた当事者の「支援を求める力・受け入れる力」の可能性に着目し、自助・自己責任の時代における新たな支援のあり方を構想することを目的に考察した。Including serious social problems such as child abuse and poverty, the isolated death, a problem of a variety of welfare occurs in the everyday life such as the care of child care support and an elderly person, the person with a disability. An object and the service to need support today when complexity of the Great Society, diversification, globalization advance add to quantitative expansion and qualitative complexity. A menu of the support of various welfare has been maintained for the solution to such problem in our country, but a hand of the support is not held out to people concerned having needs truly only by merely service and systems increasing. Therefore it is the existence of people concerned whom "I do not demand support" from others while what I paid attention to has a problem of a variety of welfare or "support is not demanded" from. In addition, I review a viewpoint to examine the way of the support after having taken the characteristic of the person concerned into account including a viewpoint whether the person concerned has the necessary power that only accepts given support, and it is demanded that I pile up a study. In this report, I paid my attention to possibility of "the power of help-seeking & the powerto receive for the support" of the person concerned with a problem of the welfareand considered the way ofthe new support in the times of self-act, the self-responsibility for the purpose of elaborating a plan.
安渓 遊地
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:18826393)
vol.9, pp.39-56, 2016-03-31

This is a collection of the records written by a journalist and an opinion-leader in the domain of religion: MATANI Ruikotsu(1869-1956). It is supplemented by the manuscripts and narratives of his adopted daughter Fumiko(1919-1999). As one of her sons, I used to listen to her tell of adventures in Kyoto, Yamaguchi, and Inner Mongolia during the time of Imperial Japan. At the age of five, she met with her mother's mother Yone. Having grown up in a family belonging to the Feudal Clan of Mōri(todayʼs Yamaguchi), Yone herself was like a samurai. When Fumiko began working in the newspaper company Chūgai Nippō in 1928, the owner-editor of the paper Ruikotsumade her to work as his secretary. Among many other celebrities, she encountered a vagabond Haiku poet Santōka. When she decided to seek refuge from the ultra-patriotism of Imperial Japan, she took a honeymoon in a remote place: Inner Mongolia, where her future husband worked for the intelligence services as a young Buddhist.
髙木 健志
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:21894825)
no.12, pp.89-96, 2019-03-29

斉藤 理 渡部 史之
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:21894825)
vol.10, pp.41-54, 2017-02-28

There are many cultural assets in Yamaguchi prefecture at present, but much of them after the Edo Period aren't investigated sufficiently yet. Therefore it's necessary to investigate those cultural assets and know the contents to understand history in Yamaguchi prefecture and culture more deeply. Kinashi Seiichiro, from Yamaguchi prefecture, was a military personnel, an officer of a government and a politician from the late Edo Period to Meiji Period. This papen is the part of the research result of the cultural assets transmitted to offspring's house of him. The investigation is still continuing and through this analysis we could show some new historic interpretation of Mr. kinashi. We also expect that we can grow interest in preservation of the cultural assets in Yamaguchi prefecture through these investigations.
吉岡 一志
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:18826393)
vol.9, pp.31-37, 2016-03-31

The purpose of this paper is to examine the possibility of denying the existence of ghosts through scientific thinking. In the past there has been a tendency to think that immature children mistakenly believe in "paranormal phenomena" and it is not fully understood how rational adults are able to believe in them. This study examines the relationship between belief in "paranormal phenomena" and scientific thinking. The results of this study show that the acquisition of scientific thinking has no effect on the denial of the existence of "paranormal phenomena". It is suggested that the premise of immature children believing in "paranormal phenomena" should be revised.
内田 充範
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:21894825)
no.13, pp.1-11, 2020-03-31

水谷 由美子 安倍 昭恵 武永 佳奈 水津 初美
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:18826393)
vol.7, pp.27-49, 2014-03-31

This essay focuses on fashion design for agriculture development in Japan. Specially, I talk about a case study of the Fashion Show `Agriculture Style Collection 2013 in Nagato-Yuya with Aizu-Wakamatsu'. This project was motivated by our First Lady, Ms Akie ABE, who has been working in agriculture since 2001. I have already researched and created rural fashion incited from the daily wear of farmers. In this paper my co-researchers and I discussed about the planning of new developed Mompe pants, called Mompekko, and Haolina whieh is a shirt like the upper half of Samue(Japanese working wear), and newly developed hats and Saruppakama pants originating from Aizu-Wakamatsu-city. In this theme, we collaborated with traditional textiles, specializing in both striped clothes of Yamaguchi Prefecture(Yanai-jima)and Aizu-Wakamatsu-city(Aizu-momen). Additionally, I use the Kuga-tijimi, which Kuga people had asked me to develop into a proper design with them.