佐々木 史郎 Shiro Sasaki
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.10, no.2, pp.451-480, 1985-10-22

The Evenk is the largest group of Tungus-Manchuspeakingpeoples in Siberia. Their bear festival is the so called"mountain-bear festival", a series of rites based on a bearhunted in its den. This paper examines a social aspect of thisfestival in order to attempt to solve problems concerning theirhunting-breeding organization which have not been dealt withby S. M. Shirokogoroff in his studies.The bear festival of the Evenks is usually held in autumn.It consists of a series of rites of bear hunting, skinning, meatcooking,feasting, and burial of the bear's bones. There is noqualification for participation, and anyone in a camp or a village,sometimes even forigners, can take part in the feast. Participantscan be categorized as a discoverer of the bear den, nimak(he is often a wife's brother of the discoverer), hunters, elders,and others. But some rules must be observed by each participant,according to his role in the festival. They often represent rulesor principles of hunting-breeding organization among the Evenks.By examining the rules of each category of participant, thefollowing conclusions were reached :1) Camps or villages of the Evenks are not formed onclan membership, but on a local or economic basis;2) Therefore, hunting customs or rules, which regulatehunters-breeders' activities regardless of clan affiliation, are moreimportant than clan rules in camps or villages;3) The structural superiority of the wife-giver group overthe wife-taker group sometimes appears as a hunting custom indaily and ritual activities;4) The leadership in a camp or a village is in hands ofelders; and5) Reflecting these social phenomena, the bear festival ofthe Evenks is a camp or village festival, and is supposedlyconnected with locality.Based on that it is necessary to collect and organize huntingbreedingcustoms or rules in order to advance Shirokogoroff'sstudies and to make a more complete model of Evenk society.
Norio Niwa 丹羽 典生
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.43, no.2, pp.189-268, 2018-10-31

本稿は,日本の四年制大学における応援団を事例として,応援組織の変化と現状を分析するものである。依拠するデータは,各大学応援団が刊行する印刷物や大学の学友会関連の情報,応援団関係者が運営するホームページやソーシャル・ネットワーキング・サービスなどに散在する各種の情報を中心に筆者が集約・整理した。それらの分析を通じて,以下3 点のことを示した。ひとつめが応援団の起源と拡大について。国公立大学応援団のほとんどが戦後の大学改革と時期を同じくして第二次世界大戦後に起源をもつのに対して,私立大学の古くからある応援団はそうした断絶の影響をあまり受けていないこと。また,ベビーブーム世代の進学期に大学の量的増大に合わせて多くの大学で作られるようになったこと。ふたつめは,応援団の質的変化で,応援団の典型的な型とされることもある三部構成(リーダー部,チアリーダー部,吹奏楽部)は,もとの多機能的な応援団が機能分化とジェンダー構成の変化を経た結果,比較的近年生み出されたものであること。そしてみっつめに,応援団の多くは体育会所属であるが,一定数が独立団体的な位置づけにあることである。
桑山 敬己 Takami Kuwayama
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.31, no.1, pp.27-56, 2006-09-29

This article presents my observations of American anthropology, basedon my 11 years of stay in the United States as a foreign student and later as aprofessor. It provides descriptive accounts of the ways anthropology is actuallypracticed in America. As such, it may be considered an attempt at an‘ethnography of anthropology.’The opening chapter explains my background, both academic and personal,and the reasons why I returned to Japan even after becoming a permanentresident of the United States. The second chapter emphasizes the importanceof putting America in a relative perspective, thereby regarding it as representingonly one tradition out of many possibilities, despite the country’ssuperpower status. This viewpoint is applied in the third chapter, which analyzesthe development of American anthropology by comparing it with thatof Great Britain. The fourth chapter presents my impressions of some of themost influential American anthropologists by way of anecdotes. These illustratethe personal, rather than academic, aspects of American scholarship.The fifth chapter explores social factors in the academic culture of the UnitedStates, particularly the oscillation between obedience to authority and defiancethereof. The sixth chapter compares Japanese and American traditions ofscholarship, and points out that Japan’s strength lies in its versatility, whichcompensates for its lack of depth. In the seventh chapter are discussed someof the problems with which non-Western students are faced when studyingtheir own culture with American or British professors. The last chapter definesJapan as peripheral to the ‘academic world system.’ I conclude with a pleato the next generation of Japanese anthropologists that they should improveJapan’s international standing by conducting world-class research.
山中 由里子 Yuriko Yamanaka
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.27, no.3, pp.395-481, 2003-03-24

西アジアに伝わるアレクサンドロス大王に関する言説は,イスラームという信仰と不可分な関係にある。アラブ・ペルシア文学におけるアレクサンドロスは,宗教書においてのみならず,歴史書や叙事詩においても敬虔な信徒,神に特別な権威を与えられた真の教えの布教者,聖戦の闘士,そして預言者として描かれている。 本論文ではまず,アレクサンドロスが中世イスラーム世界においてこのように神聖視されるにいたった背景を明らかにするため,『コーラン』第18章「洞窟」に登場する二本角とアレクサンドロス伝説との関連を指摘し,また,イスラームに先行する一神教であるユダヤ・キリスト教がその宗教説話の中にアレクサンドロスを取り入れた経緯を辿る。 さらに,コーラン注釈書,預言者伝集,歴史書,韻文アレクサンドロス物語など,様々な分野のアラビア語・ペルシア語作品から具体的なテキストを採り上げ,それらを分析し,より象徴的・寓意的な存在である二本角と歴史的コンテキストの中のアレクサンドロスの微妙で密接な相関関係について考察する。 最後に,中国や日本の文献にまで伝わった二本角伝承にも触れる。
田辺 繁治 田辺 繁治
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.43, no.3, pp.391-442, 2019

Since the 1990s, 'animism' has become a refreshing focal point amonganthropologists working in North and South America and, to a certainextent, South East Asia, focusing on its ontological bases of humans andnon-humans. In these ontological and 'perspectivist' studies, animism isoften illustrated by the capacity of metamorphosis attributed to human andnon-human beings who have a similar interiority despite having differentbodies. What we have often detected in South East Asia, especially inNorthern Thailand, are that such unique metamorphic relations are extendedbetween humans and non-humans of various kinds including spirits, souls,cannibal ogres, and aborigines.This study analyses the complicated processes involved in the propitiationof the ancestor spirits of the aboriginal Lawa through sacrificing abuffalo, cooking, communal eating, and spirit possession by mediums in thePu Sae Ña Sae spirit cult held annually in the forest of Chiang Mai. In theritual process of this grandiose cult, it is quite evident that the NorthernThai princes, now the government officials, as the ritual sponsors whoembody Buddhist moral superiority could successfully propitiate Pu Sae ÑaSae, the aboriginal spirits. However, for the participating villagers in thecult, the external and potentially dangerous power of the spirits is manipulatedin the expectation of deriving practical results, such as well-being,health, and timely rain.This paper thus illustrates the way in which the sacrificial cult is constructedon the basis of the interactions within the animic regime to attaincertain purposes, simultaneously and intrinsically involving the reproductionof the conventional social order and legitimate authority. The animicregime is here subjugated under the domination of a political power. 1990 年代以降,「アニミズム」は,南北アメリカはもとより,さらに東南アジアで研究する人類学者たちの間でも新たに注目されるようになり,人間および非人間の存在論的基盤に焦点が当てられるようになった。そうした存在論的,あるいは「遠近法主義的」な研究では,しばしばアニミズムは変態する能力の実例と見なされる。この能力は,異なる身体を備えるが,類似する内面性を持つとされる人間および非人間の双方に備わるものと考えられるのである。われわれが東南アジア,特に北タイにおいてしばしば見出してきたものは,精霊,魂,人食い鬼,原住民などを含む多様な人間および非人間の間に広がる特有な変態の諸関係である。 この論文は,チェンマイの森の中で毎年開催されるプーセ・ニャーセ精霊祭祀に焦点を当てながら,水牛供犠,調理,共食,霊媒の精霊憑依などを通して実践される先住民ラワ(Lawa) の祖霊に関わる祭祀の複雑な過程を分析する。この巨大な祭祀の儀礼過程では,北タイの君主たち,あるいは今日では政府の役人たちは儀礼のスポンサーとして仏教道徳の崇高性を体現し,先住民の精霊プーセ・ニャーセを鎮めることになる。しかしそれとは逆に,この祭祀に参加する多くの村人たちは,外在的で潜在的には危険な力である精霊が,幸福,健康,および恵みの雨など実利的な結果をもたらしてくれることを期待するのである。 そこでこの論文では,供犠がアニミズム秩序の中の相互作用を基盤としながら特定の目的を実現するために構築されてきたと考える。しかし同時に,それが本質的に,伝統的な社会秩序と正統的な権威の再生産に関わるものであることを明らかにする。そこではアニミズム秩序は,政治的権力の支配のもとに従属してしまうのである。
崎山 理 Osamu Sakiyama
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.25, no.4, pp.465-485, 2001-03-30

秋道 智彌 Tomoya Akimichi
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.10, no.4, pp.931-957, 1986-03-29

This paper describes the yetak system, one of the spatialallocation techniques for sea space, employed by navigators inthe Caroline Islands of Micronesia. Without modern navigationaids Micronesian navigators have utilized particular strategiesfor locating themselves on and allocation of the sea. In general,a sea area between two neighboring islands is conceptuallysegmented into 28 sections. In inshore waters, where an islandis visible, these are recognized by serial changes of island shape.Further seawards, where an island is not visible, the use ofa reference island(s) coordinated with the movement of the canoeenables navigators to reckon their position. One yetak is equiva-lentto about 18-20 km. The yetak system is the deliberateapplication of knowledge of both the sidereal compass andisland orientation (woofanuw).
Andrew McWilliam アンドリュー マクウィリアム
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.43, no.3, pp.301-315, 2019-01-25

Historically, the diverse ethno-linguistic communities of Timor-Leste havedefined themselves through local ancestral resource jurisdictions and mythichistories of exchange, alliance, and settlement. Central to this conception ofplace and belonging is the idea of the rai na’in, a Tetun language term withlocal language variants that refers to ‘custodians of the land’. However, thebrutal, generation-long struggle for independence promoted new forms ofimaginative connection and belonging encapsulated in the concept of RaiTimor, or ‘homeland’. The notion of Rai Timor is not merely a moreencompassing ‘homeland’ than the landed inheritance of locally embeddedcommunities; it is imagined as a territory shaped from below and collectivelyby the ordeals of ‘the people’, who become the active originators ofthe nation. If the constitutive act of a subject in the traditional ideology ofrule is to recognise and defer to authority vested in ritual and political leaders(the rai na’in), the constitutive act of belonging to the nation is to sufferand sacrifice for it (the Rai Timor) (McWilliam and Traube 2011). This presentationconsiders the contemporary force of this expansive sense of theimagined community in Timor-Leste, a notion that Anderson described as‘aggregated nativeness’ (2003), in the light of the well-documented resurgenceof custom and traditional authority. How do these different scales ofallegiance and belonging contribute to the shaping of contemporary societyin post-independence Timor-Leste? In this chapter, I discuss these and otherquestions with reference to the Fataluku ethnography.