木下 昌彦
情報法制研究 (ISSN:24330264)
vol.9, pp.16-33, 2021 (Released:2021-07-22)

The concentration of economic power threatens to erode not only consumer welfare, but also citizen welfare, such as the sustainability of democracies and the guarantee of individual freedom. The digital media platform companies that have emerged in recent years already have significant economic and media resources, and in addition to their economic dominance, they are also gaining political influence. If the present situation remains unchanged, the danger of a decline in citizen welfare could become apparent. This article argues that the introduction of new economic regulatory rules is necessary to prevent a decline in citizen welfare resulting from the concentration of economic power in digital media platform companies. The article then proposes three possibilities as new economic regulations: 1) strict application of conduct regulations in Antitrust Act, 2) separation of platforms and commerce, and 3) enactment of new regulatory Acts to ensure platforms neutrality and fair redistribution of their advertisement revenues.


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