西澤 佑介
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.49, no.2, pp.2_3-2_27, 2014 (Released:2017-11-10)

This article explores the history of liquid crystal display (LCD) TV industry from its beginning stage of late 1980s to its popularizing stage of 2000s. Our purpose to consider the industry is examining following phenomena empirically. Although Japanese electronics firms had innovated on an electronic product, their market share fall behind as the product's market become expanding globally. Track of Japanese LCD TV industry is one of the typical cases of this pattern.Previous research has explained these phenomena stem mainly from the change of circumstances surrounding structure of electronic products and business model of electronic industry after 2000s.On the other hand, based on both primary and secondary sources, we emphasize on enterprises' organizational capabilities which was proposed by Alfred D. Chandler between Japanese firms and Korean and Chinese firms. This article shows Korean and Chinese electronics firms rapidly improve their organizational capabilities and had come to catch up with these of the Japanese firms during the 1990s, which became the omen to bring Japanese firms about decline in 2000s.Organizational capabilities of Japanese firms, which was once appreciated by researchers, certainly connected with its competitive advantage even in “the Japan's lost decade” 1990s, and made LCD TV commercialize fastest in the world. But especially in terms of Development, Marketing, and Branding capabilities, Korean firms were catching up with Japanese firms. And in terms of Production capabilities, Chinese firms came to catch up with Japanese firms. Finally, it is in the mid-2000s that they got ahead of Japanese enterprise's capabilities.


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テレビの衰退歴史が二枚目にあるから、読むと分かりやすい。 https://t.co/2A4jKN34SZ
水素自動車の話題を見ると、パナソニックが社運を賭けて開発していたプラズマテレビを思い出す。今ではとても信じられなけど、2000年頃は日本企業が液晶パネルの世界シェア一位だったんだよね。 液晶テレビ産業における日本企業の革新と衰退 https://t.co/3uKX5ffvDd https://t.co/qQnkUYoDOi

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