Jianjun Gao Zhenxue Tian Xu Yang
International Research and Cooperation Association for Bio & Socio-Sciences Advancement
BioScience Trends (ISSN:18817815)
vol.14, no.1, pp.72-73, 2020-02-29 (Released:2020-03-16)
1545 1742

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) virus is spreading rapidly, and scientists are endeavoring to discover drugs for its efficacious treatment in China. Chloroquine phosphate, an old drug for treatment of malaria, is shown to have apparent efficacy and acceptable safety against COVID-19 associated pneumonia in multicenter clinical trials conducted in China. The drug is recommended to be included in the next version of the Guidelines for the Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Pneumonia Caused by COVID-19 issued by the National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China for treatment of COVID-19 infection in larger populations in the future.


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@Fantastikman @Evidencebbh @Hugo_Baup @MathieuMolimard @raoult_didier Il n'y avait même pas de « papier », juste ça : https://t.co/PfGtbcoF6i En outre, ça déplace juste la question : pourquoi commencer par un truc qui est au mieux nul sur les autres maladies virales.
@izuitolove 動きが早かった中国 クロロキンは安価で安全な薬剤であり、70年以上も使用されている。緊急の臨床的需要に鑑み、リン酸クロロキンは今後、より多くの集団におけるCOVID-19関連肺炎の治療に推奨される。 https://t.co/Dkai6b0kwo https://t.co/9NpkethH5l
@DrJBhattacharya I found this paper from China today. I am so confused. Breakthrough: Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies https://t.co/Dkai6b0kwo
@subboy777 "shortening disease period, and promoting coronavirus-negative conversion [44]."" Study referred to: Breakthrough: Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies Gao, Tian, Yang 2020 https://t.co/BTADjEh3SO
@lolilapopa @Damkyan_Omega https://t.co/pcmeHZrUyO
the National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China has recommended that chloroquine phosphate be included in the next version of the Guidelines for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of pneumonia caused by COVID-19 https://t.co/gpk3j9xES1
@JaneHogarth84 @thisisnothappen @TheFreds @StuyvesantAnna @hairymarx1 @MaajidNawaz @NeilClark66 @cerumol @JamesMelville @bobscartoons @PiersRobinson1 @VanessaBeeley @OffGuardian0 @latimeralder @21stCenturyWire @david_r_morgan @org_scp Aah, I see. You trust the gatekeepers. Of course, as demontrated by the BMJ, the Cochrane review and many others the Peer Review process is terribly corrupt. https://t.co/X89dmGONlQ https://t.co/0tD9kv9d1g https://t.co/UWcvspxnc5 https://t.co/ZtqWxcsfrP
@matthieugarby @Tsarorius @SulliBoyTV @OliverStoneAix @raoult_didier Et ça (février 2020)? https://t.co/Vhfm7rxrWw
@Tsarorius @matthieugarby @SulliBoyTV @OliverStoneAix @raoult_didier Si vous préférez, j'ai ça (février 2020) : https://t.co/Vhfm7rxrWw
@notadoc15584916 @LValait @Irene80921121 @oschi77 @ValentinStark @BAG_OFSP_UFSP Hier ein Paar Studien dazu: https://t.co/bzynUHWipg https://t.co/ETWo9Ia0I8 https://t.co/NrRQjOt8ud https://t.co/RKczDPl7sT https://t.co/c6E9XA9pD7
@Armiansk1 @OsonsCauser https://t.co/3xQ1I7bVce
@Alessan81275598 @OsmarTerra Já tínhamos sim ou você acha que o Bonoro tirou da cabeça dele a informação da eficácia da HCQ? https://t.co/67lllrtBbn Pega os estudos do Didier Rauolt, ele foi um dos pioneiros no ocidente, fora que na China já usavam em Janeiro https://t.co/bsZ3J1Z7EI
@verharen_wim @NassauWillem @NOS @hugodejonge Vaccins bij muterende virussen als Influenza verlagen dodenaantal groep van 65+ voor slechts 8.91%. Tabel 3 / Tabel 1. https://t.co/3rXtWJaIxA HCQ werking werd in februari al opgemerkt in dit meer dan 600x geciteerde artikel. https://t.co/5DUihb7XQd
@superjan Positief effect was al begin dit jaar bekend na tests in China. Meer dan 600x geciteerd artikel, maar in Nederland begraven. https://t.co/KuLlN9wkOw
100 patients have demonstrated that chloroquine phosphate is superior to the control treatment in inhibiting the exacerbation of pneumonia, improving lung imaging findings, promoting a virusnegative conversion, and shortening the disease course https://t.co/Vo7rnF0az4
@NoDemocracyInUK Breakthrough: Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies. https://t.co/KHOu7fs9Lu
That aside for now, the first study about the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine came out of China on February 19, "Breakthrough: Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies"
WHAT IS THE FOLLOW UP ON THIS? "Chloroquine phosphate, an old drug for treatment of malaria, is shown to have apparent efficacy and acceptable safety against COVID-19 associated pneumonia in multicenter clinical trials conducted in China." https://t.co/rE4G93lPig
@kevinnbass @drleighannjones @valentinomackie OK, let’s start with your first point. There were positive studies in China by February https://t.co/GwXXKCnWqg. No doubt Trump heard of these studies.
@parker_vmg3 @realrohbags @ScottMorrisonMP Heres a link to the study and a copy of the abstract https://t.co/3kDqvdp5D4 https://t.co/FNUANYnhCK
@fulton503 @TomFitton @WSJ More than 100 patients demonstrated that chloroquine phosphate is superior to the control treatment in inhibiting the exacerbation of pneumonia, improving lung imaging findings, promoting a virus negative conversion, and shortening the disease course. https://t.co/eJcspyMamJ
Chinese study "The drug is recommended to be included in the next version of the Guidelines for the Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Pneumonia Caused by COVID-19 issued by the Natl. Health Com. of the People's Republic of China" #Hydroxychloroquine https://t.co/C981LEURh4
@a_1_0_2 @jaltucher @MikeVivier @jockowillink @ScottAdamsSays @joerogan @tferriss @foundmyfitness @PeterAttiaMD @DominicDAgosti2 Marc VanRanst https://t.co/IRmpqOYSTW Gengfu Xiao https://t.co/4LhASPA05E Manli Wang https://t.co/Zi07YaLUJG Xu Yang https://t.co/0ORuZDiIas Yawn. You should really read.
@clavedoc @raoult_didier @MartinLandray @PeterHorby https://t.co/AAjOR9YsjG
@laydgeur @LehmannDrC J'ai remis la main dessus. https://t.co/MotGAETNAR
@catsnmouse @raoult_didier Ce n'est pas du tout la première étude en question, pour la simple et bonne raison qu'elle n'a jamais été une prépublication. Chose qui me conforte dans ce que je pensais, vous n'y comprenez rien du tout. Ci dessous l'essai en question https://t.co/hN5243Vh3A
@jerome_diaz @OBerruyer tu cherches la vérité ou les fautes d'ortographe ? Tien si tu as un peu de temps : https://t.co/u156hHG9em https://t.co/KO3w62PRVP https://t.co/nZJe5rkmYd https://t.co/fT9WdgFX0Y https://t.co/N4TzNMCMdJ https://t.co/Z0QeM19XOF
@iramarcondes @rodrigolouvisse @heliobeltrao @lnarloch Aqui as evidências e estudos sobre a eficácia da HCQ: https://t.co/7rtJ3Wm1rx https://t.co/oAifPLaBfA https://t.co/ydxYtF6bQM https://t.co/H3uKsDBFuc https://t.co/YXb9YCCzlc https://t.co/XbqPMcY9rj https://t.co/yPr9zZg6eZ https://t.co/EEHYKQoZ8R
@dom_muller @SergeGuimond1 Bien sûr, mais si tu replaces les choses dans leur contexte, au moment où l'IHU commence, les médecins chinois viennent de publier une lettre qui dit que cela marche (donc pas vraiment de raison de penser à un effet délétère) https://t.co/d2AHdENUpP
@__PatK__ @zicbar56 @Garalfr77 @QueInsu @GilbertDeray Les chinois sont à la base de toutes lés études dans le monde et la il s'agissait d une étude qui a servi de base a ce que Didier Raoult pensait ca confirmait ces certitudes sur la chloro tient en voici la couleur https://t.co/0bCN8807GO
@ArizonaAntoine @EdouardRamzy @dr_l_alexandre @raoult_didier @JeanMessiha @Olivier_Monteil @OlivierBabeau @ColinGiacobi @docteurbahi @philippemaniere @JP_O @nathanpsmad @ChristianDoinet @YvesPDB il y en a des liens : https://t.co/UXKk4HAO09 https://t.co/omSXpu89hq https://t.co/WAGzETibdb https://t.co/I7yEwTjpYG https://t.co/N4TzNMCMdJ https://t.co/DfFLeE6bn2 https://t.co/9L0XG37vcb
@ItsAMeryLife @ChuckCallesto https://t.co/kzqH7A5kpb
@AnneliseRichter @ChristianeFigu6 @JHlucidio @criticanac @CarlosBolsonaro @BancodoBrasil @JornalDaCidadeO https://t.co/m0ippZC3IN https://t.co/kCydB3DBwt https://t.co/M5DhhF45pa https://t.co/2cHh0gz2Fw
@rsvmike @cavousf5 @axelkahn Désolé aussi, une étude publiée dès le 18 février rapportait une efficacité in vivo sur une centaine de patients : https://t.co/7oAnrGfcSF
@BiloRatedSports It's more than one study. Here's are two other Chinese studies from April (not that I particularly trust Chinese studies): https://t.co/qdZl6hkYmm https://t.co/HglG1XOVwt
@crp_62 @o_antagonista @RevistaCrusoe Fodel, agr a Oxford é a detentora de toda ciência e apenas ela pode dar o veredito. A opinião ñ é minha vlw !! https://t.co/rczYscyCNo https://t.co/6BHUgySGmn https://t.co/sYSKa88dxn https://t.co/xikswC9CLW https://t.co/cVhbfBhZ7N https://t.co/02jrrH8e3e https://t.co/TSpKo0axlD
@nytimes https://t.co/u00fCRV8oI
@WSJ https://t.co/u00fCRV8oI
@Fazendo_Nerdice @Allan_Pitanga @JonMarinheiro @luvasgg https://t.co/2i7QF7QoNn "...Chloroquine phosphate, an old drug for treatment of malaria, is shown to have apparent efficacy and acceptable safety against COVID-19 associated pneumonia in multicenter clinical trials conducted in China..."
Technically not Dr. Fauci's website, but Paul has turned up an interesting article. The link below goes directly to the site where the full text PDF can be downloaded. 100 patients treated in 10 different hospitals in China. No severe adverse reactions. https://t.co/rHAGEMST0A https://t.co/gEYKjBJfq6
@KimDotcom Med already in use https://t.co/97CHxZlyvv
Come on folks. It should be obvious by now the HCQ works. How much more proof do you need? https://t.co/aRlIztItxV #QAnon
@Garalfr77 @AsusBegag @axe_saint @idrissaberkane @nytimes @raoult_didier In vitro : https://t.co/jueFRibgQV In vivo : https://t.co/CvRs8iA63m https://t.co/fpjI7rI86q
@LehmannDrC ou ça https://t.co/1Z2DMcp4cP
@LehmannDrC https://t.co/MotGAETNAR ?
Poucos dias depois, em um dos desenvolvimentos mais rápidos da história da ciência, foi lançado um relatório do governo chinês sobre resultados clínicos em pacientes com COVID-19 em dez hospitais na China. https://t.co/kHukZrGjRG
@SMCQFD @MikedePH @raoult_didier On parle de la hiérarchie des preuves ? On en est pas à la méta-analyse et tu le sais très bien. Ne joue pas le puriste stp. In vitro https://t.co/jueFRibgQV In vivo https://t.co/CvRs8iA63m https://t.co/fpjI7rI86q https://t.co/yiOzmq1b0c
@Herr_Ernst_ @ZDFheute @vonderleyen Das Medikament gibt es seit mehr als 70 Jahren, es ist billig, ausgiebigst getestet und keine Pharmafirma verdient Milliarden daran. Projektion ist bei ihnen sehr ausgeprägt. Sie haben keinerlei Ahnung von dem Thema und denken nur, sie seine klug. https://t.co/mucs7I6cAz
@EichholtzAlex @ZDFheute @vonderleyen Natürlich gibt es die. Sie sind uninformiert. https://t.co/mucs7I6cAz
@a_1_0_2 @raoult_didier https://t.co/U0iy0bshNm https://t.co/U0iy0bshNm
@Barbusceptique @tekdeckpower @raoult_didier Ce n'est pas comme si on ne savait rien non plus. Il y avait comme fondement des études chinoises. Le niveau de preuve dans la hierarchie n'est absolument pas à zéro. La Chine est le deuxième pays en terme de publications scientifiques, c'est du sérieux https://t.co/CvRs8iA63m
@Natasha_Nin @Epcocorico @michellechappui @Conflits_FR @raoult_didier La chloroquine a été introduite comme thérapeutique COVID19, en Chine entre mi et fin février 2020. https://t.co/f8OZVS1XPM
@NTM_LAFI @romalin46 @MrConnard70 @Waki_daisho @clemovitch @cliquetv @raoult_didier https://t.co/CvRs8iA63m
@eugenegu It seems that Chloroquine might have some possitive effect in treatment of COVID-19. The paper (cited by 300+ times) https://t.co/1b3vJkUSpN
@Lord0bscuro @MrConnard70 @Waki_daisho @clemovitch @cliquetv @raoult_didier Wikipedia c'est sourcé : https://t.co/CvRs8iA63m
@Hallaschka_HH Dank ihres TDS sind sie blind für die Realität. Chloroquin wirkt, wissenschaftlich nachweisbar, und wird weltweit zur Behandlung des Virus eingesetzt. https://t.co/mucs7I6cAz
@leaskim @brunobd11 @nicopatch10 @DelormeEric2 @raoult_didier @ordre_medecins L'argumentaire contre les effets secondaires vise à décrédibiliser un traitement qui est intéressant in vitro et in vivo. https://t.co/CvRs8iA63m https://t.co/zq9ylGaWpb https://t.co/GHSjY38Awk
@sammy88249403 @AndrieuMickael @naholyr @leoddagan @MicrobiomDigest Au cas où : https://t.co/MotGAFbosp https://t.co/MDL4Ipt2xj C'est à partir de ça que le Pr. Raoult a décidé d'annoncer la fin de partie. Ça parle du sulfate de chloroquine. Pas de l'HCQ, qui d'après "l'étude chinoise" est moins efficace...
@561Pamela You are completely ineffectual at debate, aren't you? That's why you refuse to speak directly to me. https://t.co/Hhcb7o4q4R
@561Pamela You mean like this one? Do your research instead of just assuming anyone saying it's possible this will work is listening to Trump. I'm listening to the drs around the world that are saying it works. https://t.co/Hhcb7o4q4R
@race_spider @AmyDelg74803877 @cnnbrk https://t.co/P5IDO3tCM6
@AmyDelg74803877 @cnnbrk https://t.co/P5IDO3tCM6
@AbdulTConteh @cnnbrk https://t.co/P5IDO3tCM6
@mariana_tadeu @thaysalmeidas @Rooziee @joao_batistajr Tem esses outros se vc preferir: https://t.co/6mUPNQEadH https://t.co/otSLlR98yY https://t.co/faM3VoldHP https://t.co/PDvPDXXitd https://t.co/UaN1UdNluA
@SaN20140650 @NinissDz @BerengerLefort @SovietinParis @salim38525869 @Conflits_FR Elle n'est aps disparue, elle est là https://t.co/WpfkwLxHJ9 Sauf qu'en réalité, aucune info sur la méthodologie et les résultats
@HerpesOcul @John_Jeffraie @Pej919 @Tsarorius @p_laurenti @fluidloading @mirzwy @Chris_moreau @AgnesJu @Damkyan_Omega @AnthonyGuihur @ElodieProutiere @MedicusFR @LehmannDrC Non, je parle de ça : https://t.co/aQV6r2YEkY
@ellis_muggleton "Doesn’t work." Please provide hard evidence for this claim. Here are some other studies showing it does work. https://t.co/NJdESXLRH6 https://t.co/5CGX2yUO2c Provide evidence for a treatment that has been clinically shown to be more effective. https://t.co/VuqYpah8Nr
https://t.co/w9uforQVV1 Chloroquine phosphate - promising or not? News from China showing efficacy in treatment for C-19 patients with pnuemonia
@Extropianisme @ErwanGueguen @Ascl_Pios Euh... Erwan a raison, vous avez pris le temps d'ouvrir le pdf ? C'est effectivement juste une lettre d'amour à la chloroquine et absolument pas une étude... C'est même marqué en entête : "Lettre". Vraiment. https://t.co/W72fTJCi0r
@Extropianisme @TroncheBiais Cette lettre https://t.co/IrQe7TCCUJ n'est pas une étude clinique. C'est une Letter, une communication courte qui rapporte les résultats des études citées. Le deuxième paragraphe dit tout.
@Mar_Sido @TroncheBiais "apparemment" https://t.co/1OSFDXDfsB l'étude que j'ai cité est approuvé ni annulé ni sans résultat. donc je vois pas ou vous voulez en venir avec vos propos.
@dafortin https://t.co/1z68nhuUyV 15 études randomisés (février 2020) en chine rapportent un effet exexmple :https://t.co/Cd15g26tEE
@tgerbaud https://t.co/1z68nhuUyV
@AStrochnis on s'en fout pas mal des sondages, lisez le récap des 15 études chinoises randomisées avec groupe tests et arretez de psychoter !! https://t.co/1z68nhuUyV https://t.co/dWT0DVtzfr
@AStrochnis on s'en fout pas mal des sondages, lisez le récap des 15 études chinoises randomisées avec groupe tests et arretez de psychoter !! https://t.co/1z68nhuUyV https://t.co/dWT0DVtzfr
@pourtoch @Eldo_Off @MGigantoraptor La chloroquine est utilisée depuis plus de 50 ans, on connait tout de sa posologie et des effets secondaires, il n'y aucun risque à l'utiliser,elle est déjà un traitement recommandée en Chine depuis février... https://t.co/92OnsstQbN
@yardleywong https://t.co/ZjcymlwGrI https://t.co/Hy8o1npZn2 https://t.co/7wIrNU6QPU When a disease is new there are no approved treatments. These science articles support my previous comment. The US is lucky that so many excellent doctors in China learned and shared their findings with us
The Chinese seem to think that the Hydroxychloroquine is effective https://t.co/vJQBiQIk9Q
So very simple question. In the bombastically titled paper “Breakthrough...” the Chinese Communist Party formalized it’s endorsement of chloroquine phosphate on Feb 17. This was allegedly based on the results of “over 100 patients” in 10 hospitals. https://t.co/hKQy2yBVSY https://t.co/Z4iiqJTYuI
De acordo com um estudo publicado por cientistas chineses, o governo chinês divulgou, no dia 17 de fevereiro, que o fosfato de cloroquina, um remédio usado pra tratar a malária, demostrou eficácia no tratamento de pneumonia associada à Covid-19 (+) https://t.co/enSTriyi49 https://t.co/5DtQ1ZM2F7
@kylefaraday @joanneintexas @JanetETennessee @PatrickSvitek @GovAbbott @GOP Study #2: https://t.co/mowICabyCF
@EatTrainPrayLo1 @joanneintexas @JanetETennessee @PatrickSvitek @GovAbbott @GOP Study #2: https://t.co/mowICabyCF
@MaryKayMarrell1 @joanneintexas @JanetETennessee @PatrickSvitek @GovAbbott @GOP Study #2: https://t.co/mowICabyCF
@nielsier @lucianobts_ @Miltonneves https://t.co/71t33XmPM3 https://t.co/WmVZTzOURF
@dr_l_alexandre @RisqueAlpha @raoult_didier et les 15 études chinoises y compris des randomisées c'est du pipo ? https://t.co/dWT0DVtzfr https://t.co/1z68nhuUyV
@dr_l_alexandre @RisqueAlpha @raoult_didier et les 15 études chinoises y compris des randomisées c'est du pipo ? https://t.co/dWT0DVtzfr https://t.co/1z68nhuUyV
@maximumcharacte Dafuq? Do you have access to Google? This is not difficult. You want someone else to do your thinking AND your research for you? smdh https://t.co/wsnFUpn7vh https://t.co/rphbtxQwvn https://t.co/PZ1iWEPKH7 https://t.co/wn7VD48Tpj
@ReynalVincent @schneiderleonid @ischemo @IHU_Marseille Is it this one? It describes itself as a letter. https://t.co/0kAGaSiKvb
@ChimicoScettico https://t.co/f9WH1Pn2Ha https://t.co/m5lTVmwBaj
@Dimilisofficiel @Nain_Portekoi C'est faux. Les gens qui racontent des mensonges à ce sujet n'ont d'ailleurs sans doute jamais lu assez d'études sérieuses pour les reconnaître des pas sérieuses. https://t.co/1FFFOW0eKm https://t.co/DOvGPxvXm5
@jblachowski @KlasfeldReports https://t.co/90xrdaozuh
@ManonBevillard Et ceci: https://t.co/DYAeRxJIfz Ça me semble vraiment ce qu'il y a de mieux... Sinon, on fait quoi? On regarde mourir?
@JordanSchachtel Here are clinical trials from China about efficacy of chloroquine phosphate on COVID-19 https://t.co/ALwGmsFaQl
@EricBillyFR @idrissaberkane @LaurentLantieri @dr_l_alexandre https://t.co/HkGbejDuXj https://t.co/uJYhIQ6yuW
@laydgeur 2 études chinoises: https://t.co/Zpwn43MI2f https://t.co/F6elLtsd36
@Eldo_Off @J_Silleres @Tythanblog @CMarcos15 @UPR_Asselineau Rappel, le preprint en question parlait d'une "efficacité apparente". Et en plus il a été mis à jour avec ce qui parait être une meilleure traduction, qui laisse penser que cette phrase faisait simplement références aux résultats in-vitro. https://t.co/nteXyCkcxW
@aue84fr @Ujinbo56 @Tythanblog @Eldo_Off @J_Silleres @CMarcos15 @UPR_Asselineau Faux. C'était un simple preprint, qui ne donne aucune info à part "il y a une efficacité apparente". L'étude sensée le démontrer n'a d'ailleurs jamais été publiée depuis. https://t.co/nteXyCkcxW
@SDECoxHealth @PStrickler Here's one not from France...https://t.co/4slkHgZAS0. .
クロロキンかぁ。letterで統計も何も載ってないけど… https://t.co/mB8PkMtZZg
En rueda de prensa han dicho que en 100 pacientes, la cloroquina "is superior to the control treatment in inhibiting the exacerbation of pneumonia, improving lung imaging findings, promoting a virusnegative conversion, and shortening the disease course" https://t.co/yuniZOFkMM
@C_Papachaviaris @Katselos Επειδη το θελω και εγω να το'χω ευκαιρο, οριστε pubmed paper από Κινα, και με in-vitro & και in-vivo αποτελεσματα. https://t.co/zbVwLDzOrG https://t.co/DtCuhbceL5
Lien sur le document https://t.co/icu1KasGEx
@dr_l_alexandre @MedicusFR Les Chinois ont préféré éviter le délit pénal: “numerous trials testing chloroquine in clinical trials in China “ “unable to see trial data/info from Chinese studies” https://t.co/5JYwDhHdsO ( & https://t.co/IR7hla0I1e)
Brug klorokin og zitromax nu, og red millioner af smittede for smerte og/eller død. https://t.co/uND9k8FYOh @statsmin @SosseRossen @Heunicke @tv2newsdk @DR1TV @SSI_dk @SSTbrostrom @STPS_DK @SSTSundhed #coronavirusdk #Coronadk #COVID2019dk #dkpol #dkmedier @regeringDK
Patient 0 Guéri Source : ambassade de chine https://t.co/BbUU8ek7TT Source : publication Étude chinoise https://t.co/ktx4bxAXKE
@DrDenaGrayson what are your thoughts on this? https://t.co/67pxinB8vG
@BorisConSome1 There is evidence that it is effective, see below https://t.co/1ZasF30oCr I understand that in the UK there's a shortage, and I am sorry to hear that it may affect your wife. Doctors in Italy would never make lupus patients suffer in order to help others. We have enough for both
@Chrisdebois1 @nayyerali10 "The Raoult paper is getting a severe kicking on Twitter" I'm not sure Twitter chatter really matters now. "He seems very untrustworthy" And the other 27 physician co-authors too? The 3rd study this week showing the same thing. https://t.co/NJdESXLRH6 https://t.co/5CGX2yUO2c https://t.co/xbtaDGjXxu
@Wouldsidibou @raoult_didier je n'ai pas mieux que ceci. si vous vous êtes capable d'analyser les meta-données, elles sont en téléchargement. https://t.co/wYTpNh6Icx
@Ro_BLP https://t.co/pHdfMQSmVl
@APompliano https://t.co/47i7CkQTi6
@ordre_medecins @LeGene_hebdo @leQdM @WhatsUpDoc_mag @EgoraInfo @afpfr @lemonde_sante @LeFigaro_Sante @CDOM42 @CDOM63INFO @CDOmedecins94 @EPhilippePM @raoult_didier Justement, on trouve dans cet article la conclusion positive d'études cliniques que la HAS attendait (citées dans son rapport du 5 mars). https://t.co/CGo6pTuNon #Hydroxycloroquine #COVID19 #Corona #coronavirus @EmmanuelMacron @Conseil_Etat @pdousteblazy https://t.co/9px2n3uHlB https://t.co/4gkoccLoZK
@JohnPisarski @JeanetteSchmitt https://t.co/6q6WdMRZv2
Percée: le phosphate de #chloroquine a montré une efficacité apparente dans le traitement de la pneumonie associée au COVID-19 dans les études cliniques https://t.co/EbCDjtRtyW
Breakthrough: #Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies $spx https://t.co/yf5mHGr7sT
@shuozha49745413 @ding_gang @brithume Breakthrough: Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies - https://t.co/yf5mHGr7sT
@JeffBVockrodt @skulb94 @CarrLDiane @jabeale @brithume Breakthrough: Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies - https://t.co/yf5mHGr7sT
Gao J et al informaron en una carta que 15 ensayos clínicos con CQ/HCQ estaban en marcha en China y que un análisis interino de los desenlaces de más de 100 pacientes demostró que la CQ era superior al tratamiento control (el cual no especificaban) https://t.co/O0CW38J5Hf
@Purefustian @ScottAdamsSays Bayer’s German by the way. Some interesting history https://t.co/uxoJfY34yv. Many of the Chinese studies use chloroquine phosphate https://t.co/lqpO2muzk5 .
[ÉTUDE 2] Chine - 100 #patients ➡️essais cliniques de la #chloroquine sur 100 patients (500 milligrammes, 2 fois/jour, durée de 10 jours)
Pour ceux qui ne comprennent pas de quoi je parle. Une lettre, publiée dans un journal scientifique, certes, mais ce n'était qu'une lettre, disait que des essais cliniques était probants, avec 15 références d'essais cliniques. Cette lettre : https://t.co/NMrLmC94Fy
@gertvdijk @mugecevik Not proven? https://t.co/OPOIYvA6ko
"Resultados en >100 pts: demuestran que fosfato de cloroquina es superior al tratamiento de control en la inhibición de exacerbación de la neumonía, mejorando los hallazgos RX/CT pulmonares, negativización vírica y acorta el curso de la enfermedad " https://t.co/7kEhHd3bCe
@DeBunKerEtoiles on a juste ca oui pour l'étude de 100 personnes en chine: https://t.co/54YqC9o9BA
@RandyCarter9455 @philbak1 https://t.co/P0Lu5DEpOd
More info to assist in thinking about it all: @ScottAdamsSays https://t.co/QJxsN73xXl https://t.co/apnKL9140R https://t.co/F2fYwXo771 https://t.co/qp2MTQgOLd https://t.co/fZsXriYvMV https://t.co/n0uxyEd07P
More info to assist in thinking about it all: https://t.co/QJxsN73xXl https://t.co/apnKL9140R https://t.co/F2fYwXo771 https://t.co/qp2MTQgOLd https://t.co/fZsXriYvMV https://t.co/n0uxyEd07P
@mormach @alexis5767 @Conseil_Etat @EmmanuelMacron @HAS_sante @acadmed @MinSoliSante @EPhilippePM En voici un cité par le center disease control (usa) : Breakthrough: Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies https://t.co/CGo6pTuNon
A number of clinical trials have been conducted in China in more than 10 hospitals to test the efficacy and safety of chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of #COVID19. The results are quite promising so far. https://t.co/dQjHZapHzl https://t.co/oQzBX1QdV7
@jeffgiesea @willchamberlain Can click download PDF to read "Breakthrough: Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies" from China. https://t.co/FIZ8Tgcbey
@bababebebububob @Deevix1234 @anatolium https://t.co/YnknrAGIAL Ils parlent ici, en février, d’une dizaine d’hôpitaux et de plus de 100 patients... L‘hydroxychloroquine est actuellement utilisée dans toute l’Asie en prévention des formes graves, le personnel médical en prends en préventif... Bref...
@Deevix1234 @Tiston1310 @DexIcarus @Lew0P @raoult_didier https://t.co/85im9fI7W9
@Tsarorius Par contre vous racontez à tout le monde qu'il n'y a pas eut d'Etudes chinoises qui démontraient de bon résultats donc pour vous arrêter de dire des choses idiotes voici
@LesCrises @deunsatignes Il y a donc deux études puisque un autre dit en février qu'elle est prometteuse et qui date de février aussi https://t.co/oB4YlHAGL3
@VitLouisa @Lew0P @raoult_didier https://t.co/85im9fI7W9
@VegeanH @Le_Figaro Une étude transversale depuis mi-février dans 10 hôpitaux en chine puis les recommandation du groupe a intégrer la #chloroquine pour le traitement a grande échelle des malades du #covid19 https://t.co/bUPZw7VUw9 https://t.co/iy8NQ1q26B
@Cdanslair Merci de le dire ! Moi non plus je n’ai pas trouvé les résultas bruts de l’étude chinoise de février. La seule lettre dispo relève de la com’ + que de la science : https://t.co/C476d7e7zW Ma synthèse des résultats d’études : https://t.co/YvIByT8YAP @CecileThibss @LeFigaro
Interesante, nunca existe la "pastilla magica" pero SI han usado #Hydroychloroquina en protocolos en China en pacientes con #coronavirus @Salud_Ec @eluniversocom @tctelevision @EcuavisaInforma #COVID19Ecuador #QuedateEnTuCasa #Covid19Ec https://t.co/ep6IGrZ6pO
#étude Breakthrough: #Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of #COVID—19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies https://t.co/YvxwbMKSSN
@YBelhaissi للتوضيح فهو دواء لكبح انتشار الفيروس داخل الجسم و ليس مخفف لأعراض المصدر https://t.co/lA3N9IFBrO
Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies https://t.co/UttUX2jssJ
@aawayne @FayCortez @ClaireYChe BS #FakeNews propaganda. Several studies by scientists from US, Australia, France, Japan, etc. showing it works WELL against coronaviridae. The NIH knew as far back as 2005 https://t.co/YOJVD6GaXj https://t.co/2RN7xAhuzk https://t.co/kHyjmP4iZ8 https://t.co/dAqxxaYbRW
I also found this: https://t.co/Hnp1WZ7vXu That says it works, in 100 patients, in different hospitals... but Do not show data... Still waiting for solid data, is normal because: "Outstanding statements, need outstanding evidence"
@Laurie_Garrett @realDonaldTrump It's is not what the Chinese say since February with 10 hospitals having done transverses clinicals trials on #chloroquine #covid19 #coronavirus #COVIDー19 https://t.co/bUPZw7VUw9 https://t.co/TmXpOoWfTs
@FZores Cet article https://t.co/DsoBJDyLlC mentionne 15 essais cliniques mené en Chine actuellement. Tu peux consulter une partie de leur protocole via leur "registration number" sur https://t.co/o3MoD7oUNp
Etude Chinoise sur l'hydrochloriquine (lien pdf) : https://t.co/uUJM1gKAIY portant sur 10 Hôpitaux à Wuhan, Jingzhou, Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, et Ningbo. #chloroquine #coronavirus #chine #raoult cc @rosselin
Jianjun Gao published in Chinese journal that CQ has "apparent efficacy" against COVID-19 associated pneumonia in multicenter clinical trials conducted in China (pata nahi kahan hai ye trial) https://t.co/J9ozXHnSE2
A letter published by Gao et al reports that data from the first 100 patients in these ongoing trials in China demonstrate the superiority of #Chloroquine. But the specific results are not included in the published letter. https://t.co/3Gz4JZM4kD
Maybe you could clear up some of the confusion that is coming from Chloroquine phosphate. This pdf from the Japanese Sci & Tech Agency recommends that China use it as Standard Protocol against Covid-19. https://t.co/AgzJRLA7xe @davidrliu
@chuckwoolery @DTochinskiy Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies https://t.co/UttUX2B3kh
@pierremagau @NannyBanhammer @guardian Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies https://t.co/UttUX2B3kh
@nsaimonsemvula Les chinois ont déjà fait cette étude multicentrique avec 10 hôpitaux c'est jouer la montre. Vous laisser les gens mourir! @gouvernementFR https://t.co/bUPZw7Ej7z https://t.co/Sk8i4pCyxD
@Reseau_CRPV @SFPT_fr @CNPM_fr @SynapsPharmaco La Chine https://t.co/bUPZw7Ej7z et la Corée du Sud https://t.co/oWgj2r670H qui ont fait face au #COVID19 recommandent la #chloroquine #chloroquinegate depuis février!! Sont ils moins soucieux de leur population? https://t.co/CoiEtMLasy
@Crispalou Pour la chine https://t.co/2qFKGpZaQk
@mikeandersonsr @DrDenaGrayson Just an FYI, a follow-up to the #chloroguine issue: https://t.co/YOJVD6GaXj Also, it is one of the 400 or so meds, recommended by the WHO for any modern healthcare system: https://t.co/jJpg0YLt0K
@the_hague_ICC Agreed. https://t.co/b5zQdLNAKf
@EuphoniusNuts @crentsch https://t.co/5CGX2yDcDC "marked efficacy" "potent efficacy in treating patients with COVID-19" https://t.co/QywGWXokkx
@JeanLoupSalzman @SylvainRenault @dr_l_alexandre Ceci aussi est publié et dans les deux cas ça ne correspond pas au protocole de raoult qui ajoute un antibiotique https://t.co/0WWInWj1Gv
@RFI Les chinois https://t.co/bUPZw7VUw9 et les coréens https://t.co/oWgj2qOw99 recommande la #chloroquine #chloroquinegate Pourquoi le @gouvernementFR refuse les 300000 doses proposé par @sanofi https://t.co/z0bj3IEBNz
@AgenaStarling @thierryph @IzzaJerry @olivierveran @MinSoliSante Être méfiant n’est pas être ignorant. https://t.co/4vmUxVXWCd
@ColinGiacobi @benisoitlefruit @qffwffq @MedicusFR @DrGroquik @ContactPrimum @Damkyan_Omega @TroncheBiais @dr_l_alexandre @PotardDechaine Vous concentrez vos efforts sur l'attitude et l'aplomb de Raoult, alors que chaque heure d'effort doit être concentrée sur: comment améliorer ses résultats *imparfaits, non nuls et prometteurs*. Et quand on le fait ça donne Gao et al. 16 Mars 20 https://t.co/dNeNgIOghO
@lalac_lala2 @Fraoui1983 @DEYCatherine1 Les chinois nous ont pas attendu ils les ont fait dans 10 hôpitaux sur plus de 100 patients => Ils recommandent la #chloroquine contre le #COVIDー19 https://t.co/bUPZw7VUw9 https://t.co/6Q8PM627Fr
@artorias_sama @Emoshun69 @Erilum_R @CH_Gallois 1) Si, l'urgence excuse *totalement* une méthodologie imparfaite mais de bonne volonté 2) données depuis le 16 Mars (publiées, connues plus tôt) https://t.co/dNeNgIOghO
@fluidloading @AlexandreGeneve @Thermidor67 @UnShibboleth @Formindep @IHU_Marseille Hum hum https://t.co/2pSpBL6IYO visiblement les recherches et vous ça fait 2
@CagatayTarhan @Evren2018 @ozlemyildiz1881 Klorokin işi kontrolden çıktı Klorokin ve hidroksiklorin dışında da klorokin fosfat için de COVID-19 pnömonisinde kullanımı makaleleri var. Expert Consensus on Chloroquine Phosphate for the Treatment of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia https://t.co/CwxIS5RgYf https://t.co/W5wpv84slR
@CorsoMaltais @franceinfo Sur la base aussi de recommandation de la chine qui ont traversé la crise, et fait des essaies clinique dans 10 hôpitaux https://t.co/mOpoZ5NMpr https://t.co/8xh6SuwIrf
Don't self-medicate!!! https://t.co/YZZitna6q8 Here's the paper that causes the furore: https://t.co/ixio3yidIX Cant access the Chinese Trial registry to assess merits. If you can and interested: https://t.co/bliG2Oq5ld https://t.co/oPcSjLUmMQ
@PaulStetson13 @CNNPolitics @McentyreBrenda I always prefer reading the original source ;) https://t.co/ipOG5D4r1x no concrete data..and „in light of the urgent demand“ ..
@Tessfire1 Well - we both know that it was Chinese scientists and healthcare professionals who made this discovery in spite of CCP oppression: https://t.co/xEk5tgp3GQ
@RossMannII52 @DrEricDing @ElsevierConnect Apparently used to great effect in a China. So what’s the difference between the two? Purity? Excipients? https://t.co/Cp4QWrQfln
@DrEricDing @ElsevierConnect What’s the difference between the chloroquine phosphate in aquarium cleaner vs the chloroquine phosphate used to treat patients? https://t.co/Cp4QWrQfln
@CMHSMrWalters @Find_my_waldo @isaiahvargas172 @TheRightMelissa @realDonaldTrump Breakthrough: Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies Jianjun Gao, Zhenxue Tian, Xu Yang https://t.co/KGI7MbI299
@planefag looks like the phosphate is actually the drug people use for COVID https://t.co/K1hoWEtOVI problem isn't that it's the wrong chemical, it's that it's not packaged for humans and you're going YOLO on the dosage (and chloroquine is toxic in overdose)
18/03 @sanofi prêt à offrir 300000 doses de #Plaquenil au @gouvernementFR En 12h cela aurait pu distribué à l'ensemble des hôpitaux L'organe de santé chinois recommande l'utilisation de #Hydroxychloroquine depuis le 15/02 #NousNOublieronsPas #COVIDー19 https://t.co/bUPZw7VUw9 https://t.co/2tiLs3N8SJ
@thy_gane D’un papier chinois mal interprété et sans donnée statistique notamment, une lettre d’une page envoyée par des chercheurs chinois à une revue scientifique, relayant un communiqué de presse du gouvernement https://t.co/dJTOQ1U4Uh
@christopheml @LePitbull3 @BFMTV https://t.co/mOpoZ5NMpr https://t.co/jkxJCJT3Ya
@karunanundy Studies here: https://t.co/ihMtXTsLe8 And https://t.co/cmyBKeyNsd Arguments against these here: https://t.co/6RBHjCf5CJ
@DupleixJf @idrissaberkane @joukhov_ho https://t.co/Cfv0T4lR8f https://t.co/P9z97U1jHy
@idrissaberkane https://t.co/Cfv0T4lR8f https://t.co/P9z97U1jHy
@orberose Qui polemique ? Il s'est montré efficace dans le cadre du traitement #Covid_19 A eux de trancher sur la base des resultats cliniques chinois. https://t.co/EwjTvcXBPm
@BFMTV 10 hôpitaux chinois ont mené des études sur plus de 100 patients chacun et ils affirment que la #chloroquine fonctionne avec un risque minime depuis le 15 Février 2020, le @gouvernementFR refuse d'adopter le traitement
10 hôpitaux chinois ont mené des études sur plus de 100 patients et ils affirment que la #chloroquine fonctionne avec un risque minimum depuis le 15 Février 2020 #covid19 #coronavirus #COVIDー19 https://t.co/bUPZw7VUw9 https://t.co/wu6i2a9ZpA
@TryAnotherLife @PopineauCharles @BarbierVincent4 @Guy__Moux @ansm 10 hôpitaux chinois ont mené des études sur plus de 100 patients et ils affirme que la #chloroquine fonctionne avec un risque minimum depuis le 15 Février 2020 https://t.co/mOpoZ5NMpr https://t.co/toBwDTHzFj
@JulienLecaille And China https://t.co/C42YJqj23z "thus far, results from more than 100 patients have demonstrated that chloroquine phosphate is superior to the control treatment in inhibiting the exacerbation of pneumonia" #COVIDー19 #Chloroquine
@Aradeen @falseflagclo @MedicusFR ℹ️ Coronavirus : Voila lien sur l' efficacité de la #Chloroquine en Chine pour traitement #COVIDー19 https://t.co/EwjTvcXBPm
@GovEvers Chloroquine phosphate treats CoVid-19 https://t.co/R21HYdkU0A After Feb 15, Chinese Case numbers dropped to near zero growth.
@Mazen_Ezzeddine I feel it's something like gambling. It's not my domain but you can find the informations and conclude. Chinese scientists have performed various trials last month and there is some very bad results
@KasperSuomi @iltasanomat Ihan by the way: Chloroquine ei ole mikään satunnainen hatusta tempaistu lääke, vaan siitä on useampiakin tutkimuksia, joissa siis todetaan että se toimii yleisesti koronaviruksiin. https://t.co/M443M13Ijh https://t.co/WCusA6gKhP
Hydroxychloroquine appears to be helpful against COVID19: https://t.co/XmCVk0wVYP https://t.co/YLCAL7PDb4 https://t.co/MSZf6xIotU https://t.co/4SV7YzUWIl https://t.co/elr5lcEBlN
@Arntet @BaconStripsUii @Guy__Moux https://t.co/YKsnAdYTzQ Une étude chinoise + L'étude de Raoult > Tout le reste Pour la chloroquine, on a des pistes, pour le reste on a rien Donc logique, la chloroquine est pour l'instant notre meilleure solution
@Relinque2 @_pasterp @A59_B2R @DCesarius @Guy__Moux https://t.co/YKsnAdYTzQ Y'a une étude chinoise qui va dans son sens Mais bon les chintoks en c'moment ca a pas trop la cote j'ai raison ?
@Guy__Moux https://t.co/YKsnAdYTzQ Tiens bouffe :)
@emilac7 @JulBzz @sonjoachim @tofer_dreamer @infofrance2 Il ne vous aura certainement pas échappé que des chercheurs chinois ont publié une étude le 18 février 2020 concernant des essais de chloroquine dans 10 hôpitaux différents. Résultats = une amélioration significative pour plus de 100 personnes. https://t.co/zXktldRDBr
@flodebarre @MicrobiomDigest Ethniquement acceptable? https://t.co/FjsRokGu9d par ailleurs, un essai clinique à grande échelle est lancé en Europe et supervisé par l #inserm. Il faut explorer toutes les pistes, sans idéologie
@ghostquitue @_pasterp @A59_B2R @DCesarius @Guy__Moux https://t.co/5eAXHjOV2p J'ai trouvé l'étude chinoise
@DidierMaisto @CathyMassa4 Je ne sais pas si c'est de la condescendance ou une véritable xénophobie, mais il faut regarder ce qui a été produit en terme de résultats cliniques en Chine ! https://t.co/1KKr1XIIIO
@Guy__Moux @berbereleonard Il y a quand même les essais cliniques préliminaires effectués en Chine, il ne se base pas sur ses résultats : https://t.co/1KKr1XIIIO
@VngzTr @jmanalich Acá Cita 1 : https://t.co/1yoZnA3QGW
Cita 1 : https://t.co/1yoZnA3QGW
@Mfberi @Bernard_Novet 2 pages sur de l'in vitro. Vous êtes sérieux ? https://t.co/nO6AJkSOQC
@chevreuil @BayesReality publi sur les tests en Chine, peu de résultats pr l'instant, bcp de tests arrêtés : https://t.co/POXm8OuY1w
@HahnemannSamuel @FlorenceLOUIS L'étude chinoise du 18 février 2020. Elle alimentera surement vos réflexions. https://t.co/5y7EbZ1H1H
@Karolien1231 @dr_l_alexandre @CeciliaAttias @FrigideBarjot C'est vrai. Mais les travaux chinois sont publiés et disponibles en anglais. @olivierveran @MinSoliSante https://t.co/QAdEU0IUzy https://t.co/9y4aWYxwmm
@JimForsythe5 Actually, the original study that generated this buzz was with a related compound, Chloroquine Phosphate. A preliminary report of more than 100 pts at 10 sites in China. Promising, but as written hardly conclusive: https://t.co/Cup3UoqvCE
Spécial @MartinHirsch , qui croit encore que la Chloroquine n'a jamais eu d'effet antiviral sur des êtres vivants: https://t.co/M2I19Qpyjq… Une expérience sur plus de 100 patients dans plusieurs hôpitaux chinois a cependant donné d'excellents résultats contre Covid19. Pas lu ?
https://t.co/XUmoceLFfD @GregHuntMP @AnnastaciaMP @StevenJMiles @ScottMorrisonMP @7NewsBrisbane
@__Verlaine__ Faut refaire ce que les chinois ont testé et mis en pratique, et suivi par d'autres pays asiatiques. https://t.co/gzpMl3kquV
@gilbsgilbs @mart1oeil @raphdasouth @MarianneleMag Quote: “Thus far, results from more than 100 patients have demonstrated that #ChloroquinePhosphate is superior to the control treatment in inhibiting the exacerbation of pneumonia, (…) and shortening the disease course”. Source: https://t.co/j2qrYzfthp #COVIDー19
@__Aquila__ @Damkyan_Omega @wargonm @fluidloading @PotardDechaine @Le___Doc @qffwffq @FZores C’est pas celle-là. Ce papier dans Nature est une étude in vitro. Le papier auquel Matthieu faisait référence, et l’entrée dans la base de données pour une des études dont on a pas les résultats. Les codes des autres dans l’article. https://t.co/K8dOYTISCk https://t.co/Q4ayXX5npb
@paulsperry_ If you are referring to this trial: https://t.co/PD0Xn60Qx3 It has been debunked because the trials are not even scheduled to be conducted until 2021
@MartinHirsch, qui croit encore que la Chloroquine n'a jamais eu d'effet antiviral sur des êtres vivants: https://t.co/vLoLU5X8ee Une expérience sur plus de 100 patients dans plusieurs hôpitaux chinois a cependant donné d'excellents résultats contre Covid19. Pas lu ?
@chrismusafiri @leo_poirot @mstrphnx @RomainMarceau1 "c'est testé en Chine" oui "on l'utilise dans les hostos" oui Mais pour l'instant personne n'a montré/partagé les données issues des fameuses études dont parle Raoult (et dont il est question ici : https://t.co/GdTKjYfQps)
@Mmwhow @MrDahu74 @CapitaineCarot1 @Therealkurdish @LucMoruin @grossmustache @olivierveran @adia66 Vous avez vu l'étude en question ou vous parlez de ce communiqué ? https://t.co/GdTKjYfQps
@gorskon @Orange_Blue_Red @GaetanBurgio Is this what you saw - a letter to Bioscience Trends? There's reference there to a slew of registered trials in China. I have not seen data/analysis, but consensus recs for a nation of 1.4B carries some weight. https://t.co/TvAfeDLUpT
Breakthrough: Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies https://t.co/Ddp1smQPE7
Breakthrough: Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of #Covid_19SA associated pneumonia in clinical studies. #lockDownSouthAfrica #FightCOVID19 #onlinequarantineparty #LockdownSA https://t.co/HY8C0Rtx5L https://t.co/k4qIP86pIF https://t.co/QOU4bq3SrO
@charlesornstein @walidgellad @drannamvaldez @ml_barnett Maybe they should be reading peer reviewed studies and not wait for Trump (nothing dubious about his claim). https://t.co/Jyxo3EKK0F
#coronavirus Breakthrough: Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies https://t.co/fwyy6bUtDp If you feel you do not need this drug due to your politics plz save it for the rest of us.
@RVAwonk People will drink water if it was touted as a cure and end up with water poisoning plz set aside your politics, this drug has been prescribed both in China Australia as 1st line defense https://t.co/fwyy6bUtDp
@olivier_belli Les chinois sont positifs aussi depuis mi février https://t.co/oB4YlHSi9D
@ornikkar Il n'a rien découvert du tout. https://t.co/gzpMl3kquV
@CarlosA94 @bitcuin I've been watching reports coming in for weeks, here's some references. If this is coming down to medicine hoarding then you are simply moving goalposts, which is foolishness since this drug is OTC in many countries for a reason. https://t.co/PHlPusTmhW
Some of that rigor is reflected in the authors’ reviewing whatever relevant literature they could find. They cite, for example, this letter to the journal Bioscience Trends. https://t.co/TvAfeDLUpT 3/
Greetings @drharshvardhan,@narendramodi,treatment which is used to treat COVID19 in China and South Korea, it might help us fighting this virus #IndiaFightsCorona https://t.co/s2Q0LPMU8g https://t.co/s7mI5Q7Cfn https://t.co/tqYOtPOb1c https://t.co/8Or1BudIZT
Greetings @drharshvardhan,@sriramulubjp,@mla_sudhakar,treatment which is used to treat COVID19 in China and South Korea, it might help us fighting this virus #IndiaFightsCorona https://t.co/s2Q0LPMU8g https://t.co/s7mI5Q7Cfn https://t.co/tqYOtPOb1c https://t.co/8Or1BudIZT
@Brennus_fr @hedgehogmsx @YellowJ97022132 @Damkyan_Omega @Le___Doc @LUppsala Ok j'ai retrouvé le lien, merci https://t.co/XF3wKyOzSB
@PinsolleT @Le___Doc @Fraslin @olivierveran Au temps pour moi. J'apprend tous les jours vous savez. Donc une lettre de 2 pages... c'est une étude. Je le note et je m'en félicite. https://t.co/jcAj4Fb5RY
Greetings @drharshvardhan,@sriramulubjp,@mla_sudhakar, mentioned treatment which is used to treat COVID19 in China and South Korea, it might help us fighting this virus https://t.co/s2Q0LPMU8g https://t.co/s7mI5Q7Cfn https://t.co/tqYOtPOb1c https://t.co/8Or1BudIZT
#coronavirus Breakthrough: Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies https://t.co/fwyy6bUtDp
@DrDenaGrayson Breakthrough: Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies https://t.co/fwyy6bUtDp
(pneumonia karşı) ile birlikte... (*1): https://t.co/mfqnVUgFdk Quinidine(C20H24N2O2), ClO2 Cloraquin (C18H26CIN3) Flavonoidler (C15H13O2) Favipiravir(C5H4FN3O2) Atazanavir(C38H52N6O7) Oseltamivir(C16H28N2O4) Ribavirin(C8H12N4O5) Remdesivir((C27H35N6O8P) Umifenovir(C22H25BrO3S)
@split2121 Même l'aspirine peut être dangereuse, il n'y a pas de médicament non toxique. Le problème de la chloroquine, c'est qu'elle n'est plus sous brevet donc son prix est extrêmement bas. Au Maroc un paquet de gélules 200mg coûte 5€ https://t.co/FI4q8dHhxL https://t.co/7Uh43yLuwl
@DrDebraSoh this will probably become one of the most important papers of the decade if all the big double blinds about to roll in validate it works as expected (like SARS and in vitro) https://t.co/RZyaiwwbiA
@Comparativist @razibkhan Seems weather related things are usually a crapshoot, but hopefully the big double blinds about to hit give more hopeful data to follow this up https://t.co/RZyaiwwbiA
@jpogue1 Everything preliminary/premature but that 36-Pt study came on the heels of this study "Thus far, results from more than 100 patients have demonstrated that chloroquine phosphate is superior to the control treatment" https://t.co/J8i7ACrQt2 Yes, not a lot but still is something
@JanJekielek @hollymathnerd @WHO And now, too many media and public officials are ignoring or hand-waving evidence probably just as important — but that will change in days as the first big double blinds likely validate https://t.co/RZyaiwwbiA
@willchamberlain It misses the best one - dozens of double blinds are going to start trickling in very likely to validate this breakthrough: https://t.co/RZyaiwwbiA
@stewartbrand All the scenarios need remodeled with new double blinds data about to start coming in for follow up on this https://t.co/RZyaiwwbiA
@SamHarrisOrg Best case is the big double blinds about to come in validate reports like this from Asia and France https://t.co/RZyaiwwbiA
@John_Gardi Interested in learning something new and giving updates as the big double blinds start coming in to follow this up? https://t.co/RZyaiwwbiA
@elotroalex @shannonmattern Jstage has my fav of he decade so far until the big double blinds come out: https://t.co/RZyaiwwbiA
@damphouse @robbiebliny I haven’t been able to find a link to any public results of those Chinese trials. Just a two-page bulletin (see link). Others have also looked / are looking. To my knowledge none have found anything as of yet. https://t.co/DAHwOXUuJr
But the footnote there just directs you to this link, which is a vague two-page bulletin of sorts summarizing results from some 15 trials done across China. It reports 100+ patients having better-than-control results on chloroquine phosphate. /12 https://t.co/yfm7SPptnb
@Damkyan_Omega Et les études chinoises sur 100 patients, quelqu’un a vu les détails? Le papier ne contient aucune info et renvoie à une base de données d’autorisations des études sans résultats autant que je puisse en juger. Il faut donc croire l’article sur parole!?! https://t.co/K8dOYU0ttS
@GarretLewis https://t.co/XcFlrle28N
@ClimateAudit There is more research available https://t.co/zz2XuEslyM
@wuwu_wally @Gleninmtl @jrocksouth @jpv1958 @marklutchman @realDonaldTrump @JamesDelingpole https://t.co/9K9WvNXQ9r There are many but this one is good. You can search on google for official docs from France, South korea, Australia and China. Also Cambridge has a paper on that.
@helenerossinot @fogiesbert C'est testé en chine depuis janvier et ça marche https://t.co/oB4YlHSi9D
@th3Derek @Cartoonsbyjosh @MichaelCoudrey Chloroquine treatment has been going on in China and South Korea for a while. Underlying mechanism known for a long time too. Zinc likely the key. https://t.co/HOq4jzHoAb
@DrEricDing Here is another study: Breakthrough: Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies https://t.co/fwyy6bUtDp
Testes cliniques : Les Chinois viennent de publier dans la revue BioScience Trends l'évidence de l'efficacité du phosphate de #Chloroquine pour le traitement des infections virales par le #COVID19 et les pneumonies associées. #coronavirus #كورونا_فيروس https://t.co/FI4q8dHhxL https://t.co/axzidrYoub
@Tsarorius @El_Jazary @IHU_Marseille Fascinant !! https://t.co/AKGV9YSIMT
@StanleyBresh @bollemdb https://t.co/StFYeJsc7t
@Tsarorius @El_Jazary @IHU_Marseille La voici : https://t.co/ak0OF9awIG
@SIPSE @novedadesqroo https://t.co/600NjzaSBf
@gusnlea @LauraPinzonMia @landis_melinda @mrmathsmith @jeremynewberger @realDonaldTrump Results of clinical studies (thought Fauci was mistaken in saying there were none, though this is a different mix, I think) https://t.co/rShwm0DdH0
@robinhanson Or the cost vs benefit of waiting more weeks to confirm the month old peer reviewed conclusions of the Chinese https://t.co/RZyaiwwbiA
@MotownMonitor @GissiSim @CNN @MSNBC @FoxNews It does work though
@nicoramirezr_ @MissArielXoxo Gracias por la referencia. Ando revisando las referencias 4 (https://t.co/pRKEb7Wxdi) y 6 (Registro Chino de Estudios Clínicos) de ese artículo en donde se están realizando las pruebas en humanos que son las más concluyentes. Por ahora se apoyan mucho en pruebas en células.
@GissiSim It does work February
@jaketapper Japanese journal article on Chloroquine phosphate. https://t.co/EcTgMlR05b
@Le___Doc @Hb949 Février 2020 Il l'utilise en chine (il a toujours dit qu'il s'était inspiré de travaux chinois) et il rajoute une autre molécule
@maggieNYT Trump is correct. Canada: https://t.co/TYL1eJsbk0 France: https://t.co/zvyeDOdBk2 China: https://t.co/FarFEt39cO Three studies all quite positive about the prophylaxis of Hydroychloroquine against the China Virus.
@StumpforTrump @bbusa617 @PeterAlexander Trump is correct. Canada: https://t.co/TYL1eJsbk0 France: https://t.co/zvyeDOdBk2 China: https://t.co/FarFEt39cO Three studies all quite positive about the prophylaxis of Hydroychloroquine against the China Virus.
@AryaKicksButt @RayK_Jr @realDonaldTrump You need to continue to be schooled. Chloroquine is the only and first drug that has been shown to be effective in a clinical studies. https://t.co/J7ZdKICmM5
@JoeNBC @morningmika Trump is correct. Canada: https://t.co/TYL1eJsbk0 France: https://t.co/zvyeDOdBk2 China: https://t.co/FarFEt39cO Three studies all quite positive about the prophylaxis of Hydroychloroquine against the China Virus.
@jackmurphylive Trump is correct. Canada: https://t.co/TYL1eJsbk0 France: https://t.co/zvyeDOdBk2 China: https://t.co/FarFEt39cO Three studies all quite positive about the prophylaxis of Hydroychloroquine against the China Virus.
@thehill Trump is correct. Canada: https://t.co/TYL1eJsbk0 France: https://t.co/zvyeDOdBk2 China: https://t.co/FarFEt39cO Three studies all quite positive about the prophylaxis of Hydroychloroquine against the China Virus.
Canada: https://t.co/TYL1eJsbk0 France: https://t.co/vX0agMGjaw China: https://t.co/JHESTXMOVW Three studies all quite positive about the prophylaxis of Hydroychloroquine against the China Virus. https://t.co/Z9LkHxu3Bv
Bon, si quelqu'un a quelque chose concernant la Chloroquine en Chine autre que ce "papier" https://t.co/Oh0ThdwEzn Je prends.
#coronavirus Breakthrough: Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies https://t.co/fwyy6bUtDp
@GaetanBurgio Which is what the USA is doing with a "live" trial. Results from China paper are positive, definitive, and unavoidable. BOOM! https://t.co/JHESTXMOVW
@GaetanBurgio “The drug ...be included in the next version of the Guidelines for the Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Pneumonia Caused by COVID-19 issued by the NHC of the PRofChina for treatment of COVID-19 infection in larger populations in the future.” BOOM! https://t.co/JHESTXMOVW
@CharlesCMann “The drug ...be included in the next version of the Guidelines for the Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Pneumonia Caused by COVID-19 issued by the NHC of the PRofChina for treatment of COVID-19 infection in larger populations in the future.” BOOM! https://t.co/JHESTXMOVW
2° Les études chinoises sur lesquelles son article prend appui : - Breakthrough: Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies https://t.co/gQqx3XYtd5 (29 février)
Here's the pdf from the Doctors in China that having been using CQ for at least 8 years as an antiviral for H5N1, Zika, and now Covid-19. https://t.co/AgzJRLA7xe
@natajz @GaelGiraud_CNRS Le lien vers le pdf https://t.co/YdO7jT7aCi papier de 2 pages sans données numériques ni test stat, volonté de la Chine de parler de sa pharmacopée.
https://t.co/2sxvIWZAjs https://t.co/MMH8414jUk
@JackAGoodman https://t.co/aqBr0O7MIG See Abstract
@Osse57 @geertjacobs1 @KDepoorterMP @Maggie_DeBlock Wordt nu aangeraden in Australië, China (bevestigd) en vermoedelijk in veel andere landen. Zoals Van Ranst gisteren zei, er zullen betere medicijnen komen, maar als mensen sterven gebruik je toch wat voorhanden is en wacht niet op iets beters. https://t.co/6071uwQMFD
J'essaie de voir les sources : en voici qqunes. (sinon, c'est l'homme qui a vu l'ours... Et franchement, j'en ai soupé de ces approches) Je ne tire aucune conclusion pour l'instant (pas compétent pour..) https://t.co/3UeXE39mip https://t.co/hPCc5nRduh https://t.co/MxU43R1QFv
@geertjacobs1 @KDepoorterMP @Maggie_DeBlock Verschillende opinies, zo gaat dat met specialisten, maar overwegend positief https://t.co/6071uwQMFD. https://t.co/dWsAwqYfDi
@__ice9 I am not. The problem is it is all anecdata at the moment in my view. There is bit there https://t.co/Dr21t1Spls or there https://t.co/1sstsDotSg. but not a proper study I can comment on
Breakthrough: Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies #coronavirus #COVID19 https://t.co/IxGBKTi0Y1
@berlianidris @DonAdam68 Saya coba googling di google dan ketemu jurnal ilmiah mengenai klorokuin ini, tapi ngak berani kasih pendapat karena saya bukan orang yang kompeten. Tapi dokter bisa kasih pandangan dengan link ini : https://t.co/Z9OvoDVn5i
@aan__ Aku ada link jurnal ini bisa buat referensi https://t.co/TIWQE0mzJF
@HGulzar @SidneyPowell1 @RiganoESQ https://t.co/velTCH5hpz https://t.co/ZZZuzNWhLp https://t.co/9X8wOXQ4Wf
@significantrisk @k86404 @DavidCornDC @coronavirus https://t.co/3hduISrseA Chinese experience to date...
@significantrisk @k86404 @DavidCornDC @coronavirus And this: https://t.co/3hduISrseA
@morellanaq25 @EduardoMadari13 @Sr_Churchill https://t.co/puT3kr5bCg La Información formal es real. Es cosa de buscar un poco.
@Lam_Sijan @VIVAcoid https://t.co/grjCREBBSn Kominfo udah meralat soal hoax klorofin gan...
Most of the enthusiasm for HQ comes from this article from China. The authors report that 100 pts improved but there is NO data nor reference. ⁦@venkmurthy⁩ https://t.co/06wtnAfcgl
@johnrobertsFox you might not remember me from Simpson Ave: thanks for your WH questions re Hydrochloroquine for Covid-19. Trump has made exec orders for less important things than use of this inexpensive drug to save lives. You know trials were done. https://t.co/WNbEVrUepF
@cj_disabledVet @strigiler There is a peer reviewed study that shows chloroquine is effective against this coronavirus published on Feb. 17. https://t.co/Ty3D3wau8d
I'm not getting into it with people. I've read China's research and their Clinical Trials have proven CQ effective. https://t.co/RvCcwvjnIZ
@aan__ Ini ada jurnalnya kak Udah dicoba di 100 pasien di Wuhan https://t.co/kcMmDKR12H https://t.co/XysJSLFKze
@ddale8 Plenty of material available confirming that Chloroquine is effective - why waiting and re-testing while people are dying https://t.co/hZUq8tTwd3 https://t.co/6071uwQMFD
@EdzardErnst @RealKhanzaada Yeah, the research looks promising, but we still need to be critical. Decisions have to be made that will affect literally everyone, so we must be cautious. Anyway, check it out: https://t.co/RqIoUb2jJe https://t.co/Ml9wxEdFmn https://t.co/1RNksenaTa
@endocrino_andre @realDonaldTrump Estão comentando sobre esse artigo aqui, dá uma olhada prof: https://t.co/2kksF50Ipq
@aan__ Ada publikasi dengan manusia. Coba link ini https://t.co/HwjH6Pz6A0
@Carolin16732748 @Nemspirit1 @JeanMessiha Pourquoi le conditionnel pour l'existence de l'étude Chinoise ? https://t.co/4kwjmp3gZz
@EcoSenseNow More info available https://t.co/6071uwQMFD https://t.co/dWsAwqYfDi
@KDepoorterMP @FranckenTheo Verschillende studies tonen aan dat Chloroquine in veel gevallen werkt https://t.co/6071uwQMFD https://t.co/dWsAwqYfDi
@lbergkamp Het is voor mij een mysterie waarom Chloroquine niet meer gebruikt wordt. Een Nederlandse producent kon een maand geleden zijn productie al opschalen..heb daar niets over gehoord. Verschillende rapporten wijzen erop dat het werkt: https://t.co/6071uwQMFD https://t.co/dWsAwqYfDi
@Stephaany mais de 100 pacientes* ta ai: https://t.co/0dHFv34JLi
بعد هذه التجارب المخبريه قامت بعض التجارب الاكلينيكه في الصين https://t.co/hA0SlMEAHs قبل عدة ايام طلعت تقارير عن تجربه فرنسيه اكلينيكه استخدم فيها Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin واثبتت فعاليته في تقليل تكاثر الفايرس ! https://t.co/xmmMm6lMFH https://t.co/64DaPqVoBu
Widespread use has to be better than just watching ventilators run out, no?: https://t.co/OL28rr2nk1
In >100 Chinese patients chloroquine appears to be better than control to inhibit worsening pneumonia, improving lung scans, virus-negative conversion, and shortening the disease course. Severe adverse reactions to chloroquine were not observed. https://t.co/5m3bXcfMuc https://t.co/U9gGembVc3
Preliminary results found that #chloroquine could be safe and effective in treating the novel coronavirus https://t.co/EMecrmAeqT
3/ Of chloroquine and COVID-19 https://t.co/jUn2TFltyJ Breakthrough: Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies https://t.co/DwCDn6p0NM Likely _not_ intriguing for you ~since the final work is not done
Chloroquine phosphate, an old drug for treatment of malaria, is shown to have apparent efficacy and acceptable safety against #COVID19 associated pneumonia in multicenter clinical trials conducted in #China. #CoronaVirusUpdate #CoronaVirusUpdates https://t.co/LwPecR7Vii
@HurdHouseforyou @bobbyca71225610 @Mag11032916 @SollenbergerRC @seanhannity Drug Chloroquine will be approved shortly , as clinical Studies were already done with very good results . Not to upset any haters but hope it will work ! https://t.co/YvTW2VIugQ
@oatila Testes com chloroquine pelos chineses: Na Nature - https://t.co/yGPvmIY2HI BioScience Trends - https://t.co/mQZkJtEZj2
@whooUlooking4 There’s emerging evidence. Larger studies are needed though. https://t.co/kjeG3q7l1Y
@meredithmusing @USTrumpCard @SenKamalaHarris https://t.co/sSiquO06qB
@SollenbergerRC @seanhannity I agree ! also this drug worked in China accord to their clinical studies so I hope it will work here ) https://t.co/YvTW2VIugQ
@LLCWalk @SollenbergerRC @seanhannity Yes , hopefully will be effective and approved soon . https://t.co/YvTW2VIugQ
Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies https://t.co/txNruSXMOo #coronavirus #COVID #Chloroquine #lungs #fever #virus #pandemic
You can use drugs for off label purposes, if the FDA has not approved, and chloroquine has shown an effect against covid19. https://t.co/7J4p6GDZZ7 https://t.co/h4Bg7ucyUw
@Damkyan_Omega @OlivierDurif Je ne comprends pas le choix de vos mots : "aucun résultat". L'étude est courte (et commence déjà à dater...) mais claire. Elle s'appuie sur des essais dans 10 hôpitaux et sur une centaine de personnes... On peut la lire ici : https://t.co/FItNquAmBt
@ClimateAudit The Chinese and Japanese have been using it to treat Covid-19 quite effectively. https://t.co/LTWN39AtNY
Breakthrough: #Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of #COVIDー19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies https://t.co/3GPp43H4mw
@AdamHabig @JRoy777 @ScottAdamsSays @KenatGV @AkimboSlyce @DaysOfGame_com @YouTube https://t.co/cEN5VfbBiY https://t.co/BDUTl6YqQ0 https://t.co/frzLUmaY6U
@bradkern @JackPosobiec Yes. You are correct. The study also references the laboratory validation (non clinical) conducted in China https://t.co/maJX40VpX0
Chloroquine phosphate https://t.co/JqMNks5AYV
@Lougise https://t.co/3UBP26NI9z
@ProfMJCleveland @DeLossMcKnight Chinese study leveraging same anti-malaria approach https://t.co/maJX40VpX0
@FabBallarini aca los links https://t.co/Sh11CIgS7N https://t.co/TSAsJUWkxD https://t.co/C76dMwH7ix
Interesting read https://t.co/4K8VBDr6gf #COVID19 https://t.co/gbs1eGZAMg
the State Council of China held a news briefing indicating that chloroquine phosphate had demonstrated marked efficacy and acceptable safety in treating COVID-19 associated pneumonia in multicenter clinical trials conducted in China (3)https://t.co/OouMrCdsi2
La cloroquina da una esperanza: https://t.co/k9JAmEChbd
@aklymchenko in vitro: https://t.co/uQpOfDlXLz clinical trial China: https://t.co/AryWazJV2a seems like µM IC50 at the moment, but better than nothing!
@HomamAgeel @ShaymaOmar شكرادكتور .ممكن رايكم في هذي https://t.co/mPcIIZBrvl
@TsooJoosT I have been hearing some talk about how this is very effective treatment that is being suppressed to benefit that pharma companies new drugs. I don’t know what the fuck to believe anymore. https://t.co/Jyxo3EKK0F
@HeglerTissot Although you might be better on G&Ts https://t.co/v8yxEDbRz7
@erlichya https://t.co/v8yxEDtsXH @EricTopol @erlichya
Important #Covid19 treatment breakthrough, especially for southern african countries. https://t.co/BwidTZUFKx
Publi https://t.co/YZBrOoyVID - L'annonce du gouvernement Chinois du 17/02 de tests concluants http:// https://t.co/S3ODVetrjK b537ab014e7a1c6.shtml - Les publis Chinoises de ... 2012 https://t.co/HFO2P15fvE et celles de 2003 ! https://t.co/pYjiEt72HB
Alamt link https://t.co/HwjH6Pz6A0
@shaifoon @bathlizard @Rabinova @kereneubach @LinoyBarGeffen @NadavEyalDesk יש פה מאמר שסוקר מידע מבתי חולים בסין. הסינים טוענים לתוצאות מעולות, העולם בצדק עוד מפקפק. תוצאות מסודרות אמורות להתפרסם עוד חודש בערך https://t.co/UtOxGTJQbX
https://t.co/a73KUxTPIU https://t.co/DAIx0eT7vI
@LoungeLised @PamelaToliman @Nat_Whiting @pngimr Chloroquine is a know. Immunomodulator. A study from China last month showed it’s efficacy in Covid-19 patients. https://t.co/7Ab33GFk6F
"Chloroquine phosphate, an old drug for treatment of malaria, is shown to have apparent efficacy and acceptable safety against COVID-19 associated pneumonia in multicenter clinical trials conducted in China. #COVID19 #COVID19FI https://t.co/HECho3Lzd6
@elonmusk https://t.co/jFnifa35dP
@PowerDNS_Bert this sounds ... good? https://t.co/qDkd1R9vPP
https://t.co/RvCcwvjnIZ https://t.co/QJpNWGzFVP
Full Paper: https://t.co/HIOQVBLKv6
Breakthrough: Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies https://t.co/tNha7iJKYt
#COVID19france Bonne nouvelle: la guerre contre le Covid19 sera vite gagnée avec la Chloroquine. Voir étude chinoise: https://t.co/HwBXu0PsVf https://t.co/KD5wd6ZNZW
@deltaforcekondo @RiganoESQ @elonmusk This one: https://t.co/UfuTAnMFKP
Gao, Tian & Yang, Breakthrough: Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of #COVID19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies https://t.co/gQjGLnv71S "Chloroquine is a cheap and safe drug that has been used for more than 70 years [to treat malaria]."
Breakthrough: Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies https://t.co/QWlCcRCNhv
@Fredthebread @B3infos @Jeff__yates @Vadeboncoeur_Al Une vidéo YouTube, c’est toujours un peu suspect a priori, mais dans ce cas-ci, il semble que ce chercheur n’est pas le seul à avoir obtenu des résultats encourageants avec la chloroquinine : https://t.co/ePfUWtbe9R (1/2)
@MindBodySchool @mattojgb @DrEricDing Clinical study from 10 hospitals in China showing efficacy of Chloroquine https://t.co/ZiE6iLEgru
- An old drug for treatment of malaria - Chloroquine phosphate - is shown to have "apparent efficacy and acceptable safety against COVID-19 associated pneumonia in multicenter clinical trials conducted in China". [source: https://t.co/cTbobruXWo]
@ScottAdamsSays Seems to be real. The two drugs are Cloroquine and Lopinavir. Chloroquine: https://t.co/wYjPUmUJ7f Lopinavir: https://t.co/lK4ZtoCPa8
@GarciaCarmonaAM https://t.co/ZNSHAf8wBm for u Bro, in Poland that therapy is tested now... +++ God save the Spain!
@Nora1419 https://t.co/HFl3U5dCBd this is the full one
https://t.co/NaUyL63br6 #chloroquine #covidー19uk
Chloroquine efficacy in Tx of COVID-19 assoc pneumonia in clinical studies [Feb 19, 2020] Gao, Tian, Yang - Biosci Trends https://t.co/wd75Ylp9Fv #2019nCoV #COVID19 Interesting, but 2 page manuscript few details. n=100 patients. What was endpoint? Effect size, dose, etc?
Breakthrough: Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies [Feb 19, 2020] Gao, Tian, Yang - Biosci Trends https://t.co/wd75Ylp9Fv #2019nCoV #COVID19
They report no severe adverse reactions: "Severe adverse reactions to chloroquine phosphate were not noted in the aforementioned patients" https://t.co/CkFSbTtRfe
A controlled clinical study of 100 patients in several Chinese hospitals indicates Chloroquine phosphate may help in the treatment of #COVID19. https://t.co/UviOpl725T
This is the medication China is using to deal with Covid-19 & it seems to be working. https://t.co/lVcXzfQ63k
@bealelab @edwardcholmes @virusninja This study suggest clinical efficacy.... https://t.co/ZiE6iLEgru
Breakthrough: Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies https://t.co/gOE0Ql8iYw
https://t.co/VklcLB3sel https://t.co/gBW3A5k86C

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