Shuji Kondo Katsuyuki Hamasaki Shigeki Dan
Carcinological Society of Japan
Crustacean Research (ISSN:02873478)
vol.50, pp.41-54, 2021-04-01 (Released:2021-04-01)

We examined the effects of temperature and salinity on larval survival, duration, and growth of three amphidromous atyid shrimps, Caridina leucosticta, C. multidentata, and C. typus to infer larval dispersal strategy in the sea. Larvae were reared under 25 combinations of five different temperature (20, 23, 26, 29, and 32°C) and salinity (4.25, 8.5, 17, 25.5, and 34 ppt) levels. Interspecific variability was detected in larval performance: C. leucosticta larvae were able to survive to moult into the juvenile stage at the lower salinity condition (8.5 ppt), C. multidentata larvae exhibited an ability to adapt to the wide range of salinity condition (17–34 ppt), and C. typus larvae adapted to the higher salinity condition (34 ppt) better than C. leucosticta larvae. Larval duration was less variable between species. Thus, salinity adaptation of larvae may play an important role in mediating the larval dispersal of the three Caridina species in the sea. Larval dispersal range may be most limited near the river mouth for C. leucosticta, and be moderate for C. typus, and C. multidentata larvae may be able to disperse broadly under the high salinity condition of the open sea.


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You can read a paper on LARVAL ECOLOGY OF ATYID SHRIMP by Kondo et al. released from #CrustaceanResearch OPEN ACCESS: https://t.co/IJ1AcEz4vC 2021.04.01
J-STAGE Articles - Larval performance of three amphidromous shrimp species in the genus <i>Caridina</i> (Decapoda: Caridea: Atyidae) under different temperature and salinity conditions https://t.co/xYgBK2Gxsu
温度と塩分がミゾレヌマエビ、ヤマトヌマエビ、トゲナシヌマエビの幼生の生存率、期間、成長に及ぼすの影響を調べた論文。種ごとに適した塩分が違うのが興味深い。広域分布種のトゲナシヌマエビは海水に適応しているが、分布の狭いミゾレヌマエビは低塩分を好む。 https://t.co/e5wv99kXNE

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