安保 克也
国際情報研究 (ISSN:18842178)
vol.6, no.1, pp.39-50, 2009-12-20 (Released:2016-01-01)

In many cases, what a private person or persons, a group or groups, whether known or not, express on the computer network can be defamating others or regarded as defamation. The Internet is a useful tool for expressing ourselves. However, the ability to express ideas anytime, anywhere on the Internet creates a risk of defamation by others, and such defamating and illegal acts could easily be expanded and reproduced by copying them. The resulting amount of damage caused can easily become much greater than before the use of the Internet was common in society. By analyzing decisions of courts of justice on defamation on the computer network, this article examines the responsibility of those who express themselves on the Internet and of the Internet service providers respectively. It also examines the significance of the Japanese Act on the Limitation of Liability for Damages of Specified Telecommunications Service Providers and the Right to Demand Disclosure of Identification Information of the Senders.


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>対抗言論の原則というのは立場の互換性があることが前提 その前提とやらはどこから出てきた話です?ソースを出せますか? こっちが調べた限り、そんな前提は出てきませんでしたけど? https://t.co/QGsTyo81m6 https://t.co/KOADcdlVoQ https://t.co/uzqy2vHPAn
https://t.co/sJJYjtgfui インターネット上の名誉毀損
@ykmf95 https://t.co/12t153q8Z7 心の持ちようの面はあるけど、誹謗中傷による社会的評価の低下が裁判とかだと重視されるから、単純に割り切れるものではないかなー 事例ごとに表現や立場が違ってくるから、裁判次第じゃないかな(適当)

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