井上 博之 金森 健人 酒見 由美 菅野 哲 稲村 勝樹
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.143, no.8, pp.743-753, 2023-08-01 (Released:2023-08-01)

To realize connected and/or self-driving vehicles for a mobility environment, it requires an authentication mechanism to prevent spoofing of on-board units of the vehicle and a mechanism to prevent eavesdropping and tampering of communication data between an on-board unit and servers in the cloud. Considering the huge number of vehicles in the system, an authentication method is required to mitigate the complexity of operation and management for the number of vehicles. In this paper, we propose a data utilization system that securely stores in-vehicle LAN data, which consist of control data flowing inside a vehicle, in the cloud in real time, and provides this information securely to third parties such as vehicle users, car dealers, and non-life insurance companies. The system uses ID-based cryptography as a mutual authentication method between on-board units and the data collection servers, and uses a key generated from the ID of an on-board unit to ease the key management. We integrate the management information of the vehicle and the authentication key of the vehicle in the system, and thus reduces the complexity of the operation and the key management.


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京都産業大 井上先生と広島市立大 稲村先生の車載LANへの暗号応用に関する研究について、 GMOイエラエで共著として支援させていただいた結果が、電気学会の論文誌に採録され、本日公開となりました✨ 携わらせていただいた先生方に感謝です
わーい、論文が公開された!!\(^o^)/ 今回は仲の良い研究者仲間みんなとの成果だからめっちゃ嬉しい!!

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