吉村 正
一般社団法人 国立医療学会
医療 (ISSN:00211699)
vol.20, no.5, pp.485-489, 1966-05-20 (Released:2011-10-19)

This is a case of one soldier who developed schizophrenia during the last war and had been confined in a mental institute for 18 years, and now he could be discharged.At the beginning of his illness, he presented typical sign, but by becoming chronic type hallucination, delusion etc, were vanished.At this time, we could not distinguish the defect-schizophrenia from the psychopathy. As his inborn nature, this patient was shy, silent, and social bad mixer. After getting well from this disease, still he had been inclined to similar nature.The moment of beeing rehabilitated this patient is as follows;1. Amami Island is returned to Japan.2. The kindness of brothers.When the patient comes back home, he would be entered in new house and scheduled to engage in agriculture.


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「向精神薬の進歩, 精神障害者に対する新しいApproachの方法は, 長期入院の慢性患者 をどんどん退院させ得るようになつ た」このまま進んでいたなら、、1966年、ライシャワー事件と精神衛生法改訂後間もないころ。 18年間入院していた精神分裂病者を社会復帰させた経験 https://t.co/cj13Ph2cvw

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