今井 祐
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
vol.22, pp.263-272, 2015-01-31 (Released:2017-08-08)

Mr. KAZUO INAMORI who has two success stories in KYOCERA Corporation and KDDI Corporation in business expansion was nominated as a chairman of JAL which went into bankruptcy in 2010. In JAL he applied successfully INAMORI's philosophy consisting of (1) leadership education, (2) making the new management philosophy, and (3) the profit management system so-called "Amoeba" management. It is important that his decision criteria should be based on sound truths and principles, such as the morality and ethics that answer to "What is the right thing for me, as a human being, to do?" I tested theoretically INAMORI's philosophy based on (1) the analysis of Ph.D. Iwao Taka on JAL, (2) the leadership theory of Ph.D. Atsushi Aoyama, and (3) the ethical arrangement in work- place of Ph.D. Nobuyuki Demise etc. The conclusion is that INAMORI's philosophy can effectively and widely be applied to the companies that are under rebirth from bankruptcy, loss, and low profit for a long time etc..


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このPDFはJALの「経営破綻の理由」と「稲盛和夫の経営改革」について簡潔にまとまっていて参考になった。まず初めに人と組織カルチャーを変えたのが興味深い。>日本航空 (JAL)の再建に見る「経営者 稲盛和夫の 経営哲学」経営倫理実践研究センター フェ ・一 今 井 祐 https://t.co/zn3sm2033P

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