松井 亮太
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
vol.26, pp.117-133, 2019-02-28 (Released:2019-05-27)

This paper conducted a comparative analysis about the falsification scandal uncovered at the nuclear department of the Tokyo Electric Power Company(TEPCO)in the 2000s and the insufficient tsunami risk assumption prior to the Fukushima nuclear accident which occurred in 2011 from a behavioral ethics standpoint. For the information source, I used the external lawyer investigation reports of the falsification scandal and the official investigation reports of the Fukushima nuclear accident. This paper also used the testimonies of the government investigation committee on the Fukushima nuclear accident which were publicly disclosed in 2014. As a result of the analysis, the common factors for the falsification scandal and the insufficient tsunami risk assumption were egocentric bias, loss framing, and moral licensing. In order to prevent unethical behavior and risk neglect, I made two recommendations based on the previous researches of behavioral ethics.


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論文【東京電力のトラブル隠し事件と2006年以降の 津波想定の比較分析 ― 行動倫理学の観点から ― 松 井 亮 太】https://t.co/c36DKlKaRD
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