横田 賀英子 大塚 祐輔 倉石 宏樹 和智 妙子 渡邉 和美
日本法科学技術学会誌 (ISSN:18801323)
vol.19, no.1, pp.19-30, 2014 (Released:2014-02-04)

Characteristics of male offenders arrested in Japan for exhibitionism (N = 414) and features of their offences were investigated. In analyses, their behavioral consistency was also examined by focusing on 87 repeat exhibitionists. The results indicated that many offenders were well-adjusted persons: 71% were employed, 30% were married, and 23% were graduates. Moreover, 66% of the offences were committed in daytime, and 64% targeted victims aged 10-20 years. In 24% of cases, the distances between offenders' residences and crime scenes were less than one kilometer, whereas 40% of offenders lived over 5 kilometers away. In terms of behavioral consistency, offences in “trains or buses” and public spaces were shown to be consistent for repeated arrests, even after taking the occurrence rate into consideration by measures of adjusted standardized residual (ASR) and forward specialization coefficient (FSC), which is suggestive of behavioral consistency. Finally, less frequent behaviors, such as nighttime offences and offences targeting victims aged 30 years or older occurred less consistently in the series of offences. The results suggested that many exhibitionists rationally decided when and where to commit crimes, based on their calculation of risk and reward. The fact that many offenders were well-adjusted persons might be one of factors explaining offender's rational decision making. The findings in the current study can contribute to the police investigation to prioritize their investigative targets. The current research can form the basis of understanding of the nature of male exhibitionists.


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お話として上品にまとまってて読後感もいいけど、ほとんどの性器露出は性的興奮を得るための強烈な衝動に基づいていて、現実はそんなに形而上的なきれいな想像の話ではない、となってしまう。 #今日の論文 『男性露出犯の犯行特徴と犯人像に関する分析』 https://t.co/Y9wphdKrfi https://t.co/qykAlhaHp1 https://t.co/MRHiSgUFYs
この論文めちゃくちゃ面白そうなので後日しっかり読みます https://t.co/zyimEhkYm0
@nowayoutbut 露出かあ、ってちょっと検索したらめちゃくちゃ面白そうなのがみつかったんだがw https://t.co/zyimEhkYm0
@hilo_lin 「仕事や家庭生活等におけるストレスが大きくなり,元々有していたであろう性的欲求の抑制が困難となり,性犯罪の中でも被害者との接触がほとんどないために,逮捕リスクが低く,かつ被害者への身体的な加害行為のない露出に及んだことが可能性として考えられる.」 https://t.co/HMgf59POd6
ついでに2014年の論文も見つけたので貼ってみる。露出狂は再犯率や累犯率が高く、矯正プログラムが必要。 https://t.co/qq3REtSwIZ
@jyaryu5th https://t.co/zGrvWAhzFa
J-STAGE Articles - 男性露出犯の犯行特徴と犯人像に関する分析 https://t.co/MtC7HI7WFg
#女装で露出 女装癖があるの?それともターゲットに近づきやすくするための手段や反応の落差を大きくするための演出に過ぎないのか?考察に加えて!⇒ 男性露出犯の犯行特徴と犯人像に関する分析(n=414)|科学警察研究所 https://t.co/vmGD9AFWkL
男性露出犯の犯行特徴と犯人像に関する分析(n=414)|科学警察研究所 https://t.co/vmGD9AXxcj 露出は、接触型の性犯罪と比較すると、比較的社会適応のよい者であっても犯行に至ることのある犯罪である。

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