Shigeki Senna Atsushi Wakai Haruhiko Suzuki Atsushi Yatagai Hisanori Matsuyama Hiroyuki Fujiwara
Fuji Technology Press Ltd.
Journal of Disaster Research (ISSN:18812473)
vol.13, no.5, pp.917-927, 2018-10-01 (Released:2018-10-01)

During the 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes, two earthquakes of seismic intensity 7 were observed in Mashiki Town, the foreshock (MJMA 6.5) of April 14 and the main shock (MJMA 7.3) of April 16, resulting in significant damage to structures near the fault. The distribution of damage of houses and other buildings [1] showed a tendency in which damage was concentrated in areas near the surface earthquake fault where the main shock presumably occurred. However, there were locations with slight damage even though they were immediately above the fault and locations with a relatively significant damage even though they were far from the fault. These phenomena are highly likely to be a result of soil structure. First, we built an initial geologic model by collecting boring data in areas of the Kumamoto plain near the fault where damage was severe. Next, we observed microtremors, collected earthquake observational records, and adjusted the layer thickness and S-wave velocity of the initial geologic model. Finally, we built a shallow and deep integrated ground model, compared it to the building damage distribution, and discussed the implications.


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@ryuchang007 補足です。この図の元の論文(先名他)は以下になります https://t.co/kBCHq0u4Dz この論文の内容では、図11に当該図があり、本件説明があります。 図を見ていくと、1.75H~の地点は活断層付近から北東側にも広がっていますが、その地域でも被害が大きいです。… https://t.co/clujsIqhjO
私がセミナーなどで良く紹介している話です。 図の出典 Senna et al.,2018に加筆 https://t.co/kBCHq0u4Dz
元の論文。 図13の揺れやすさが大きい地域より、図11の1.75〜3.00Hz前後の全壊家屋が多くなっています。 https://t.co/kBCHq0u4Dz
熊本地震における、微動探査による地盤特性と地盤状況を比較した論文。 地盤の卓越周期が0.4〜0.5秒前後に相当する2.75〜1.75Hz(URLの論文図13)で家屋倒壊が著しく、地盤と家屋の「共振」が想定されます。 事前に分かっていれば、家屋側で対策が可能になります。 https://t.co/4ONKXMAlqv https://t.co/QtyxwLRaPI

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