平田 未来
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.61, no.8, pp.473-482, 2010-08-15 (Released:2013-06-20)

In the Late Victorian period, uniforms for schoolgirls appeared in some girls' schools. From the1880s to 1890s, some girls' schools unified gymnastic clothing, including sashes and other items like hats or collars. During the1890s, some girls' schools began to regulate the clothes worn during physical training and team sports on the sports ground. At first gymnastic uniforms were worn only on the sports ground, but then gradually some of them became regulation dress for daily use. From around 1900, uniforms appeared in some schools where things like house colors and initials were introduced for uniformity. Schoolgirl uniforms evolved from gym clothes, and each item identified each team or school. It is clear that school uniforms played a role in showing a schoolgirl's sense of belonging. In addition, they allowed schoolgirls to move freely and gave them independence. Therefore, uniforms reflected the changing society and led to a new age. This paper explores how schoolgirl uniforms developed in the Late Victorian age of England.


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平田 未来 (2010) 女学生の制服―ヴィクトリア朝後期の女学校を中心に― https://t.co/kQrH0ApiVK

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