小野 芳朗
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.76, no.5, pp.417-420, 2013 (Released:2014-05-08)

Osaka Castle Park and the tower were rebuilt in 1931 celebrated for the accession of Showa Emperor. The style of the castle tower was studied historical investigation through the building by Prime Minister, Hideyoshi Toyotomi to reconstruct the space of the end of 16 C. However, the building as the heritage and the modern equipment coexisted by the construction of a building of Headquarter on Military Army Division. In this paper, an authentic design concept was discussed by a primary designer of Osaka Castle Park, Hyo’ichi Shiihara who was an engineer of Ministry of the Palace and moved to the Osaka City Bureau in 1920 as a chief of Park section. It becomes clear the description of his design concept with Osaka Castle Park by the comparison between a document written in the year when he moved to Osaka City and the one written after the construction of the Park. His primary concept was the construction of the space of the Emperor in Osaka City like to Tokyo, Kyoto and Nagoya, for example, the Palace as the Imperial Villa and the historical museum of the Emperor’s family and ancestors. As an engineer of Osaka City, his concept on the Park would change to the one beside the standard shown by the City Planning Bureau of National Government.


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物事は理想のとおりにはいかないもの。実際には軍事施設が残ったままで大阪城本丸とそこに至るルートだけが公園化されました。理想を掲げつつも現実と折り合うプランを作って実現させたのが実務家としての椎原氏の偉いところ。 図は前出の小野芳朗氏論文より。下記リンク参照。https://t.co/fgi48ysrQA https://t.co/ZMHXhTqXJy
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