岡島 直方
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.79, no.5, pp.391-396, 2016 (Released:2017-03-17)

Sakuteiki is the first systematic record on gardening that shows how to set stones. In traditional Japanese gardens, the usage of stones has been considered important. This paper examines the usage of stone in the Old Testament, which was written before Sakuteiki. If we find the way stones were used, it may be beneficial for people associated with landscape design. Every section of the Bible (cooperative translated version of the Japan Bible Society) is examined and parts where stones were used in different manners are identified. In several cases, it shows setting stones. The following were observed: (1) Jacob, Moses, and Joshua set up stones from their own will on the place as a memorial where they could hear God’s voice. Jacob set a stone twic e, while both Moses and Joshua set twelve stones one time. It was not God’s command. (2) God ordered to set stones for a memorial for Him to make miraculous things. God asked Joshua to take twelve stones from the Jordan River and set them up on one mountain. (3) Moses commanded the Israelis to set great stones with law after crossing the Jordan River. (4) When people made the important contract for each other, they set up a stone there as memorial. They believed God would watch and guard people from the stone. (5) God asked his alter to be made not with cut stones but natural stones. This paper describes that stones were set when God’s existence needed to be proved.


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それで以前から時々、聖書+石のキーワードでネット検索してはヒットして眺めている以下の論文を改めて見ると、少しは何か分かるかなあ? 聖書通読なども進んでいるから、改めて読むと新たに気づける事もあるかな? 『邦訳旧約聖書にみる石の用途と石をたてることの意味』 https://t.co/tMPMATZCgm
以下の論文には、祭壇をつくる時にか切り石を用いてはならないというような記述が【申命記27:5-8】にあることが書かれていたんだよね。 これから読み進めれば出てくるから、今はこの件はこれ以上追及せず、さらっと読み流しておこうかなあ? https://t.co/tMPMATZCgm
岡島直方(2016) 邦訳旧約聖書にみる石の用途と石をたてることの意味 https://t.co/I6LPr3FpRy
興味深い。 自分用備忘録ツイート。 「邦訳旧約聖書にみる石の用途と石をたてることの意味」岡島 直方/著 https://t.co/tMPMATZCgm

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