大石 恭子 Natsuko MITO Kuniko SUGIYAMA
日本家庭科教育学会誌 (ISSN:03862666)
vol.63, no.2, pp.69, 2020 (Released:2021-08-01)

We formulated the revised edition of “Standard of Nutrition Intake Criteria for Six Food Groups” as a fundamental resource for home economics education in junior high schools. We investigated the appropriate nutrition intake according to each Dietary Reference Intake Criteria to adjust and formulate new reference values applicable to specific age groups. The results indicated an acceptable intake of each nutrient. However, we also formulated measures for improving excessive/ insufficient nutrition intake, including fibers, vitamin B1, saturated fatty acid, magnesium, or iron by substituting one-fourth of rice intake with brown rice, low-fat milk for dairy products, or low-fat red meat for meat products. Further, the concept of approximate food is more easily understood in the revised edition and the particular reference standard is expected to serve effectively in implementing educational guidance for meal selection/menu preparation.


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改訂六つの食品群別摂取量のめやす https://t.co/R77gy2PumB 六つの基礎食品の改訂についてはこちらの論文(オープンアクセス)にあり。当然ながら変更点すべて載っています。

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