田口 真二 桐生 正幸 伊藤 可奈子 池田 稔 平 伸二
犯罪心理学研究 (ISSN:00177547)
vol.45, no.1, pp.1-13, 2007 (Released:2018-06-30)

A projective questionnaire for measuring male sexual desire was developed. In Study 1, the original Sexual Desire Scale for Males (SDS-M) was developed by referring to information on sexual activities on the Internet, as well as to prior studies on sexual offenders and their victims. The original SDS-M requested participants to judge whether they agreed or disagreed with sentences regarding various sexual behaviors and objects of sexual desire. SDS-M did not inquire about the frequency of sexual activities or the strength of sexual desire. The original SDS-M was administered to 140 males. The factor analysis of their responses revealed that the SDS-M had a 5-factor structure: daily sexual desire, h omo-hetero sexual desire, penis oriented sexual desire, intercourse oriented sexual desire and abnormal sexual desire. Cronback's alpha indicated satisfactory internal consistency and reliability. Study 2, investigated the stability and the validity of the SDS-M. It was administrated to 274 males, and based on the results of confirmatory factor analysis using Structural Equation Modeling, the SDS-M was divided into two subscales: a general sexual desire subscale consisting of the four factors with the exception of the Abnormal factor, and an Abnormal sexual desire subscale. The goodness of fit index of each subscale indicated satisfactory factor validity. Moreover, the SDS-M had reasonable test-retest reliability and satisfactory correlations with the Sexual Attitudes Scale and the Beck Depression Inventory.


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性自認の客観的な検査ってあるのかとググっていたら性犯罪の研究で男性の性欲の尺度のお話が出てきて、中身がHentaiだらけで濃すぎておなか一杯になりました(@@; 男性用性的欲求尺度 (SDS-M)の作成と信頼性・妥当性の検討 https://t.co/6qvVgQi5cK
J-STAGE Articles - 男性用性的欲求尺度(SDS-M)の作成と信頼性・妥当性の検討 https://t.co/INieHfsNRq とかで男性の性的欲求については考察されてるけど 犯罪心理学ベースだから薬学研究には応用できないし IIEF-Vとかの勃起機能スコアも女性には適用できない つまり手詰まりということだ
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