佐野 和生 荒木 正弘 小川 晶子 簔田 雄二 寺崎 宏 村上 秀樹 二宮 秀則 弘中 亮治 伊東 弦 北村 晃 井口 次夫
Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.33, no.8, pp.1684-1690, 1987-08-20 (Released:2011-07-25)

Thirty patients with the temporomandibular disorders were treated with “Kakkonto”, one of the most famous traditional drugs for chronic diseases with pain.“Kakkon-to” was given orally in a dosage of 7.5g 3 times daily before meals for two weeks. Clinical evaluation was carried out at seventh and fourteenth day after administration about spontaneous pain, pain with jaw movement, muscular tenderness, complications, and side effects. These symptoms were rated on a scale of 0 to 3 (0=no symptom and 3=severe). Two cases were dropped because of further administration of another analgesic for severe temporomandibular joint pain. 22 of 28 (78.6%) patients were improved at the therapy completion. 6 cases (21.4%) showed significant improvement, most of those had complications such as stiff shoulder and headache. Side effects were observed in 5 cases, such as slight nausea, vomiting and so on. It is suggested that “Kakkon-to” is a useful drug for temporomandibular disorders.


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#顎関節症 #葛根湯 自発痛 圧痛 運動痛 随伴症状 を基準 とする全般的症状改善の程度により効果判定 臨床効果 痛みの評価値のスコアが1/4以下 随伴症状の評価値のスコアが1/2以下に減少 著効例28例 中6例(21.4%) 痛みの評価値が1/4~1/2に減少 有効例は7例(25.0%) 引用元 https://t.co/KUq6kHKhAR https://t.co/2N5ZVrTCbl https://t.co/zaUiN1xcHg
#顎関節症 に対する #葛根湯 の使用経験 長崎大学歯学部 口腔外科学 第2講 座 (主任:井 口次夫教授) 佐 野和 生先生 荒木 正 弘先生 小川晶 子先生 簔田雄二先生 寺崎宏先生 村上秀樹先生 二宮秀則先生 弘中亮 治先生 伊東弦先生 北村晃先生 井口次夫先生 引用元 https://t.co/KUq6kHKhAR #Kakkonto https://t.co/LqLC0YTTMb

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