勝田 茂 高松 薫 田中 守 小泉 順子 久野 譜也 田渕 健一
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.34, no.2, pp.141-149, 1989-09-01 (Released:2017-09-27)

Attempts were made to clarify whether or not fiber composition of the m. vastus lateralis could be predicted with running performance. Biopsy samples from 32 well-trained and 17 untrained adult males were examined for the percentage area of fast-twitch (FT) and slow-twitch (ST) fibers which might be related to the physical performance better than the fiber type distribution. In addition, each subject completed 50-m sprint and 12-min run tests. A multiple regression analysis revealed that in the trained males predictive accuracy (R^2) for the percentage area of FT fibers (% areaFT) from the ratio of a 50-m sprint speed to a 12-min run speed (50 m・S/12 min・S) was higher than that from most of other variables,e.g. 50 m・S, 12 min・S, or the combination of 50 m・S and 12 min・S; R^2 of 50 m・S/12 min・S was 80.3%(p&lt0.05). A positive correlation between 50 m・S/12 min・S and %areaFT also existed for the untrained subjects (R^2=63.7%, p&lt0.05). The linear regression equations of %areaFT (Y) on 50 m・S/12 min・S (X)were Y=-68.6 + 76.2X (r=0.896, p&lt0.05) and Y=-47.5 + 61.1X (r=0.798, p&lt0.05) for the trained and untrained males, respectively. There was no significant difference in the regression equations between the trained and untrained males. For all subjects, the equation was Y=-59.8 + 69.8X (r=0.876, p&lt0.05) and the standard error of estimate of %areaFT on 50 m・S/12 min . S was 8.86%. These results suggest that the performances of a 50-m sprint and a 12-min run are valuable indicators in, accurately, easily and noninvasively, predicting the percentage area of FT and ST fibers of the m. vastus lateralis from adult male.


外部データベース (DOI)

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卒論テーマに面白そうだな。 https://t.co/ErDDulGO11
50m走の平均速度を12分間走の平均速度で割った値 (X) から、その人が遅筋型か速筋型か(外側広筋における速筋線維の面積割合がどれくらいか [Y])を高い精度で推定できるとのこと。 予測式↓(成人男性の場合) Y = -59.8 + 69.8X https://t.co/gqvjJuBCas
@momoHADU_82 調べたら論文出てきた笑 https://t.co/E2CYUfYO1f Gollnick,et al.の 方法で計算するって実験方法のとこに書いてあったけど、そんなの授業でやったの・・・??w
@ayafabre 遅くなりました. こちらですm(_ _)m https://t.co/755zIs59zP

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