山田 麻衣子 大野 能之 樋坂 章博 山口 諒 鈴木 洋史
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.39, no.11, pp.660-667, 2013-11-10 (Released:2014-11-10)
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We investigated the relationships between the renal excretion ratio (RR) and changes in drug exposure in patients with renal dysfunction (RD), to examine the usefulness of RR in determining the optimal dosage for patients with renal dysfunction.The area under the plasma concentration time curve ratios (AUC ratios: AUCRs = AUCRD/AUCNormal) of 52 out of 70 drugs was observed within 67-150% of the theoretical values calculated by the Giusti-Hayton method using the RR value. It was confirmed that the RR is useful for determining the optimal dosage of extensively renally excreted drugs for patients with RD. However, it should be noted that the AUCRs were more than 150 % of the theoretical value for some orally administrated drugs that are excreted renally but less extensively. Especially, for substrates of OATP1B1 or OATP1B3, the AUCRs of four out of five drugs were more than 150%. Substrates of metabolizing enzymes and other transporters showed less relevance in this regard.


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どっちも使う。費用対効果(時間的な意味で)や外れるリスクを考えながら。 Giusti-Haytonは、尿細管分泌が腎クリアランスに占める割合が高い薬剤だとブレる可能性は大きくなると思ってる。 https://t.co/1cWdjcAWfy https://t.co/ofeooM9kjt
【MS20-1】 https://t.co/FXUxpa8qgq #jsphcs2021
腎機能低下患者における薬物暴露量変化と腎排泄寄与率の関係の網羅的解析 https://t.co/AZfIx3Qd7H
腎機能低下患者における薬物暴露量変化と腎排泄寄与率の関係の網羅的解析 https://t.co/SeJw3ivqvh
腎機能低下患者における薬物暴露量変化と腎排泄寄与率の関係の網羅的解析 https://t.co/FXUxpa8qgq https://t.co/YeUMGSFDHf
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