大石 千歳 吉田 富二雄
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.71, no.6, pp.445-453, 2001-02-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
1 1

Based on social identity theory (Tajfel, 1978), it is expected that black sheep effect occurs only in cases where ingroup members are compared with outgroup individuals. In study 1, 112 female student nurses were divided into two groups, and evaluated both outgroup and ingroup individuals (outgroup-ingroup condition), or ingroup members only (ingroup-only condition). Black sheep effect was found only in the outgroup-ingroup condition. Ingroup members in the condition were evaluated more extremely than those in the ingroup-only condition, and there was no significant difference between the evaluations of outgroup individuals in the outgroup-ingroup condition and ingroup members in the ingroup-only condition. The results confirmed the ingroup-outgroup comparison prediction. In study 2, in addition to rating four individuals, desirable or undesirable and ingroup or outgroup, 86 female student nurses were asked to indicate the importance of their own social identity. Mack sheep effect was observed, with perception of ingroup homogeneity strengthening ingroup identification, thereby facilitating black sheep effect. These findings support Turners self categorization theory (1982) as an explanation of the mechanism for black sheep effect.


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欅坂46の考察をしてみました。おかしな点があったら、指摘してください。 テーマ:『不協和音』と『黒い羊』の関係性について 『不協和音』の音楽的性質(参照1)を考えると、複数の音のうち、一つでも良好とはいえない関係にある音が存在するときは、「不協和音」として成立する。 すなわち、和音を欅坂46のメンバー、そのうちの一つの関係の悪い音を平手友梨奈と仮定した場合、「不協和音」が完成した時期にはすでに、 ...

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「黒い羊効果一社会的アイデンティティヘの脅威となる内集団成員への差別現象ー」, 筑波大学心理学研究 https://t.co/EP27qR3zZe 大石千歳, 吉田富二雄 (2001), 「内外集団の比較の文脈が黒い羊効果に及ぼす影響ー社会的アイデンティティ理論の観点から https://t.co/HTcOQIjoOv

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