郡 倫一
公益社団法人 日本放射線技術学会
日本放射線技術学会雑誌 (ISSN:03694305)
vol.77, no.10, pp.1203-1208, 2021 (Released:2021-10-20)

Background: The lesions caused by brainstem infarction are usually small. Therefore, it is often difficult to diagnose them using axial diffusion-weighted imaging (axial DWI). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of thin-slice gapless coronal DWI in acute brainstem infarction diagnosis by difference of elapsed time from the onset of cerebral infarction. Methods: Axial DWI and coronal DWI were performed in 90 patients (mean age: 70.0±12.5 years) with acute brainstem infarction. Patients were classified into four groups according to the elapsed time after the onset of brainstem infarction: <3 h (group A), 3–10 h (group B), 10–30 h (group C), and ≥30 h (group D). We compared axial DWI and coronal DWI in terms of visual evaluation score, apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) value, and contrast in the four groups. Results: The visual evaluation scores were significantly higher using coronal DWI in groups A, B, and C than in group D. The ADC values in groups C and D were significantly higher in coronal DWI. The contrast in groups C and D was significantly higher in coronal DWI. Conclusion: Coronal DWI is especially useful for acute brainstem infarction diagnosis within 30 hours of its onset.


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@K3866875 元ネタです https://t.co/XrmU4TDHUk
時間外のMRIは、専門医が必ず画像確認する訳ではないと思うんです。 私的には、脳幹梗塞の見落としは震える程コワイです。 (急変する確率高いから) 撮影条件は別として、2R 撮影するだけで、脳幹の見落としが減りました
@tsn_hr 前に調べたことあるんですが、こんな文献あるんでまた見てみてください! https://t.co/qqQuI23w77

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