竹本 裕子 妹尾 正巳 神宮 英夫
日本官能評価学会誌 (ISSN:1342906X)
vol.5, no.2, pp.112-117, 2001-09-15 (Released:2013-08-08)
3 4

In the research of evaluation term, the relation between term and physical attribute has been discussed. It is necessary to research a nonchalant word where the customer spontaneously utters in daily life. The purpose of this research is to clarify whether Onomatopoeia and the exclamation are appropriate for the evaluation term. The sensory evaluation experiment of the milk lotion, which is already on the market, is done. The evaluation terms were 13 terms of Onomatopoeia and 12 terms of exclamation. The results of principle component analysis in Onomatopoeia and SURYOUKA III in exclamation became clear the followings. Onomatopoeia is a term that is able to evaluate physical attribute and to express affection. This is suitable for the evaluation of affections after an assessor has been aware of physical attributes. The exclamation is suitable for the expression of affections on the first impression.


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スキンケア化粧品のオノマ卜ペと感嘆詞による評価 https://t.co/X5CtUWdAyS
Onomatopeias e ponto de exclamação tem grande importância na publicidade japonesa. (Curiosamente, esses recursos... https://t.co/IBZJYQhcHu

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