三浦 雄一郎 福島 秀晃 森原 徹 鈴木 俊明
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.12, pp.29-34, 2012 (Released:2012-12-27)

The aim of this study was to clarify the function of the abdominal muscles in stabilizing the trunk during shoulder flexion. We used surface electromyographic (EMG) data from the rectus abdominis (RA) and external oblique abdominis (EO) muscles of 7 healthy male subjects (age 29.4 ± 4.7 years). Muscle activities of the right anterior deltoid, serratus anterior (SA), RA, and EO muscles were recorded while maintaining right shoulder flexion. The subjects held a plumb-bob of 5% of body weight. The angles of shoulder flexion were 30°, 60°, 90°, and 120°, and they were maintained for a full 5 s in each position. EMG activities of EO during shoulder flexion of 120° and 90° were significantly greater than that during shoulder flexion of 30° (p<0.05). EMG activity of SA during shoulder flexion of 120° was significantly greater than that during shoulder flexion of 30° (p<0.05). EMG activity of RA during shoulder flexion of 120° was significantly higher than those during shoulder flexion of 30° and 60° (p<0.05). The abdominal muscles are necessary to stabilize rotation of the trunk when the scapula is moved and rotated upward by concentric contraction of SA. Therefore, EO on the side of movement plays a major role in controlling trunk rotation toward the contralateral side. Although the activity level of RA was low, we consider that the finding that this muscle showed significantly greater EMG activity was due to its activity in efficiently fixing the rectus sheath while acting in concert with EO. In physical therapy evaluating motor function of the upper extremities, it is important to evaluate the abdominal muscles as well.


外部データベース (DOI)

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それが、 「リハビリ」用語であれば、 「上肢挙上運動」のことですね。 https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jkpt/17/0/17_17-A04/_pdf/-char/en https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jkpt/12/0/12_29/_pdf https://www.jstage. ...

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⬇️続き 肩関節周囲を治療しても上肢挙上が治らないケースでは、体幹筋の評価を見落としているかもしれない。 ⬇️文献情報 https://t.co/6SIPrwMW4X https://t.co/LLM7zjm0Nb
肩関節周囲を治療しても上肢挙上が治らないケースでは、体幹筋の評価を見落としているかもしれない。 ⬇️文献情報 https://t.co/6SIPrwMW4X https://t.co/hhyHl2pWYJ
体幹安定化メカニズム 運動側外腹斜筋は肩屈曲90・120°は30°と比較して優位に増加! 腹直筋は120°で有意差を認めた その要因は外腹斜筋の活動効率を上げるために腹直筋鞘を安定させる役割がある 上肢挙上の評価・治療は体幹機能も見ようね! #理学療法士 #ほぼ日文献読み https://t.co/OajPUw0eVh

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