Center for Academic Publications Japan
Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology (ISSN:03014800)
vol.68, no.6, pp.527-532, 2022-12-31 (Released:2022-12-31)

Low-carbohydrate and high-protein (LC-HP) diets are acceptable for improving physiological and metabolic parameters. However, the effects of LC-HP diets on the brain are unclear, which depend on glycometabolism for neuronal activity. Since astrocyte-neuron lactate shuttle (ANLS) is an essential pathway for maintaining brain functions, we investigated the changes in hippocampal memory function. In addition, the alteration of lactate transporter constituting ANLS and ANLS-related neurotrophic factors by feeding LC-HP diets was evaluated in healthy mice. C57BL/6 mice were divided into two groups: a group feeding LC-HP diet (24.6% carbohydrate, 57.6% protein, and 17.8% fat as percentages of calories) and a group feeding control diet (58.6% carbohydrate, 24.2% protein, and 17.2% fat as percentages of calories). Here, we found that 4 wk of LC-HP diet feeding suppressed memory function in mice evaluated by Y-maze. Hippocampal mRNA levels of lactate transporters, such as Mct1, Mct4, and Mct2, were unchanged with feeding LC-HP diets; however, LC-HP diets significantly decreased Dcx and Igf-1 receptor mRNA levels in the hippocampus. Bdnf and its related signaling in mice hippocampus exhibited no change by LC-HP diets. Although there was non-influence in the lactate-transport system, LC-HP diets would suppress hippocampal working memory with dysregulation of neuroplasticity. The current data propose the importance of food choices for maintaining hippocampal health.


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「Low-Carbohydrate and High-Protein Diet Suppresses Working Memory Function in Healthy Mice」 https://t.co/F79v4ahVZS リンク破綻の際は上の表題で検索を 海馬の働きが低下すると過去の負の記憶だけ持ち続ける可能性も 栄養と脳の関係は未だ分かってない事が多いので、極力偏りすぎないように
低糖質・高タンパクの食事を4週間以上続けると作業記憶能を低下させ、海馬での神経の新生や成長・生存に関係するタンパク質のmRNA量を低下させる ダイエットはほどほどにね 群馬大学 https://t.co/N7kSUuzNtd
In male mice At least the mice appear in the title. Some University Medical Center press releases and research articles have buried the mice down in the 16th paragraph, facilitating the illusion that the study was immediately relevant to humans. https://t.co/647l7G3imk
"Low-Carbohydrate and High-Protein Diet Suppresses Working Memory Function in Healthy Mice" LC-HP: C 24.6%, P 57.6%, F 17.8% CON: C 58.6%, P 24.2%, F 17.2% 4 wks Published: 12/31/22 - Don't shoot the msgr @_atanas_ @_INPST @ScienceCommuni2 @DHPSP https://t.co/NEbKlbaQKo

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