笠木 雅史
The Philosophy of Science Society, Japan
科学哲学 (ISSN:02893428)
vol.51, no.2, pp.3-27, 2018-12-30 (Released:2019-11-27)

It is commonplace to characterize analytic philosophy in terms of the so-called “linguistic turn.” Recent historical studies, however, tell or remind us that analytic philosophy is not unified with regard to its methods or subject matters. The purpose of this paper is to contribute toward the accurate picture of the history of analytic philosophy, with a focus on the group of philosophers that was called “Cambridge Analysis” or the “Cambridge School of Analysis” in the 1930s. Firstly, the paper exposes the methods and conceptions of metaphysics championed by members of the Cambridge School of Analysis, such as G. E. Moore, B. Russell, L. S.Stebbing, and J. Wisdom. Secondly, the paper argues that when the Cambridge School of Analysis was succeeded by Cambridge Ordinary Language School in the late 1930s, metaphysics started being conceptualized linguistically.


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分析哲学って「亡」したの?これより大きな範囲の話するのか気になる 笠木雅史,2018.「ケンブリッジ分析学派の興亡:「言語論的転回」はいつ起こったのか?」『科学哲学』51 (2): 3-27. https://t.co/L89daL96Ga

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