上田 政人 平賀 淳人 西村 哲
The Japan Society for Composite Materials
日本複合材料学会誌 (ISSN:03852563)
vol.37, no.3, pp.103-110, 2011 (Released:2012-02-25)
4 4

Micro-buckling characteristic of a carbon mono-fiber in matrix was studied. A fiber was modeled in matrix as a column on elastic foundation. Buckling stress of the fiber was calculated incorporating the initial fiber misalignment and non-linearity of the matrix. The effect of bending on compressive stress was also taken into considered to estimate failure initiation at fiber surface. Two processes of ultimate fiber failure were considered. First one is a compressive fracture at fiber surface due to compression and bending. Second one is a matrix-yielding initiated unstable fiber deformation. Compression test of a carbon fiber in matrix was performed by means of a four point bending test. Electrical resistance of the carbon fiber was measured during the compression test to recognize initiation of the compressive fracture. Fiber breaks at two adjacent locations were observed, which was caused by micro-buckling of the fiber. Apparent compressive strength of the fiber was measured in the experiment. Actual compressive strength of the fiber was predicted from the apparent compressive strength. Correlation between compressive strengths based on the elastic foundation model and the kink band model was discussed.


外部データベース (DOI)

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より細かい話を引用すれば https://t.co/07YUVSJUPT 引張強度と圧縮強度はラフには同等の値とされるようですが、厳密には「横弾性係数」に依存して圧縮強度は変化するので、ボーイングの材料については強さが判らないものを使っていた可能性が高い、なんて恐ろしい、と思った次第。
くわしくは、下記の論文を読んでもらうとして、 理想条件の場合で、圧縮強度は、引張強度の半分です。 つまり樹脂で埋めただけでは、引張強度は出ないし トータルで言えば強度は半分以下なので 修復を自分でやる場合は、必ずカーボン繊維の 積層を行いましょう。 https://t.co/AEkW4iXKIf

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