Kent R. Walters Jr. S. Indu Rupassara R.J. Cody Markelz Andrew D.B. Leakey William M. Muir Barry R. Pittendrigh
The Journal of Toxicological Sciences (ISSN:03881350)
vol.37, no.4, pp.773-790, 2012-08-01 (Released:2012-08-01)
1 9 1

Methamphetamine (MA) appears to produce neurotoxic effects, in part, through disruptions of energy metabolism. A recent study of the whole-body proteome of Drosophila melanogaster showed many changes in energy metabolism-related proteins, leading us to hypothesize that MA toxicity may cause whole-body disruptions of energy metabolism. To test this, we monitored the response of energy reserves and other metabolites to MA-exposure with and without the addition of dietary glucose. We also monitored changes in feeding behavior, locomotor activity and respiration rates associated with MA-exposure to investigate how MA affects energy balance. We observed that glycogen and triglyceride levels decreased dramatically within 48 hr of MA-exposure, indicating a strongly negative caloric balance. Behavioral assays revealed that MA-treated flies decreased food consumption by 60-80% and exhibited a 2-fold increase in locomotion. Caloric expenditure decreased with MA-exposure, apparently due to a compensatory decrease in resting metabolism, showing that anorexia was the primary driver of the negative caloric balance. Additionally, we observed that glucose supplementation of MA-containing diet increased glycogen reserves by 44% at 48 hr, leading to a commensurate increase in survivorship. We conclude that dietary sugar supplementation enhances survivorship by partially compensating for decreased caloric intake resulting from MA-induced anorexia. The observation that MA produces similar behavioral changes in Drosophila and humans, i.e. increased locomotor activity and anorexia, further supports the use of Drosophila as a model organism for the study of the effects of MA.


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Comme pour l'humain, les métamphétamines conduisent vers l'anorexie chez les mouches des fruits http://t.co/0wdTsrin #entomologie #écologie
Meth drug causes death 4 same reason that severe negative engergy balance programs are unhealthy. https://t.co/Pf90PFre

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