岩野 治雄 正木 信男 鎌田 崇義 永井 正夫
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.75, no.754, pp.1784-1790, 2009-06-25 (Released:2017-06-09)

It has been shown in our previous report that DYC is not compatible with the tire force usage equalization and it is important to consider total tire force F_x and F_y as feedback signals for DYC being compatible with the tire force usage equalization. However the driving stability of the electric vehicle is affected how the weighing matrix's coefficients of the criterion function are chosen because our control logic based on the optimal control of the yaw moment, total tire force F_x and F_y, and the tire force usage equalization. In this paper, we proposed a method for the determination of the weighting coefficient of our control logic with quality engineering. By using this, we can make clear the relation between the optimal control error and the driving stability of the electric vehicle how the weighting coefficients are chosen. It was found that the controller using the optimal control having the weighting coefficients determined by the quality engineering method has robustness for the driving stability in various driving conditions. Therefore, it was effective to use quality engineering for vehicle dynamics control.


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例えばこれがブリヂストンの研究です。 知っているとは思いますが、そういう研究は何十年も昔からあります。https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/kikaic1979/75/754/75_KJ00005648899/_pdf 2.国内の主要タイヤメーカーで現時点で最も自動運転分野で進んでいるメーカーとその理由 どうやって「最も」を比較するのかが難しいです ...

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