佐々木 孝博
Kokusai-joho (ISSN:24364401)
vol.8, no.1, pp.3-14, 2023-07-23 (Released:2023-07-23)

This paper examines how electronic warfare, a way of fighting in the electromagnetic domain, is defined in Russian security strategy. The author would like to focus on the strategic papers and look at how organized the "electronic warfare forces" in the Russian military. Then, the author would like to consider the "electronic warfare equipment" possessed by those "electronic warfare forces". In addition, the author will take up as a case study how Russia's electronic warfare is carried out in the current Russo-Ukrainian War. Finally, in modern warfare, "X-rays" and "γ-rays" are considered to categorized within the electromagnetic domain, so the author also would like to estimate the possibility that Russia will implement electromagnetic pulse(EMP) attack.


外部データベース (DOI)

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ロシア・ウクライナ戦争における電磁波領域の戦いと 電磁パルス(EMP)攻撃の可能性 https://t.co/lsYTFUjhWe
>HEMP の研究で著名な米国のピーター・プライの 報告書「核 EMP 攻撃シナリオと諸兵種連合サイバ ー戦」によれば、ロシア、中国、北朝鮮などの HEMP 攻撃について、長年警告を発してきている。 #核戦略 https://t.co/cRMoJY7Vyb
ロシア・ウクライナ戦争における電磁波領域の戦いと電磁パルス攻撃の可能性 佐々木 孝博 資料PDF https://t.co/M1vaIoSq9t

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