太田 美奈子
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.92, pp.165-182, 2018-01-31 (Released:2018-05-10)

This paper examines the reception of early television in rural Japan throughSai village in the Aomori prefecture. While the first television station in Aomoriwas founded in 1959, most Aomori residents had previously accessed the televisionsignal from NHK Hakodate( Hokkaido), established in 1957. The small fishingvillage, Sai village, had the highest television penetration rate in Aomori atthat time and was known as a ‘TV village’. Why did the people of Sai villagewant television? What effect did this desire have? This paper aims to answerthese questions by tracing the evolution from the first arrival of television inSai village in 1957 to the wide spread availability of television in Aomori in1959. Interviews and archival documents show that educational motivations, andspecifically the desire to show the outside world to the children, were fundamental to their choices. Through television education in school, the children’seducation flourished and developed into television reception that went beyondeducational purposes. Matsunoyama village in Niigata prefecture also had asimilar television reception as Sai village. Sai village represents a key point ofreference for television reception in rural Japan in that its remoteness preservedtelevision’s function as an educational visual aid. This paper goes beyondthe urban-centred narratives about early television reception by accounting forthe fact that villagers saw a potential for television beyond leisure in education,and by exploring how the affirmation of television as leisure also opened upchildren to outside worlds. The children’s reactions were in line with a McLuhan-esque view of televisionand what happened in Sai village points to the key potentials of television.This paper shows how rural areas had a rich television reception during theearly days of television. In addition, this paper represents the first stepstowards understanding an era in which television reception forms were stillmixed.


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「1950年代後半、テレビが僻地の子供教育に活用された」事例の検証があります。 文中にも触れられていますが、大宅壮一によりテレビが「一億総白痴化」と批判されていたのと同じ時代のハナシ。道路政策と同じで、持つ者と持たざる者の違いなのかもしれません。 https://t.co/SFzbFuLaa3
「想像できないものは勉強すらできない」的なのは、以前これを読んでても思った。テレビは僻地から世界を知る窓になった話なんだけど。 「青森県下北群佐井村における初期テレビ受容」 https://t.co/0VPtDFCmkN
https://t.co/dfm558tt37 最後まで読んだ。東北の田舎にテレビが導入され、その後の教育効果や都市部との比較等すごく面白い。これだけでドラマ一本作れるわ
「山の分校の記録」が良かったのでそのへんの文献をあさってみたら、すごく面白い論文が見つかった。太田美奈子氏の「青森県下北郡佐井村における初期テレビ受容」。1957年に函館の電波が入るようになって、村の学校にテレビが備え付けられ受容されていく様子を書いている https://t.co/AfuFIVr82Q
青森県下北郡佐井村における初期テレビ受容 (マス・コミュニケーション研究 No.92) https://t.co/eBwhNgOZgH 私の父の故郷であり、私自身一時期住んでいたことがある。 1957年から2年間、青森県内で最もテレビが普及した市町村は佐井村だった。 テレビ普及率の高さから、テレビ村と称されていた。 RT

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