杉山 昂平 執行 治平
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.99, pp.97-114, 2021-07-31 (Released:2021-09-11)

In media studies, the term, “amateur” has attracted attention as a subject who creates media or as an object created by media. Previous studies on the latter aspect tend to fall into a short-sighted conclusion that “everyone can become an amateur with the advent of new media.” To tackle this problem analytically, we propose a perspective that sees people become amateurs as a result of learning. Based on this perspective, we arrange three research questions to be explored: (1) what is the function of media that enables learners to become amateurs? (2) what kind of amateurs can people become? and (3) what is the scale of people who can become amateurs? Taking up the related research from various disciplines, we insist on exploring these questions considering the relationships between them.


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a と b を区別せずに混ぜちゃうと無理のある主張が生まれますよというのがこの論文で言いたかったことのように思う。 杉山昂平・執行治平 (2021) メディアはアマチュアをつくるか?――学習に注目するアプローチの提案. マス・コミュニケーション研究, 99, 97–114. https://t.co/vaaEAzvKP4
【論文が公開されました】 杉山昂平, & 執行治平 (2021) メディアはアマチュアをつくるか?――学習に注目するアプローチの提案. マス・コミュニケーション研究, 99, 97–114. すでに出ていた論文ですが誰でもPDF読めるようになりましたのでぜひ。 https://t.co/8YHLUIdj25

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