藤本 雅子
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.16, no.3, pp.1-13, 2012-12-30 (Released:2017-08-31)

Effects of consonantal environment and speech rate on vowel devoicing are examined from glottal opening patterns of an Osaka subject. Results demonstrated that for the initial consonant of /CVC/, the glottis widely opened both for stops and fricatives, which presumably facilitates devoicing. For the second consonant, the glottis widely opened for fricatives but not for stops. However, vocal fold vibration of the preceding vowel continued into the consonants only for fricatives. Thus, fricatives are likely to suppress devoicing in intervocalic position. For the consonant /h/, continuation of vocal fold vibration lasts until the end of the consonant, which will strongly suppress devoicing. A sequence of fricatives suppresses devoicing presumably due to faster glottal adduction for fricatives than stops. The distance of glottal openings between preceding and following consonants becomes shorter in fast speech, which may facilitate devoicing.


外部データベース (DOI)

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研究論文 Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan, Vol. 16 No 3 December 2012, pp. 1- 13 子音環境と発話速度によ る母音無声化の促進 ・ 抑制効果 一声門開大運動パタンの検討一 https://t.co/ou6bxcFjnI
@gnggk 地域差については知らなかったのですが、確かにそういう記述がありますね…。 「方言について は, 束京方言を中心とする束日本方言では無声化 が多く, 近畿方言等の西日本方言では少ないとさ れる (佐久間 1959, 柴田 1966, 奥村 1975, 平山 1985, 杉藤 1996)。 」(p.2) https://t.co/tUvVg4Zx3B
"子音環境と発話速度によ る母音無声化の促進 ・ 抑制効果" / https://t.co/1UEd5qnFLQ

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