多和田 眞一郎
音声研究 (ISSN:13428675)
vol.8, no.2, pp.58-68, 2004-08-31 (Released:2017-08-31)

This paper provides a general description of the phonological history of Okinawan language, mainly focusing on its palatalization and affricative changes. The outline of this paper is as follows; (1) Did the affricative change of */ki/ occur during the 16th century? (2) The affricative change of */ti/ already occurred in the beginning of the 16th century, prior to that of */ki/. (3) It appears that the affricative formation of */gi/ and */di/ occurred slightly later than that of */ki/ and */ti/. (4) The palatalization of */-ika/ had already occurred in the beginning of 16th century. (5) The affricative formation of */ita/ occurred in the beginning of 16th century. (6) The palatalization of */iga/ occurred in the beginning of 16th century. (7) The palatalization of */ida/ must have occurred during the 16th century.


外部データベース (DOI)

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沖 縄 語 音 韻 史 口蓋化 ・ 破擦音化を中心と して 多和田 眞一郎 https://t.co/5F4JwF9dUP [PDF注意]
>に お け る ハ ン グ ル表記 の沖縄 語 の おいおい・・・ あの半島で権力を持つものは漢字を使っていただろうに 沖 程 語 音 韻 史 https://t.co/FpJ12H74wk

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