和田 実
応用心理学研究 (ISSN:03874605)
vol.44, no.3, pp.171-182, 2019-03-31 (Released:2019-08-15)

This study examined infidelity in heterosexual romantic relationships and its effects of gender, attitudes toward infidelity and romantic relationships, and the desire to have an affair. Participants were heterosexual 77 males and 98 females. They were presented with 25 behaviors which were exchanged between males and females and answered their own permissible level of their partners' behaviors and the estimate of their partner's permissible level of their own behaviors in their romantic relationhips. Cluster analysis revealed six clusters: "sexual behaviors", "pleasure behaviors", "companionship and intimate disclosure", "mutual supportive behaviors", "eating and drinking, and giving a present", and "companionate chat". Males' permissible level was higher in sexual behaviors and lower in companionate chat than females'. Their partner's permissible level were higher in sexual behaviors, companionship and intimate disclosure, and mutual supportive behaviors than their own permissible level. Companionate chat was highest and sexual behavior was lowest in both permissible levels. The more permissive attitudes toward infidelity, the stronger desire to have an affair, the less romanticism, and the less romantic power they have, the higher both permissible levels were. The effects on infidelity are discussed.


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こういう心理です。 https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/oushinken/44/3/44_171/_pdf 浮気や婚外セックスに対する態度が許容的な者ほど,浮気をしやすい。 さらに,関係要因とも関わる。対人葛藤,怒り,衡平性,コミットメントや関係満足度の低さなどが浮気に結びつく。 例えば,Weis &Jurichは,既婚者を対象に調べ,情緒的浮気 ...

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J-STAGE Articles - 現代青年の異性間恋愛関係における浮気―性,浮気および恋愛に対する態度,浮気願望との関連― https://t.co/N5CGeDs5Yl
#ヒゲジャーナル 男性は女性より異性との行動や関係を許容する。不倫に対して寛容で、不倫願望が強いほど、ロマンチストでないほど、パートナーへの恋愛力がないほど、自分も恋人も浮気行動をする事に許容的であった。 現代青年の異性間恋愛関係における浮気https://t.co/e7Ou6eOMSa
へえ。 >大学生193 名に調査を行い,本人が異性愛者でないと回答した者(15 名)https://t.co/XkJJMk6VJ2
現代青年の異性間恋愛関係における浮気―性,浮気および恋愛に対する態度,浮気願望との関連― https://t.co/8nZC6C9dsh

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