Yasushi UJITA Kohji FUNATSU Yasufumi SUZUKI
Railway Technical Research Institute
Quarterly Report of RTRI (ISSN:00339008)
vol.44, no.1, pp.28-33, 2003 (Released:2006-09-13)
6 7

Serious railway accidents in recent years in Japan were surveyed in order to clarify the target of railway crashworthiness. From the result, it was found that level crossing collision accidents were one of the most important targets of the crashworthiness of railway carriages. Both numerical simulations and empirical method to analyze crushing behaviour of railway carriages in Japan were applied in this research work. As the empirical methods, quasi-static compression tests for carbody sections were used to understand crushing behaviour of the carbody. Using the crushing characteristics obtained from the test, one-dimensional lumped mass numerical model was built and calculated to evaluate impacting behaviour of the trains at collision accidents. Three-dimensional FE analysis and real size train crash test were also included in this research program. The results of both numerical method and experimental tests were compared.


外部データベース (DOI)

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@11266_Semi_exp https://t.co/ccPmZNfKDk これとかどうよ
実験に使われた車体なのか Crashworthiness Investigation of Railway Carriages https://t.co/V6x9NtXJAU
@victorique2 英語ですが論文になっているようです。 https://t.co/n14qPb9YKs
衝突実験に使われたそうですが、その実験結果を表す論文は、「Crashworthiness Investigation of Railway Carriages」と言われていますね。 https://t.co/Rw4hrqBAh4 https://t.co/UPsotJVhFT
@MUSASINO_EXP 改造を施した上で何かしらの試験に使用したと思われますが、関係者以外には一切非公開で、使用目的さえも明かされず、気が付いたら消えていました。推測では衝突試験に使用されたと言われていますが、真相は不明です。ちなみに、データは英文で公開されています(下のPDFです) https://t.co/OQyrQeEY5a
Crashworthiness Investigation of Railway Carriages https://t.co/aaVtbooS9g

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