杉山 昌広 杉山 大志
Eco-Engineering (ISSN:13470485)
vol.22, no.4, pp.155-165, 2010-10-31 (Released:2011-01-05)

We review climate geoengineering, which is receiving increasing attention due to the slow progress of global climate policy and recognition of potential catastrophic effects of climate change. Climate engineering schemes are intended to modify part of the global climate system to countervail the effect of global climate change. There are two main categories of climate engineering options: carbon dioxide removal (CDR) such as ocean iron fertilization and CO2 air capture; and solar radiation management (SRM) including stratospheric aerosol injection. SRM options are generally affordable, and timely in their effect, but come with side effects. CDR techniques tend to be costly and slow, but address ocean acidification as well as climate change. Terminating an SRM scheme would cause a rapid rise in global-mean temperature, whereas CDR does not pose such a problem. Both options entail significant uncertainties, which should be resolved through further research. Discussions on governance of climate engineering have already begun at various forums, mainly led by the United Kingdom and the United States.


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@fgidf98fj9jh0h 前から話題になっていますよ。特にケムトレイル問題をやっている方達がお詳しかった記憶。 geoengeneeringと表向きは言ってますが、結構批判も出てます。 ここに米軍の気象改変プロジェクト名も出てきてます。 https://t.co/2ZzXKQShXs
@chomebish 信ぴょう性でいうと、このあたりでしょうか。 国立科学技術振興機構のレビューです。 https://t.co/Usm9aCiWlH
学術論文へのアクセス #jstage 日本の学術ジャーナルを発信する オンラインプラットフォームより https://t.co/LWrMKI9dP0 https://t.co/k0Otd8YHC2
¶ 「気候工学(ジオエンジニアリング)のレビュー」という論文を見かける。 PDF= https://t.co/Gm6FKQGWJ6 #論文渉猟

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