川田 耕
ソシオロジ (ISSN:05841380)
vol.39, no.2, pp.97-113,189, 1994-10-31 (Released:2017-02-15)

Morality is generally something more than traditional practices. M.Foucault distinguishes the moralities between the "code-oriented" moralities, which have a system of traditonal practices and rules of behavior in detail, and the "ethics -oriented" moralities, in which such system and rulues are rather rudimentary and leave their function to each individual's retlective consciousness. In the latter case, each individual is required not only to have self-awareness but to make self-formation as "ethical subject". I think "the popular morality "in Japan which was named and investigated by Yasumaru Yoshio can be called ethics-oriennted morality, because this morality demands people should reform traditional practices and have reflective consciousness. The popular morality is ethical because of its great interest in each individual's consciousness and it is popular because of its premise that establishment of proper consciousness may bring some social profit. The popular morality depends on smooth circle of the moral doctrine, each individual's consciousness and the social profit. When this circle is not satisfactory, the existence of ethical subject is threatend,and the effects of morality tend to be code-oriented. I investigate such structure of this morality in early modern Japan (especially in the discourse of the "Rono" in the late Edo period and the "Hotokushugi" in the Meiji period), and search the transformation of it in the Meiji period and the possibility of creating new ethics.


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通俗道徳をググって出てきたのがこのPDF。文章難しい。今の日本人の国民性がどうやって形作られたのか、ヒントになりそうな気もするけど、猛暑の中考える余裕がない。ChatGPTに要約して貰うのも面倒臭い。今日は昼から寝てしまおう https://t.co/AlLF9QxOtT https://t.co/3bxgmbn4vx
@saanqua 後は川田の論考も読みました。 「道徳と主体 江戸後期から明治期にかけての通俗道徳」 川田 耕 https://t.co/RtJC4Chvj1
「報徳主義思想の展開と国家政策の課題--京都における地方改良運動を通して」並松信久 https://t.co/LGnXrA0OIs 「道徳と主体~江戸後期から明治期にかけての通俗道徳」川田耕 https://t.co/2BqOpcr3A5 「地方改良運動」の政策主体と社会背景 伊勢弘志 https://t.co/VL7Bc3XHin つまり国策でした。 https://t.co/5pWgCYcOIN
いわゆる「通俗道徳」は一見、尤もらしいけど、人を政治主体、主権者としての意識を与え、市民としての責任感を涵養すると言う意味では正反対の方向を向いてそうなんだよね。 https://t.co/9vRRorOyyJ
「道徳と主体」川田耕https://t.co/2BqOpcr3A5 過去の生活困難期を振り返る(1) 小松秀樹 https://t.co/yrbZ6bUzqA 二宮のイデオローグは、幕藩体制維持のための質素・倹約・勤勉励行ですので、幕藩体制を明治政府に置換すると通俗道徳のイデオローグとなりますね。荒廃農村→模範村が出発点です。 https://t.co/n9LXDUPwTH

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