小島 周二
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.134, no.2, pp.155-161, 2014 (Released:2014-02-01)

Since the Fukushima nuclear plant accident following the great East Japan earthquake on March 11, 2011, we have been warned to be careful about possible radiation exposure almost every day in newspapers and on TV. Radioactive iodine (131I) and cesium (134Cs, 137Cs) produced by nuclear reactions were released into the air during and after the accident, and have been scattered by the winds in Tohoku and in the Kanto district. Even today, 2 years after the accident, there is great public concern about possible pollution of foodstuffs and fishery products with radioactive cesium, not only in Japan, but also in other countries. On the other hand, decontamination work has been proceeding, including removal of contaminated soil near the accident site. Since the accident, many media reports have continued to tell us only that current dose levels of radiation are not dangerous to human health. But, many people are not satisfied with such vague statements, and want to understand the situation in more detail. So, it is important to provide basic education about the effects of radiation to the general public. I am a professor of the Department of Radiation Biosciences at Tokyo University of Science, and so I am very familiar with radiation and its dangers. So, in my lecture today, we would like to explain the effects of radiation and put the present situation into perspective, so that people will better understand the risks, and not be unnecessarily afraid.


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【セシウムにより汚染された食物や牛肉の摂取による数年から数十年後の晩発影響が一般公衆の脅威となってるのが現状であり~国民一人一人の体内摂取の原因となる要因を確認しこれらの体内摂取は可能な限り避けるべきである】https://t.co/yTgBWA6Nac "@iina_kobe:
そりと以前そちら「放射性感受性が子供の方が大人より高い」って言ってる生物学者はいないって断言されてたけど、この小島さんって生物学者さん、こちらに↓子供の方が高いってしっかり書いてるよ。読んでみてね(^-^)"@iina_kobe: https://t.co/yTgBWA6Nac
actual curve では、100mSv以下だと身体にポジティブな影響が出てるんだよ。つまり、健康になる。なので、避難させるべき!とかいってた物理学者とかは、かえって住民の健康を害しているんだよね。これを私は当初から言っていた https://t.co/ILa0LhbCuI
「がんなどの遺伝的影響につながらないという確証は今日まで皆無」ってのにはかなりムリが……。たぶん何かの予防線に違いないw https://t.co/z3QwBK8xt4
これ,おもいっきりホルミシス側だね。やっぱりNrf2は動くかあ。 https://t.co/z3QwBK8xt4
@hitoshi_hof https://t.co/ILa0LhbCuI ここにありますねー。
https://t.co/ILa0LhbCuI これの、おわりにだけでも読めばいいと思うよ。私の言ってることとなんら変わらない。あと、暇だったら、図の2も見るといいと思うよ。
小島周二 (2014) "低線量放射線の生体影響" https://t.co/PA51ZDBYUJ 日本薬学会第 133 年会シンポジウム より。

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