高石 清和
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.88, no.11, pp.1467-1471, 1968-11-25 (Released:2008-05-30)
7 7

Coumarin (1) and coumaric acid glucoside (2) were isolated from the leaves of Prunus yedoensis MATSUM. (cherry tree). The structure of (2) was proved as o-coumaric acid β-D-glucoside which had been isolated from Melilotus altissima TEUIL. and named melilotoside by C. Charaux. Comparative determination of (1) and (2) in the leaves of cherry tree was made, and it was thereby found that red leaves in autumn contained much more o-coumaric acid glucoside than green leaves in spring, with a very small amount of coumarin in free state throughout the year. It is noteworthy that the deeper the red color of the leaves, the higher the content of o-coumaric acid glucoside. It is also interesting from biosynthetic point of view that both coumarin and anthocyan are synthesized through shikimic acid pathway. It was suggested that the leaves of cherry tree contain a fairly high amount of coumarin in the form of o-coumaric acid glucoside with a very small amount of free coumarin, although Kosuge, Brown, and Soine, have reported that o-coumaric acid glucoside in Melilotus spp. is finally converted into free coumarin.


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参考URL 高石清和「サクラの葉のクマリン成分の研究」YAKUGAKU ZASSHI 88 (11), 1467-1471, 1968 https://t.co/AmcXq7272o 藤井義晴『   植物たちの静かな戦い (DOJIN選書:71) 化学物質があやつる生存競争』化学同人(2016)
クマリンは、桜の葉を塩漬けにすることによって生まれる香気成分で、単独で嗅ぐと、食経験のある日本人ならば、桜餅を想起します。トンカ豆にも含まれます。 参考文献 サクラの葉のクマリン成分の研究 https://t.co/vpbeISkERC

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