杉村 伸二
東洋史研究 (ISSN:03869059)
vol.75, no.1, pp.33-65, 2016-06
杉村 伸二
東洋史研究 (ISSN:03869059)
vol.75, no.1, pp.33-65, 2016-06

This paper attempts to situate the Liehou 列侯 of the Han era in the historical process following the Warring States period and to consider the actual situation of Liehou in the establishment of the political order during the foundation of the Han dynasty. The origin of the Liehou of the Han era were the Fengjun 封君 of the Warring States period. Fengjun were appointed as generals or ministers and were positioned at the center of politics in their own states. They were sometimes invited to other states to serve as generals or ministers there and had influence beyond the framework of a single state. Fengjun maintained firm positions as Zhuhou 諸侯 of the realm of All under Heaven and influenced the inter-state order together with Kings. With Qin's unification of All under Heaven, the inter-state order of the late Warring States period ceased to exist, and a commandery-county system was adopted instead. Therefore, Fengjun, who had existed as Liehou during the Warring States, were incorporated into the military-exploit ranks that were formed to establish order in the Qin state, and were transformed into the highest ranks, Liehou and Lunhou 倫侯. With the disappearance of the inter-state order, Fengjun that had had inter-state characteristics were transformed into Liehou, one of the Qin domestic ranks. After the death of the First Emperor and the downfall of the Qin empire, an inter-state order resembling that of the Warring States period was re-established. Fengjun with inter-state characteristics as in the Warring States period also re appeared, the inter-state order influenced by the Zhuhou was re-established in the land of All under Heaven. But, at the same time, the Liu Bang government adopted the Qin system and continuously appointed Hou 侯 based on military-exploit ranks. Thus, Fengjun as Zhuhou as in the Warring States period and Hou based on the military-exploits ranks co-existed. Liu Bang who was enthroned as Emperor Gaozu was also recommended by Zhuhou. Although Emperor Gaozu did not appoint Hou for a period after his enthronement, in the 12th month of the 6th year of his reign (201 B. C.), he appointed some members of his own clan as Zhuhouwang 諸侯王 and at the same time started to appoint retainers whose exploits were deserving as Hou. These appointments were to appoint deserving retainers, who had already been appointed as Liehou based on the military-exploit ranks, as Zhuhou. Thus, the Liehou of the Han era were instituted within in the twenty-rank system instituted in the Qin state but also had the characteristic of Zhuhou.
塩沢 裕仁
東洋文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638089)
vol.169, pp.502-463, 2016-03

关于被称为"天下第一关"的函谷关,现在正在维修的遗迹有两处,即灵宝市王垜村的秦函谷关和新安县城关镇的汉函谷关。此前曾对这两处遗迹进行过多次研究调查,但是自2010 年度开始对人类文化研究机构的关野贞大陆调查资料进行研究调查,在分析《支那文化史迹》所载的旧照片时,发现其地形与这两处遗迹的地形明显不同。而且,通览文献史料,可以推测旧照片中看到的函谷关可能是修筑在黄河沿岸、清代又重修的魏函谷关的遗存。但是,其所在和遗迹此前没有得到确认。在此,通过自2013 年度开始的科学研究费课题"对前近代中国交通道路和关津的环境史学研究"的实地调查,在证实上述推测的同时,确定了遗迹的所在。而且,该研究课题通过对潼关的遗迹研究调查,搞清了潼关在曹魏以前被称为桃林塞和函谷关等,其关塞在随着时代的变化而移动。另一方面,2012 年洛阳市文物考古研究院在对新安函谷关遗迹的发掘调查中,发现了战国时期的道路遗构,弄清了当地在战国时期也发挥着重要的作用。本研究可以理解包括潼关在内的4 处函谷关遗迹,加上在往往忽略的《水经注》等文献史料中,把新安至潼关一带统称为函谷。因为函谷关位于长安与洛阳之间,这个名字在历史上频繁出现。因此,要认识到不同时代建造的关塞及其所在地各不相同,如果不在准确把握把哪个函谷关遗迹作为自己研究对象的基础上展开讨论,那么其研究就是纸上谈兵。因此,本文以谋求对函谷关认识的更新和共享为着眼点,尝试公开4 处函谷关遗迹的现状以及在实地调查中收集到的信息,进而探讨从中发现的问题点。
藤田 高夫
東アジア文化交渉研究 = Journal of East Asian cultural interaction studies (ISSN:18827748)
vol.9, pp.321-333, 2016-03-31

東アジアの歴史と動態文部科学省グローバルCOEプログラム 関西大学文化交渉学教育研究拠点This paper discusses some historical resources and method to estimate military expenditures in the Han period. As a first example, the author examines a campaign by the Han dynasty against the Tibetan tribes during 61-60 B.C. Secondly, he analyses a method to conduct calculations of the military cost using item of expenditure. Then, he examines an estimation of number of soldiers in the Han period. As a conclusion,the author emphasizes the risk of military campaign against the imperial finance in contradistinction to standing force.
奈良 竜一
専修史学 (ISSN:03868958)
no.60, pp.5-38, 2016-03