大武 由之 中里 孝之
公益社団法人 日本畜産学会
日本畜産学会報 (ISSN:1346907X)
vol.43, no.2, pp.75-80, 1972-02-25 (Released:2008-03-10)

平田 明弘 王 逢周 木村 貞司 大武 由之
Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology
日本食品工業学会誌 (ISSN:00290394)
vol.35, no.3, pp.204-209, 1988-03-15 (Released:2011-02-17)

Atsushi Mizuno Takuya Kishi Chisa Matsumoto Fujimi Kawai Mari Ishida Shoji Sanada Seiji Hokimoto Yoshihiko Saito Keiko Yamauchi-Takihara Issei Komuro Koichi Node
The Japanese Circulation Society
Circulation Reports (ISSN:24340790)
pp.CR-19-0046, (Released:2019-09-19)
1 4

Background:Twitter has become increasingly popular at annual medical congresses as a platform to communicate to attendees. In contrast, Twitter is not as frequently used in Japan as compared with other countries. Herein, we reviewed the literature and discuss the potential role and risks of “tweet the meeting” in Japan.Methods and Results:We performed a literature review to consider the recent trend of tweeting the meeting, including benefits and how to tweet, as well as potential risks. Upon officially deciding to tweet the meeting, a number of societies and professional organizations developed strategies to enhance the attendees’ experience using multiple modalities and guides. Although there are several risks, we provide a concise guide to tweeting the meeting for the Japanese audience, which could be useful for understanding what should be done before and during a conference.Conclusions:The use of Twitter at medical congresses has many possibilities, and there are numerous potentials in many areas. We should discuss this in the light of the benefits for congress attendees in Japan.
Takehiro Numata Kazuki Miura Tetsuya Akaishi Ryutaro Arita Kota Ishizawa Natsumi Saito Hiroyo Sasaki Akiko Kikuchi Shin Takayama Muneshige Tobita Tadashi Ishii
The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine (ISSN:09182918)
pp.3218-19, (Released:2019-09-18)
5 4

We herein report the case of a 14-year-old girl who had been experiencing chronic fatigue, febricula, and social withdrawal for 20 months. No notable abnormalities were identified during routine checkups at a general pediatric hospital; symptomatic treatments did not affect her condition. She was diagnosed with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). Based on the concepts of Japanese traditional medicine, she was administered shosaikoto-based treatment. After several weeks of treatment, all of the symptoms had been dramatically alleviated, consequently resolving the issue of non-attendance at school. Shosaikoto-based medication may be a therapeutic option for treating ME/CFS in patients presenting with chronic febricula.
田島 良輝 西村 貴之 櫻井 貴志 岡野 紘二 神野 賢治 佐々木 達也
Japan Society of Sports Industry
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.28, no.1, pp.1_53-1_62, 2018 (Released:2018-02-09)

An interview survey was conducted to ascertain the kind of management talent sought by a professional sports club. In order to conduct the survey, one club was selected from each of the J1, J2, and J3 groups in the 2014 season. Semi-structured interviews were conducted based on: 1. skills and qualifications required for work, 2. organization and work content of the club, 3. growth process of the club management, and 4. human resource development policy of the club.    The results show a division in the abilities required to run a professional sports club, ranging from requiring highly versatile abilities such as worker fundamentals, drive, and job compatibility to specific abilities tailored to the business of a professional sports club.     The foundation of a professional sports club’ s business is entertainment. Therefore, skills in communication to entertain people and in gaming business management are required. In addition, as sponsorship of local companies is a key focus for management, the ability to demonstrate communication that generates empathy and responsive management is essential.     Clubs that are recognized as public assets of a community tend to build business models that utilize volunteers. Strategic communication to promote spontaneity was identified as an important strength to effectively manage this business model.
Tetsuya Takemi Takashi Unuma
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.15A, pp.60-65, 2019 (Released:2019-09-19)

This study documented the environmental properties of precipitation systems that produced the July 2018 Heavy Rainfall event in Japan. The gridded analysis data were used to diagnose the potential for the development of convective systems in terms of thermodynamic environmental indices. Precipitable water vapor was extremely larger than that seen in the climatology of warm-season quasi-stationary convective clusters (QSCCs). Such an extreme moisture content was realized by very humid conditions at the middle-levels. In contrast, temperature lapse rate in a convectively unstable layer was not so significant in comparison to the QSCC climatology. Among the environmental indices, K Index was shown to describe the potential for the rainfall development. Based on the analysis, the roles of moisture content and profile on the convection development were discussed. It was suggested that the middle-level high humidity contributes to the occurrence of the present heavy rainfall by minimizing negative effects of environmental mixing and by decreasing vertical displacements to reach levels of free convection. In regions where heavy rainfall occurred, an automated algorithm detected the development of QSCCs, which were mostly categorized as a linear type.
no.(207), 2016-08
山口(内田) 雅克
ジェンダー史学 (ISSN:18804357)
vol.3, pp.33-44, 2007 (Released:2011-11-01)

The topic of masculinity has not received much attention in Japan. It tends to be overlooked as an intrinsic or desirable attribute of men, although masculinity can have some influence as an ideology.Considering masculinity as a historical phenomenon, this article attempts to expose its original development, its redefinition during the early twentieth century and its characteristic "weakness-phobia" within a historical context. Shonen Sekai, or Youth World, the most popular magazine among children around the time of the Sino-Japanese and the Russo-Japanese wars, is examined from the angle of masculinity.At the time of the magazine's inception, many expectations and duties were assigned only to boys and statesmen and military personnel were presented as models for boys. Later when girl readers could not be ignored, columns for girls were established. Through short stories and articles, girls' roles and desirable attributes were defined and the gender boundary was clearly drawn. Boys' deviations from that boundary could be judged feminine or weak and undoubtedly put them in an unfavorable light. This insinuates "weakness phobia" into boys.Along with supporting imperialism and colonization in East Asia, Shonen Sekai highlighted gender ambiguity in Korean boys and girls and characterized Chinese boys as cowards. The concept of "a strong masculine Japanese boy" came to be highly valued. In fact, the Russo-Japanese war was justified by the logic that to fight against the strong (Russia) protecting the weak (China, Korea) was "true masculinity."Thus in contrast to the perceived weakness of girls or non-Japanese, the concept of Japanese hegemonic masculinity had been formed, distinguishing itself by "weakness phobia." Masculinity demonstrated its influence in connection with a nation, politics and foreign policy.
松本 良夫
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.22, pp.111-125,en210, 1967

This articls aims to analyse interrelationships among boy's social origin, school achievement, educational attainment and delinquency, based on the result of the research project entitled &ldquo;Comparative Study on Adolescent Delinquency in Industrial Societies&rdquo; planned by Jackson Toby, an American sociologist.<BR>The project aims to compare subcultural delinquency in several sccieties in relation to the attitude of young people, and their sccial origin and educational attainment.<BR><I>Problem</I>; In this interrelationships among adolescent delinquency are treated as a dependent variable, differential attitude toward education (educational attainment, school achievement) as intervening vasiables and boys' sccio-economic background as an independent variable.<BR><I>Procedure</I>; 6172 boys born in 1942 selected from graduating classes of 30 public junior high schools in Tokyo were traced back to their attitude toward J. H. S. education, educational career and delinquent acts recorded by the police.<BR><I>Results</I>;<BR>I. Of the 6172 J. H. S. graduates, 415 boys were arrested by police by the time they reached 20 years of age. Rate of delinquency was 6. 7%.<BR>II. Rate of delinquency i) by sccial class ii) by educational attainment and iii) by school achievement in J.H.S. are shown in Tables 1, 2, and 3. i) Larger per cent of boys from bluecollar families than from white collar families have records of delinquency. ii) Higher the educational attainment of boys the less likely they have delinquent records. iii) The lower the school achievement of boys in J. H. S., the more likely they have delinquent records.<BR>III. Figures 1, 2, and 3 show the interrelationships i) between sccial origin (S. O) and educational attainment (E. A) and delinquency (D)., ii) betweend S. O and school achievement (S. A) and D., iii) between E. A S. A and D. i) Difference of delinquent rate (d. r) by E.A within the same S.0 is larger then by S. O within same E. A. ii) Difference of d.r. by S. A within same S. O is larger than by S. O within same S. A. iii) Difference of d.r. by S.A within same E. A is larger than by E. A. within same S. A.<BR>IV. Figures 4 indicates associations of each pair in terms of coefficient. S. O-D: 0.10, E. A-D: O. 17, and S. A-D: O. 22, S. O -E.A: 0.45, S. O-S. A: 0.23 and E A-S. A: 0.55.
田中 芳明 石井 信二 浅桐 公男 深堀 優 七種 伸行 橋詰 直樹 吉田 索 小松崎 尚子 升井 大介 東舘 成希 八木 実
一般社団法人 日本静脈経腸栄養学会
日本静脈経腸栄養学会雑誌 (ISSN:21890161)
vol.31, no.1, pp.3-12, 2016 (Released:2016-02-27)

酸化ストレスは、炎症や感染などを契機として、抗酸化酵素などの体内抗酸化システムや摂取された抗酸化物質による消去を上回って体内で過剰に生成された活性酸素種による酸化損傷力として認識される。即ち、生体内の活性酸素生成系の亢進や、消去系(抗酸化システム)の低下により引き起こされる。酸化ストレスによって生体膜、生体内分子の酸化傷害に起因した臓器障害が進行し、多くの疾病の発症、増悪の原因となることが注目されている。近年、フリーラジカルの捕捉、安定化に寄与する CoQ10やカテキンなどの抗酸化物質、さらには n-3系多価不飽和脂肪酸などの脂質や亜鉛やセレン、クロム等の微量元素、短鎖脂肪酸である酪酸などが NF-κBの活性化を抑制して、炎症反応を制御することが明らかにされてきた。酸化ストレスと抗酸化療法に関して概略する。

10 0 0 0 OA 史籍集覧

近藤瓶城 編
vol.第2冊, 1906
百島 則幸
富山大学水素同位体科学研究センター研究報告 = Annual Report of Hydrogen Isotope Research Center, Toyama University (ISSN:09168486)
vol.20, pp.1-10, 2000

Environmental tritium was first observed in a helium fraction at a liquid air production facility in Germany in 1949. During the 1950s and early 1960s, huge amounts of artificial tritium were released into the atmosphere by nuclear testing. The environmental tritium level increased to more than 200 times the natural tritium level. Since the signing of a test ban treaty in 1963, the environmental tritium level has decreased, and analysis of recent Japanese rain samples has shown that the environmental tritium level is close to that before the nuclear testing. Tritium released from nuclear bombs into the atmosphere has been used as a global-scale tracer in studies on water mass movement in the ocean, groundwater flow and atmospheric air mass movement. Useful and valuable results have been obtained in those studies. In the atmosphere, tritium exists in three different chemical forms: hydrogen (HT), water vapor (HTO) and hydrocarbons (CH3T). The concentration of HT the highest, followed by those of CH3T and HTO. The most interesting feature of these chemical species is their significantly different specific activities. HT has 106 TU, CH3T has 104 TU and HTO has 10 TU, suggesting that HT and CH3T have been released from nuclear facilities. Vegetation is sensitively responds to a change in environmental HTO level by rapid exchange of water molecules between leaf water and atmospheric water vapor. HTO vapor released into the air slowly contaminates soil water. A nuclear fusion facility is planed to use a large quantity of tritium that is comparable to natural tritium on the earth, indicating the necessity to maintain tritium in a nuclear fusion facility and the necessity to carefully monitor the environmental tritium level.
田中 司朗
計量生物学 (ISSN:09184430)
vol.40, no.1, pp.35-62, 2019-08-01 (Released:2019-09-18)

A central problem in medical research is how to make inferences about the causal effects of treatments or exposures. In this article, we review fundamental concepts for making such inferences in randomized clinical trials or observational studies. The statistical framework consists of potential outcomes, an assignment mechanism, and probability distributions. Randomization-based and model-based methods of statistical inference are illustrated with a series of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) clinical trials, which are thought-provoking in that each trial used different assignment mechanisms.
高島 良正
公益社団法人 日本アイソトープ協会
vol.40, no.12, pp.520-530, 1991-12-15 (Released:2010-07-21)
11 9