倉石 一郎
一般社団法人 日本教育学会
教育学研究 (ISSN:03873161)
vol.85, no.2, pp.150-161, 2018-06-30 (Released:2018-10-17)

坂部 知平
日本結晶学会誌 (ISSN:03694585)
vol.61, no.2, pp.138-140, 2019-05-31 (Released:2019-06-05)
杉尾 邦江
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.58, no.5, pp.45-48, 1994-03-31 (Released:2011-07-19)

イギリスの福祉国家としての近代的国家機構の創出に深く係わったベンサムは、政治, 経済, 社会, 法改革を先導したのみならず, 功利の原理「最大幸福原理」やパノプチコンのアイデア等によってイギリスの公園運動を刺激し, 公園の成立に大きな影響を与えた。またベンサムの間接的立法論で提案された犯罪予防の政策は公園原理の萌芽とみることができ, 更には, パノプチコンの構想はラウドンの多目的グリーンベルトに影響を与えたと考えられる。
宇田川 洋
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.107, pp.217-249, 2003-03-31

H. WATANABE (1992) reported that if it can put the history of chashi upon the history of treasure, it will be enlightend a way to understand the social meaning of chashi through the relation of the social structure between the chashi and the treasure. And he considerd so that the treasures are inducements or a purpose of the struggle, both the treasures and chashi are the constructed element of “battle complex” in aynu.In this paper, I consider the prestige goods or the ikor such as treasures that are the sword, the lacquer ware and the tamasay (the necklace consisting of glass balls) and so on, from Satsumon period to Modern Age.K. YAMAURA (2000) introduced the trade as action at a distance by C. Renfrew. It is from Mode 1, the direct approach, to Mode 10, the trade at the barter port. And he arrived at the conclusion that there is Mode 4 in Epi-Jomon period and Mode 8 or 9 in Satsumon period. At present, this study of the prestige goods or the ikor such as treasures will give the data for searching the trade as action at a distance in aynu society.The materials of Satsumon Culture (Fig.3)There are some bronze bowls excavated at Biratori Town, Eniwa City and Kushiro City in Hokkaido from about 10th century to 12th century. In these materials, Sahari-bowls from so-called Korea Peninsula are including. And a bronze mirror, Koshu(Hu-zhou)-kyo, found at Zaimokucho 5 site in Kushiro City from Sekko-sho (Chekiang) in China, it may be 12th century. These kind of remains are of Continental origin. Another special material is laquered bowls from Honshu found in Sapporo City and Kushsiro City from 10th century to 13th century. In Yoichi Town, two bronze bells (taku) produced from China are found in a grave pit. And so two bronze portions of belt (katai-kanagu) are found in same Yoichi Town, these goods may be from Honshu.The materials of Okhotsk Culture (Fig.4)It is a well-known fact that the iron and bronze artifacts from Mohe or Tongren Culture and Jurchen Culture in the basin of the Amur River and the Maritime Province of Siberia are found in Okhotsk Culture. There are the bronze portions of belt, the bronze, copper and tin bells (taku and suzu) and iron halberds and so on found in Eshashi Town, Tokoro Town, Abashiri City, Nakashibetsu Town and Nemuro City.The peoples of Okhotsk Culture obtained some remains from Honshu as well as many metal artifacts from of Continental origin. For example, the Warabite-tou which is the sword with bracken like handle, are found in Esashi Town, Abashiri City, Tokoro Town and Rausu Town.The materials of so-called Middle Age and Modern Age (Fig.6~12)Figs.6 and 7 are the Japanese helmets made of iron and bronze found in Rumoi City, Fukagawa City, Biratori Town, Sapporo City, Kushiro City, Rikubetsu Town, Shizunai Town and Atsuma Town. The end of hoe-like materials (kuwasaki) made of iron and copper are Figs.8 and 9 found in Kuriyama Town, Shakotan Town, Yakumo Town, Sapporo City, Shizunai Town and Biratori Town and so on. It was recorded in the old documents of Edo era that these artifacts were the treasure named kira-us tomikamui, the god of treasure with horn, in aynu society.Another archaeological remains are the bronze mirrors showed Figs.10 and 11. Most of the mirrors are excavated from the grave pits of the Middle Age, and the greater part of the mirrors are made of Japan origin. Whenever the dress up time, aynu women wear the tamasay, the necklace consisting of glass balls, and the sitoki, the mirror or the disk made of metal hanging down the lower end of the tamasay. That is a matter of cource the tamasay and the sitoki are the treasures in aynu society. In referred to the Fig.11-16~18, the brass or bronze disks like the sitoki are found from the aynu grave pits in Akan Town, Setana Town and Nemuro City.Besides, the special artifacts at least I regard them as the prestige goods are found. For example, Fig.11-20~31 found in Tokoro Town, Biratori Town and Chitose City are the iron coil-like remains which are probably from of northern peoples origin like as shaman's belt. Fig.11-32~34 found in Biratori and Tokoro Town are the small bronze portions and the origin may be Mohe and Jurchen Culture in Siberia. In these bronze portions, a example of Fig.11-34 found in Tokoro Town belongs to Okhotsk Culture.Fig.12 is the white porcelains of Honshu origin which were excavated at Katsuyama-date site in Kaminokuni Town. The symbolic mark is notched out of the bottom of these plates that resemble closely the mark of itokpa, the mark of ancestor, or the mark of sirosi, the sign of owner, in aynu society. The aynu peoples have been living in the Katsuyama-date may think these porcelains as the prestige goods.Concerning the trade of archaeological materials, a lot of the prestige goods or the ikor such as treasures excavated at Menashidomari site in Eshashi Town of Okhotsk Culture, Moyoro site in Abashiri City of Okhotsk Culture and Ohkawa site in Yoichi Town of Satsumon Culture, Middle Age and Modern Age. So these three archaeological sites may be main barter ports of trade from Satsumon period to Modern Age.In this connection, we can find that the prestige goods are placed on chashi in the old documents of Edo era, and around the ikor many plunderer exist in aynu legends. For example, the name of topattumi (a thief), ikasitumi (a group robbers) and ikkatumi (a ruffian) appear at the main area of Hidaka, Tokachi, Kushiro and Nemuro district. Thus, it can be said that there is a possibility that a study of the prestige goods or the ikor make clear the process of a formation of the Aynu culture. We should treat these archaeological remains more carefully.
大村 彰道 撫尾 知信 樋口 一辰
一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.28, no.3, pp.174-182, 1980-09-30 (Released:2013-02-19)

To investigate the relationships between content structure of prose and information processing abilities, one group of 61 college students read passages with lots of words explicitly describing conjunctive relations among sentences and some other 61 students read passages with few such words. A memory test, a vocabulary test and an inference test Were administered to measure the relevant abilities. An immediate cued recall, a delayed cued recall and a delayed free recall were measured as dependent variables. Results strongly suggest the existence of a disordinal interaction between passage type and inference ability. That is, a number of connectives stating explicitly conjunctive relations among sentences influenced the understanding and retention of content differentially according to the reader's inference ability. Implications of this aptitude-treatment interaction to education were discussed.
荒川 清秀
中国21 = China21 (ISSN:13428241)
no.6, pp.237-254, 1999-05-31
田中 康平 Darla K. Zelenitsky François Therrien 小林 快次
日本鳥学会誌 (ISSN:0913400X)
vol.67, no.1, pp.25-40, 2018 (Released:2018-05-11)

宮田 真也
化石 (ISSN:00229202)
vol.105, pp.9-20, 2019-03-30 (Released:2019-04-17)

Quaternary freshwater fish fossils are significant to consider the biogeographical history and evolution of Recent and Neogene freshwater fishes. In the present study, previous studies of Quaternary freshwater fish fossils from Japan are reviewed with the updated geological datum of each fossil bed. In Japan, Pleistocene sediments (e.g. Kobiwako Group) have yielded many pharyngeal teeth of cyprinids as well as spines and bones of siluriformes, which contribute to paleobiogeographical and histological studies of these taxa, although the fossils are fragments. Fish fossils from the Miyajima Formation of Tochigi and the Nogami Formation of Oita could possibly be utilized to calibrate molecular clocks of molecular phylogenetics, because these can be identified at the species level based on the articulated and well-preserved fossil specimens. Studies of fish bones and scales from shell mound remains of the Jomon period revealed the existence of extinct cyprinid groups of present Japan and regional extinction during the Holocene time in Japan. These studies are important to discuss the relationships between the transition of fish fauna and human activities.
酒本 隆太 ホ エルデン 市川 佳彦
2019年度 人工知能学会全国大会(第33回)

本研究ではビットコインにとってのヘッジとSafe Haven資産を分析する。ビットコインはその高い変動性から近年大きな注目は集めている。ファイナンス研究としてはその代替資産としての性質に注目が集まっており、株や債券のリスクを分散するためにビットコインを利用するという前提でのアプローチが取られている。一方、本研究ではビットコイン投資家の立場を取り、どのようにビットコインのリスクをコントロールすればよいかという点に焦点を当てる。我々は厳密なヘッジ、Safe Havenの定義を用いて、さらに弱いヘッジとSafe Havenと強いヘッジとSafe Havenも区別する。本研究の分析では国際株式や国際債券といった伝統的な資産はビットコインにとって、弱いヘッジ資産となることがわかった。さらにビットコイン相場の下落時には金が強いヘッジ資産となることがわかったが、その数字的なインパクトは限定的なものとなった。我々の長期、あるいはビットコインの下落時に強いSafe Havenとなる資産は存在しなかった。これはビットコイン投資家にとっての下落相場でリスクマネジメントすることの難しさを示唆する。
井上 清子 吉田 敦子
教育学部紀要 = Annual Report of The Faculty of Education (ISSN:03882144)
vol.42, pp.19-26, 2008-12-01

本研究では,ソーシャル・スキルという観点からの児童理解や指導のための一助とするために,児童のソーシャル・スキルの性差を中心とした発達について明らかにすることを目的とした.公立小学校2 校の小学2 年生から6 年生を対象として質問紙調査を行い,706 名(男子350 名,女子356 名)を分析対象とした.その結果,配慮のスキル・関わりのスキルとも,有意に女子の方が高かった.配慮のスキルについては,小学2 年生の時点ですでに女子の方が高く,その後も女子の方が高いスキルを持ち続けていることが示唆された.関わりのスキルについては,配慮のスキルほど,はっきりした性差はみられなかった.男子では,配慮のスキル・関わりのスキルとも,学年群があがることによる有意な変化は見られなかった.女子では,学年群があがるに従って,配慮のスキル・関わりのスキルとも下がる傾向があり,特に高学年では,低・中学年に比べて有意に低かった.
三宅 なほみ 大島 純 益川 弘如
一般社団法人 日本科学教育学会
科学教育研究 (ISSN:03864553)
vol.38, no.2, pp.43-53, 2014 (Released:2014-09-11)

This manuscript aims to introduce a discipline called the learning sciences to readers of this journal. Naomi Miyake spent years in the graduate program at UC San Diego in 1980s, was involved in the emergence of cognitive science and has expanded her basic research toward classroom practices. Jun Oshima spent years in 1990s as a graduate student at the University of Toronto to work on how computers can support students’ knowledge building in the classroom and has continued lesson studies in Japan. The two researchers had three meetings to talk about their research field. Their conversation was structured as a story line by Hiroyuki Masukawa. First, it starts with Miyake’s talk about how the cognitive science emerged and came to be related to the learning sciences. Second, Oshima describes his experience to be in the vortex of the emergence of the learning sciences and research projects in the 90s. Third, the talk continues to discuss more deeply a disciplinary issue of how we treat human learning in the learning sciences. Finally, we wrap up our talk by summarizing the future of this discipline and how we will approach collaboration with practitioners and other stakeholders in education.
稲橋 正明
Brewing Society of Japan
日本醸造協会誌 (ISSN:09147314)
vol.111, no.1, pp.14-21, 2016 (Released:2018-05-28)

足立 厚子 大塚 晴彦 山野 希 濵岡 大 井上 友介 一角 直行
pp.170-172, 2019-04-10

summary第二子出産後,初めての夫との性交渉後に顔面浮腫,呼吸苦などのアレルギー症状を起こした29歳女性を経験した.夫が採取した精液を遠心分離して得た精漿希釈液を用いたプリックテストが陽性を示し,ヒト精漿アレルギーと診断した.血清特異的IgEでは,ヒト精漿とともに,イヌ上皮にも陽性を示し,イヌアレルゲンコンポーネントでは,r Can f 5(アルギニンキナーゼ,prostatic kallikrein)が高値で,r Can f 1,r Can f 2,r Can f 3は陰性であった.牡イヌ上皮中のCan f 5に感作された場合,その交差反応により,ヒト精漿アレルギーが発症するとの報告がある.自験例は第二子出産前後に里帰りした実家で飼育されていた牡イヌに接触して,イヌ上皮中のCan f 5に感作され,出産前までは無症状であったが,出産後初めての夫との性交渉時にヒト精漿アレルギーを起こしたと考えた.性交渉時のコンドーム使用にて症状の再発はない.