Yinhua Ni Tao Wu Luna Yang Yang Xu Tsuguhito Ota Zhengwei Fu
The Japan Endocrine Society
Endocrine Journal (ISSN:09188959)
pp.EJ17-0500, (Released:2018-03-10)

Oxidative stress caused free radical and mitochondrial damage plays a critical role in the progression of aging and age-related damage at the cellular and tissue levels. Antioxidant supplementation has received growing attention and the effects of antioxidant on aging are increasingly assessed in both animal and human studies. However, additional and more promising treatments that contribute to the expansion of anti-aging therapies are needed. Astaxanthin, a super antioxidant carotenoid and free radical scavenger, inhibits lipid peroxidation more potently than vitamin E. In the present study, we investigated the preventative effects of astaxanthin on aging using an accelerated aging model: mice chronically treated with a combination of D-galactose and jet lag. After 6 weeks of treatment, astaxanthin administration tended to protect the liver weight loss in aged mice. It is probably by upregulating the mRNA expression of galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase, which contribute to the enhancement of D-galactose metabolism. Astaxanthin supplementation also improved muscle endurance of aged mice in a swimming test. These results were associated with reduced oxidative stress in serum and increased anti-oxidative enzymes activities and mRNA expression in vivo. Moreover, astaxanthin reversed the dysregulation of aging-related gene expression caused by the combination of D-galactose and jet lag in the liver and kidney of mice. In conclusion, astaxanthin prevents liver weight loss, ameliorates locomotive muscular function, exerts significant anti-aging effects by reducing oxidative stress and improving the expression of age-related genes in D-galactose and jet lag-induced aging model.
中川 貴之 南 雅文

斉藤 理 渡部 史之
山口県立大学学術情報 (ISSN:21894825)
vol.10, pp.41-54, 2017-02-28

There are many cultural assets in Yamaguchi prefecture at present, but much of them after the Edo Period aren't investigated sufficiently yet. Therefore it's necessary to investigate those cultural assets and know the contents to understand history in Yamaguchi prefecture and culture more deeply. Kinashi Seiichiro, from Yamaguchi prefecture, was a military personnel, an officer of a government and a politician from the late Edo Period to Meiji Period. This papen is the part of the research result of the cultural assets transmitted to offspring's house of him. The investigation is still continuing and through this analysis we could show some new historic interpretation of Mr. kinashi. We also expect that we can grow interest in preservation of the cultural assets in Yamaguchi prefecture through these investigations.
福永 淳
公益社団法人 日本皮膚科学会
日本皮膚科学会雑誌 (ISSN:0021499X)
vol.127, no.8, pp.1745-1750, 2017

<p>コリン性蕁麻疹は運動や緊張などの発汗刺激に伴い発症する刺激誘発型の蕁麻疹である.日中の活動時を中心に,発汗に伴いそう痒やチクチクとした刺激感を伴った小型の点状の膨疹,紅斑が出現する.まれにアナフィラキシーや血管性浮腫などの重篤な症状を呈することもある.コリン性蕁麻疹にはその病因,臨床的特徴からいくつかのサブタイプがあることが知られてきている.コリン性蕁麻疹の病因には,ヒスタミン・アセチルコリン・汗アレルギー・血清因子・発汗異常などが関与し,各サブタイプによって病因は異なると推定されている.発汗低下を合併する減汗性コリン性蕁麻疹はAcquired idiopathic generalized anhidrosis(AIGA)と同一スペクトラムの疾患であり,治療法が他のサブタイプと大きく異なるために鑑別診断が重要である.コリン性蕁麻疹類似の皮疹を呈するその他の疾患についても解説する.</p>
山本 雄二
関西大学社会学部紀要 (ISSN:02876817)
vol.38, no.3, pp.149-167, 2007-03-30

学部共同研究費 20040401-20050331Kansai University Grant-in-Aid for the Faculty Joint Research Program 20040401-20050331〈成熟〉概念の社会学的研究(分担執筆)
山下 清海
地理空間 (ISSN:18829872)
vol.2, no.1, pp.32-50, 2009 (Released:2018-04-12)

本研究は,インドの華人社会の地域的特色について考察するとともに,コルカタのチャイナタウンの現状を記述・分析することを目的とした。インドの華人は,イギリス植民地時代の首都であったコルカタに集中してきた。広東省籍が最も多く,特に客家人が最大多数を占め,彼らの経済活動は皮革業と靴製造業に特化してきた。1962 年に発生した中印国境紛争に伴う両国の関係悪化により,海外へ「再移民」する華人が増加し,華人社会は衰退し,今日に至っている。インドにおいてチャイナタウンが唯一存在するコルカタには2つのチャイナタウンがある。ティレッタ・バザール地区は衰退しているが,中印国境紛争までは繁栄し,その名残として,会館,廟,華文学校などの華人の伝統的な施設が集中している。一方,タングラ地区は,近年の皮革業の衰退により,皮革工場から中国料理店への転換が著しく,今日では中国料理店集中地区となっている。
遠藤 光一
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
土木史研究 (ISSN:09167293)
vol.17, pp.221-226, 1997

二級河川夏井川の中流部に位置する磐域小川江筋取水堰 (福島県いわき市) は1654 (慶安4) 年に築造され、河川の曲線部で平面的には斜形、縦断的に多段式、構造的に木工沈床という国内に現存する数少ない大規摸な「斜め堰」であり、歴史的にも最も古いものである。これをケーススタディーとして、史料や「斜め堰」の類似例 (第十堰吉野川 (1752) 年、山田堰筑後川 (1790) 年) から河川工学的に比較評価し、流れを見極め、流れに逆らわない河川構造物の設計視点を提言したい。
Ji-Hyun Lee Sangyong Lee SeokJoo Choi Yoon-Hee Choi Kwansub Lee
The Society of Physical Therapy Science
Journal of Physical Therapy Science (ISSN:09155287)
vol.29, no.3, pp.536-538, 2017 (Released:2017-03-22)
1 22

[Purpose] The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of extracorporeal shock wave therapy on the pain and function of patients with degenerative knee arthritis. [Subjects and Methods] Twenty patients with degenerative knee arthritis were divided into a conservative physical therapy group (n=10) and an extracorporeal shock wave therapy group (n=10). Both groups received general conservative physical therapy, and the extracorporeal shock wave therapy was additionally treated with extracorporeal shock wave therapy after receiving conservative physical therapy. Both groups were treated three times a week over a four-week period. The visual analogue scale was used to evaluate pain in the knee joints of the subjects, and the Korean Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index was used to evaluate the function of the subjects. [Results] The comparison of the visual analogue scale and Korean Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index scores within each group before and after the treatment showed statistically significant declines in scores in both the conservative physical therapy group and extracorporeal shock wave therapy group. A group comparison after the treatment showed statistically significant differences in these scores in the extracorporeal shock wave therapy group and the conservative physical therapy group. [Conclusion] extracorporeal shock wave therapy may be a useful nonsurgical intervention for reducing the pain of patients with degenerative knee arthritis and improving these patients’ function.
東洋学報 / The Toyo Gakuho
vol.90, no.1, pp.86-112, 2008-06

Ottoman historians often claimed the existence of a close relationship between the Ottoman Empire and the Seljuk Dynasty, although no reliable contemporary source can show this relationship to be based on historical fact. Nevertheless, these accounts of such a relationship were of value because they provided legitimacy for Ottoman empire rule. The purpose of this article is to investigate how the Ottoman historians of the 15th and 16th centuries went about narrating this pseudo-genealogical relationship.During the 15th century, Ottoman historians stressed the Oğuz origins common to the Ottoman Empire and Seljuk Dynasty (see Yazıcıoğlu, Kemâl and Neşrî), and even invented a marriage between the Ottoman ancestor and the Seljuk royal family (see Enverî, Râdvûn and Ebû'l-heyr). These accounts worked as a means of legitimizing Ottoman rule in 15th century Anatolia, where many Turkish emirates claimed to be successors of the Seljuks.However, the narrative concerning the Seljuks drastically changed during the 16th century, with no Ottoman historian writing about the above-mentioned marriage and only a few (Bitlîsî, Nasûh and Lokmân) regarding the Seljuk Dynasty as Oğuz in origin. The most popularly supported non-Oğuz origin was Afrasiyab, the legendary Turkish king of Shāhnāme (see Bitlîsî, Küçük Nişancı and Lokmân), who was generally favored among such Persian historians as Mustawfī. Another possible ancestor was the Prophet Abraham (see Zaʻîm, Abû'l-ʻAbbâs), although no non-Ottoman historian ever mentioned any Abrahamic origins regarding the Seljuks. Some of the sources argued that the Turks originated from Abraham, however(see Jāhiz, Ibn ʻInaba).The author concludes from this examination that the change of narrative between the two centuries in question was caused by two factors: the political situation and historiographical trends. During the 16th century, the legitimizing force of the Seljuks was deemphasized, as the Ottoman Empire developed beyond the former territories of the Rum Seljuks and came under the stronger influence of Persian historiography.
田中 真秀
日本教育行政学会年報 (ISSN:09198393)
vol.36, pp.141-157, 2010-10-01 (Released:2018-01-09)

This paper aims to examine the differences of teacher salaries in public compulsory education schools among prefectures. Two research questions were exmined : 1) What is and entry level teacher's salary prescribed by prefectures for 2007 to 2009? and 2) Can the answer to the first question hold true for the years from 2001? With these questions in mind, the paper discusses the meaning of the differences of teacher salaries among prefectures through a comparison of entry level salaries of teachers with those of general administrative officers among 47 prefectures from 2001 to 2009. The following results were obtained : First, teacher salaries are linked to general administrative officer's salaries. The general administrative officer's salary is determined by ordinance on the basis of city personal authority's advice and city councils ratification based on the price index and the pay level of private companies in each prefecture. Second, this relationship did not change, even when the rate of national grants to compulsory education was reduced from 1/2 to 1/3. Therefore, it seems reasonable to conclude that the main cause of the difference of teacher salaries among prefectures is the public finance circumstance in each prefecture and that the difference does not expand if the rate of national grants to compulsory education was reduced.
Tomoaki Iwasaki Toshiya Nishibe Yumiko Ohya Shigeru Inoue Hitoshi Ogino
The Editorial Committee of Annals of Vascular Diseases
Annals of Vascular Diseases (ISSN:1881641X)
vol.11, no.1, pp.96-100, 2018-03-25 (Released:2018-03-25)

Background: Recently, reduced serum levels of ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) including docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), have been focused upon as newly recognized risk factors for peripheral artery disease (PAD). The present study investigated the association between disease location and serum levels of ω-3 PUFAs in patients with PAD.Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the data of patients at Tokyo Medical University between August 2011 and November 2015. The subjects included 98 patients who were categorized into two groups: those with (n=72) and without infrainguinal lesions (n=26).Results: Univariate analysis revealed that low ankle–brachial pressure index (ABI) values, low EPA levels, low DHA levels, low triglyceride levels, and diabetes mellitus were significant risk factors for infrainguinal lesions. Multivariate analysis indicated that low ABI values [p=0.018; odds ratio, 0.043; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.003–0.579] and low DHA levels (p=0.003; odds ratio, 0.986; 95%CI, 0.977–0.995) were significant independent risk factors for infrainguinal lesions.Conclusion: Our study demonstrated that reduced serum level of DHA may underlie the presence of infrainguinal lesions in patients with PAD.
鈴木 ひとみ 山本 昭
一般社団法人 情報科学技術協会
情報プロフェッショナルシンポジウム予稿集 第6回情報プロフェッショナルシンポジウム
pp.105-109, 2009 (Released:2009-10-01)
